Montana State Legislature
Department of Public Health & Human Services
The Department of Public Health & Human Services (DPHHS) mission is: Improving and protecting the health, well-being and self-reliance of all Montanans.
Services administered by DPHHS include: public assistance, Medicaid, child welfare, foster care and adoption, nursing home licensing, long term care, aging services, alcohol and drug abuse programs, mental health services, vocational rehabilitation, disability services, child support enforcement activities, and public health functions (such as communicable disease control and preservation of public health through chronic disease prevention).
The department is also responsible for all state facilities except correctional institutions. DPHHS facilities include: Montana State Hospital, Warm Springs; Montana Mental Health Nursing Care Center, Lewistown; Montana Chemical Dependency Center, Butte; Eastern Montana Veterans' Home, Glendive; Montana Veterans' Home, Columbia Falls; and the Montana Developmental Center, Boulder.
DPHHS administers programs by contracting with providers and in some cases through direct provision of services. Most Medicaid, Healthy Montana Kids (HMK), child care, and other services that directly benefit low income individuals are delivered by contractors enrolled in provider networks with DPHHS. Other services, such as low-income energy assistance, out-of-home foster care, and development and maintenance of larger computer systems, are provided by businesses that contract with the department.
Foster care services are largely provided by families who contract with DPHHS. Some DPHHS programs employ staff who provide services directly to clients/consumers including: child and adult protective services; eligibility determination; child support enforcement and collection; and some case management functions. In addition, DPHHS operates six state facilities that provide medical care to individuals.
Below is an organizational chart of the branch, including full-time employee (FTE) numbers, HB 2 base general fund appropriations, and the total of all funds. Unless otherwise noted all phone extensions are preceded by (406) 444.
This report includes a series of charts that compare expenditure growth to the growth in the economy and growth in inflation adjusted for population. Montana statute, 17-8-106, MCA, recommends using growth in personal income for comparison purposes. Personal income is a measure for growth in the economy.
Comparing growth allows financial planners to consider past and future demands in services or changes in revenues.
The following policy actions and caseload shifts contributed to significant changes in DPHHS expenditures in the 2002-2018 period:
1999: The Children’s’ Health Insurance Program (CHIP) is adopted in Montana, leading to increased HB 2 spending which becomes especially noticeable beginning in 2004
2004: I-149, or the Tobacco Sales Tax Initiative passes. This policy change contributes to state special revenue growth and expanded programming in DPHHS
2006: HB 2 includes provider rate and direct care worker wage increases
2008: Medicaid caseload increases while the state’s FMAP decreases. CHIP continues to expand, along with Big Sky Rx, which adds to the state special revenue growth. SNAP spending increases with the onset of the Great Recession
2009: The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA) dramatically enhances FMAP. Enhanced federal funding continues through 2011
2011: Caseload in the Child and Family Services Division (CFSD) for foster care and related programs starts to climb
2012: ARRA funding ends and the state share of Medicaid increases. Growth in state special revenue expenditures due to children’s mental health services
2013: Medicaid exhibits increased spending on hospital and pharmacy services. Caseload in CFSD continues to rise.
2016: The HELP act increases federal expenditures in the second half of 2016
2017: The vocational rehabilitation program entitlement, HELP expenditures, and CFSD caseload drive higher general fund spending. HELP enrollment exceeds estimates, leading to elevated federal fund expenditures
2018: Special session reductions reduce general fund expenditures, but HELP enrollment continues to drive higher federal fund spending. Enrollment in HELP begins to stabilize in the 95,000 range.
2020-2021: Higher state special revenue expenditures are anticipated due to changes to the Medicaid expansion program.
