Montana State Legislature
Department of Revenue
The Department of Revenue (DOR) administers state taxes except for gasoline and motor fuel taxes administered by the Department of Transportation, insurance taxes administered by the State Auditor, and video gaming tax administered by the Department of Justice. DOR administers and enforces Montana’s tax laws, appraises all property subject to state and local property taxes, administers the Montana Alcoholic Beverage Code, enforces the Montana Cigarette Sales Act, and administers abandoned property. The primary statutory references defining duties and responsibilities of DOR are found in 2-15-1301, MCA, 15-1- 201, MCA, and Title 15, MCA.
DOR collects and distributes revenue from and enforces regulations for 40 state taxes and fees through five divisions. It also regulates the sale and distribution of alcoholic beverages in Montana by buying, importing, storing, selling, and delivering liquors to agency liquor stores.
In addition, DOR:
- Administers and enforces Montana’s tax laws
- Appraises all property subject to state and local property taxation
- Administers the Montana Alcoholic Beverage Code
- Enforces the Montana Cigarette Sales Act
- Administers abandoned property
Below is an organizational chart of the office, including full-time employee (FTE) numbers and the HB 2 general fund expenditures and the total expenditures from all funds. Unless otherwise noted, all phone extensions are preceded by (406) 444.
This report includes a series of charts that compare expenditure growth to the growth in the economy and growth in inflation adjusted for population. Montana statute, 17-8-106, MCA, recommends using growth in personal income for comparison purposes. Personal income is a measure for growth in the economy. Comparing growth allows financial planners to consider past and future demands in services or changes in revenues.
In general, all funds growth in total expenditures for the Department of Revenue has been lower than the rate of inflation adjusted for population.
The following list discusses in more detail the inflection points on the charts:
- HB 9 from the May 2007 Special Session provided $0 million in general fund for a property tax refund of up to $400 of the 2006 Montana property taxes paid on principal residences;
- Department of Revenue (DOR) provides revenue distributions to local governments including local assistance for oil and natural gas distributions. The largest component of oil and natural gas distributions is the oil production tax. In FY 2008 distributions for oil production tax increased $51.8 million from $97.9 million in FY 2007 to $149.7 million in FY 2008 due to increased activity in the Bakken oil fields. Subsequently these distributions have declined as oil production in Montana has declined;
- Oil and natural gas production declined between FY 2014 and FY 2016. Oil production taxes distributed to local governments dropped from $96.7 million in FY 2014 to $63 million in FY 2015 and $39.2 million in FY 2016.
- Liquor purchases and freight, licenses and excise taxes, and liquor licensing increase in total by $12 million in FY 2020
General Fund
The annual growth rate for general fund expenditures between FY 2002 and FY 2019 was 2.3%. About 70% of the general fund appropriation in the Department of Revenue is for entitlement share payments to local governments. HB 124, passed during the 2001 Legislative Session, revised laws governing local and state government revenue collection and allocation. The state would assume control of alcohol, vehicle, and gambling taxes as well as district court fees; in return, the state would reimburse local governments for the lost revenue in the form of an entitlement share payment and assume the costs associated with district courts and local welfare offices. In FY 2007, the passage of SB 146 created the Office of the Public Defender (OPD) and the state assumed control of district courts and local welfare office costs. As a result, local governments’ entitlement share payments were slightly decreased to account for the increased costs to the state.
State Special Revenue
State special revenues supports statutory appropriations for local assistance distributed to local and tribal governments including:
- Beer, wine, tobacco, and cigarette taxes
- Oil and natural gas production taxes
- Metal mine taxes
- Bentonite production taxes
Over 80% of the distribution is for oil production taxes in any given year.
It should be noted that between FY 2002 and FY 2009 this also included coal gross proceeds taxes. Changes in statute eliminated this distribution in subsequent years.
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Legislative Studies
Revenue Interim Committee work
Audit Reports
Performance Audit: Tax Increment Financing Administration and Impact - Feb 2018
Financial Compliance Audit - For the two fiscal years ended June 30, 2018
Performance Audit - Short-Term Lodging and Rental Vehicle Taxes - April 2020
HB 191, Revise residential property tax credit for elderly
HB 190, Revise tax rate for golf courses
HB 191, Revise residential property tax credit for elderly
HB 193, Allow unlimited winnings for sports boards
HB 201, Revise prevailing wage district laws and dispatch city designations
HB 203, Revise reporting requirements for third-party settlement
HB 204, Provide tax credit for volunteer first responders
HB 205, Provide tax credit for employers of volunteer first responders
HB 214, Revise distribution of horseracing gambling fees
HB 240, Revise state income tax deduction for certain dependents
SB 133, Revise property tax appeal and tax appeal process
SB 138, Repeal temporary tribal property tax exemption
HB 252, Non-refundable tax credit for employer paid education of trade professions
HB 253, Revise laws related to charitable trusts
HB 259, Revise property and zoning laws
SB 154, Revise collection of delinquent coal gross proceeds taxes
HJ 5, Resolution about federal taxation of guns
HB 261, Constitutional amendment for taxpayer protection act to limit tax types
HB 262, Expand exemptions from collections to include student loans
HB 263, Revise exemption from collection laws
HB 284, Provide living wage
HB 279, Revise laws related to tax credit scholarship and innovative education programs
HB 288, Provide business property tax exemption during state of emergency or disaster
HB 303, Revise business equipment tax laws: BIG Jobs Act
HB 304, Revise definition of community land trusts
HB 298, Revise information included on property valuation statement
SB 190, Establish valid tip pool agreements
SB 159, Personal Income Tax Relief
SB 162, Exempting religious organizations from certain campaign finance laws
SB 181, Corporate Tax Modernization Act
SB 182, Revise laws on state finance, reducing tax rate if conditions met
SB 184, Magnet Act
SB 176, Revise laws related to coal, coal tax, and coal-fired unit remediation
SB 193, Revise appraisal requirement for tax-deed land that did not sell at auction
SB 205, Revise name of state tax appeal board
SB 212, Revise laws related to property tax bills
SB 214, Revise laws related to temporary tribal property tax exemption
HB 372, Eliminate business equipment tax
HB 394, Exempt certain pollution control and carbon capture equipment from property tax
HB 397, Establish workforce housing tax credits
HB 340, Revise the MEDIA Act film tax credits
HB 346, Revise renewable energy laws
HB 357, Revise property tax assistance program inflation adjustment laws
HB 348, Revise film tax credit
HB 363, Provide for tax on digital advertising services
HB 516, Revise property entry laws for property tax valuation purposes
HB 521, Revising property exempt from execution
HB 409, Provide tax credit for purchase of a firearm safe
HB 424, Revise individual income tax laws
HB 431, Revise property tax on intangible personal property
HB 432, Revise property tax exemptions for affordable housing
HB 473, Revise resort tax laws
HB 464, Repeal local option gas tax
SB 262, Revise forest lands taxation advisory committee
SB 263, Revise forest lands property taxes and rates
SB 269, Allow mobile homeowners the option to purchase a mobile home park
HB 525, Revise laws related to alcohol concession agreements
HB 526, Revise county assessor laws
SB 313, Provide for local option tax: Montana Tax Fairness and Rural Revenue Initiative
SB 320, Revise business law pertaining to alcohol delivery
SB 253, Revise state income tax medical care savings account investment options
SB 288, Revise property exemption for agricultural processing facilities
HB 534, Revise microbrewery laws
HB 619, Revise property tax exemptions for certain hospitals
Jan. 7 Budget
Nov. 15 Budget
Agency profile information provided by the Legislative Fiscal Division.