Montana State Legislature

Session Information

Bill Explorer


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68th Session Calendar

Legislative day, bill draft dates, transmittal dates. (Updated 4/25/2023)

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Committee Information

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Session Committees

Session and Joint Select Committees

Legislative Rules Committee


Meeting Archives

Find an archived meeting recording and materials.

Audio/Video Archives


The House and Senate Floor Sessions are scheduled to meet Monday through Friday at 1:00. When bills reach the floor for reading, these agendas will show the orders of business.

House Agenda

Senate Agenda


A variety of generated reports are available. Reports include hearings, committees, bill lists, bill draft requests, and more.

Bill Explorer

Vetoed Bills Polled

Bills Not Signed by Governor

House Floor Votes - NOTE: These files are intended for download. They can then be opened with MS Excel and sorted to meet your need. These files are updated nightly.

Senate Floor Votes - NOTE: These files are intended for download. They can then be opened with MS Excel and sorted to meet your need. These files are updated nightly.

Cumulative Web and Phone Messages From Public

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