Legislative Changes
2019 Session
- Renewed Medicaid expansion with several significant changes, including new taxes on healthcare and a 2025 sunset
- Reduced total FTE at DPHHS by a net of 99.46 by removing FTE in positions that had been vacant for more than one year
- Appropriated general fund to provide state match for the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) due to a phased increase in the state matching rate for CHIP
- Appropriated general fund to support programs impacted by an anticipated ongoing shortfall in the Tobacco Health and Medicaid Initiative state special revenue fund
- Created a new reimbursable Medicaid service: peer support services
- Significant revision of the medical marijuana program, including a tax rate increase and limits on purchase and possession
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Legislative Studies
Children, Families, Health and Human Services Interim Committee work
Audit Reports
Financial Compliance Audit - DPHHS - April 2020
HR 1, Resolution to support health care workers
HB 25 Clarify funding for education of children in residential treatment
HB 37, Clarify requirements for the Medicaid medically needy program
HB 38, Establish legislative intent for home and community-based services waivers
HB 39, Provide for continued interim review of child protective services matters
HB 57 and fiscal note, Revise requirements related to child protective services congregate care
HB 60, Clarify terminology used in voluntary child protective services process
HB 61, Eliminate sunset for Title X statutory appropriation
HB 70, Revise state suicide prevention program
HB 78, Require certain employees to report suspected child abuse and neglect
HB 90, Create an emergency protective services hearing in child protective service removals
HB 96, Align organ donor awareness SSR fund with administering agency
HB 121, Require elected official approval of local health board and officer actions
HB 123, revising laws related to local boards of health
HB 137 Generally revise vaping and alternative nicotine products laws
HB 140, Requiring provision of information before the performance of an abortion
HB 145, Allow local boards of health and health officers to issue recommendations
HB 167, Referendum to adopt the Montana Born-Alive Infant Protection Act
HB 208, Establishing requirements related to mental health services for birth mothers
HB 209, Generally revise family laws relating to children and parents
HB 216, Allow Medicaid reimbursement for license outdoor behavioral programs
HB 231, revise laws relating to certificate of need
HB 235, Create nutrition incentive program for SNAP
HB 236, Revise local health board & health officer powers, duties, and penalties
HB 249, Revise laws to regulate marijuana advertising
HB 250, Revise immunization requirements for pharmacists
HB 274, Family preservation act for applied behavior analysis for at-risk families
HB 275, Establish uses of Medicaid waiver funds
HB 296, Establish grant program and other uses of DD general fund appropriation
HB 327, Provide default definitions for covenants limiting the use of real property
HB 328, Provide guidelines for assessing language development in deaf children
HB 334, Revise laws on medical exemption from vaccines
HB 337, Constitutional amendment to define person
HB 339, Require child support cooperation for food stamp eligibility
HB 341, Require Medicaid Appropriations be used only for Medicaid expenditures
HB 343, Revise laws related to dentistry and dental hygiene
HB 344, Revising laws relating to designation of public health facilities
HB 356, Prohibit anonymous reporting of child abuse and neglect cases
HB 360, Revise laws regarding medical record fees
HB 364, Require CPS to share limited information with certain reporters upon request
HB 369, Support school-based prevention programs
HB 388, Establish a Montana Health Crisis Preparedness Program
HB 400, Revise laws related to physician assistants
HB 408, Revise mental health laws
HB 601, Establishing requirements for certain long-term care facilities (DPHHS reporting to Child & Families Committee)
SB 16, Allow minors to consent to emergency shelter and services
SB 17, Clarify minor’s ability to disaffirm contracts for housing is restricted
SB 33, Require 30 day notice before termination of participation in HCBS waiver program
SB 43 and fiscal note, Require administrate rulemaking for substantive changes to HCBS programs
SB 100 Provide for the welfare fraud prevention act
SB 101, Provide for the direct patient care safe harbor act
SB 102, Revise behavioral health licensing laws
SB 103, Revise embryo transfer technician licensing laws
SB 104, Uniform Family Law Arbitration Act
SB 108, Authorize elected official approval of city/county health board rules
SB 155, Provide for equal access to anatomical gifts and organ transplantation
SB 166, Generally revise laws related to licensed addition counselors
SB 167, Remove termination date for medical malpractice related portions of the HELP Act
SB 177, Revise laws regarding clergy reporting child abuse and neglect
SB 218, Revise requirements related to reports on the medical marijuana program
SB 236, Provide transparency in health care pricing
SB 244, Require Medicaid coverage of weight-loss reduction procedures
Gov. Gianforte 2023 Biennium Budget - Public Health & Human Services
2023 Biennium Executive Summary Section B - Public Health & Human Services
LFD & DPHHS Traditional Medicaid Projection
Jan. 7 Budget
- Disability Employment & Transitions
- Human & Community Services Division
- Child & Family Services Division
- Business & Financial Services Division
- Director's Office
- Child Support Services Division
- Public Health & Safety Division
- Quality Assurance Division
- Technology Services Division
- Developmental Services Division
- Health Resources Division
- Medicaid & Health Services Management Division
- Operations Services Division
- Senior & Long Term Care
- Early Childhood and Family Support Division
- Addictive and Mental Disorders Division
Nov. 15 Budget
- 01-Disability Empl & Transitions
- 02-Human & Community Services
- 03-Child and Family Services Division
- 04-Director's Office
- 05-Child Support Services Division
- 06-Business & Financial Services Div.
- 07-Public Health & Safety Div.
- 08-Quality Assurance Division
- 09-Technology Services Division
- 10-Developmental Services Division
- 11-Health Resource Division
- 12-Medicaid & Health Svr Mgt
- 16-Operations Services Division
- 22-Senior & Long-Term Care
- 25-Early Childhood & Family Support Div.
- 33-Addictive & Mental Disorders Div.
Agency profile information provided by the Legislative Fiscal Division.