Montana State Legislature
2001-2002 Environmental Quality Council
The Environmental Quality Council is a state legislative committee created by the 1971 Montana Environmental Policy Act. As outlined in MEPA, the EQC's purpose is to encourage conditions under which people can coexist with nature in "productive harmony". The Council fulfills this purpose by assisting the Legislature in the development of natural resource and environmental policy, by conducting studies on related issues and by serving in an advisory capacity to the state's natural resource programs.
General Information:
- Membership
- Work Plan
- Minutes
Subcommittee Activities:
- Staff Memos
- Statutory Duties of TAC and the EQC
- Legal Impacts of the Rejection of HB 474
- Property Tax Implications of Initiative 145 to Buy the Dams
- Electricity Markets in the Pacific Northwest
- Montana Electricity Supply and Demand
- Overview of the Universal System Benefits Program 2000
- Electricity: A Primer, Update and Discussion of Options
- Electric Cooperative Structure and Policy Concerns
- Reports
General Information:
- Membership
- Work Plan
- Minutes
Subcommittee Activities:
- Staff Memos
- Reports
- A Guide to the Montana Environmental Policy Act
- A Citizen's Guide to Public Participation in Environmental Decisionmaking
General Information:
- Membership
- Work Plan
- Minutes
Subcommittee Activities:
- Assigned Studies
- HJR 27 Oversight of coal bed methane EIS preparation
- Staff Memos
- Reports
- A Guide to Montana Water Quality Regulation (2002)
- Coal Bed Methane and Water Policy in Montana (2002)
- A Guide to the Montana Environmental Policy Act (2002)
- Electricity Law Handbook (2002)
- Final Status of Natural Resource Legislation in the 57th Montana Legislature (2001)
- Montana Index of Environmental Permits, 13th edition/printing (2002)
- 2003 Draft Legislation
- 2003 Legislative Summaries