Montana State Legislature
2003-2004 Environmental Quality Council
The Environmental Quality Council is a state legislative committee created by the 1971 Montana Environmental Policy Act. As outlined in MEPA, the EQC's purpose is to encourage conditions under which people can coexist with nature in "productive harmony". The Council fulfills this purpose by assisting the Legislature in the development of natural resource and environmental policy, by conducting studies on related issues and by serving in an advisory capacity to the state's natural resource programs.
- Work Plan
- 2003-2004 Draft Calendar
- Reports
- Montana Environmental Policy Act
- Minutes
- June 16 and 17, 2003
- October 8 and 9, 2003
- January 14 and 15, 2004
- March 9 and 10, 2004
- May 13, 2004
- June 7, 2004 Adjudication Funding Working Group minutes
- July 19, 2004
- July 20, 2004
- August 12, 2004 Adjudication Funding Working Group minutes
- September 13-14, 2004
- January 6, 2005
Subcommittee Activities:
- Assigned Studies
- Staff Memos
- Publications
- State Agency Monitoring
- Legislation
- Rule Review
- Final Work Plan
- Minutes
Subcommittee Activities:
- Assigned Studies
- Staff Memos
- Reports
- Understanding Electricity in Montana
- Introduction
- Glossary
- Summary
- Chapter I: Electricity Supply and Demand in Montana
- Chapter I Tables
- Service Territory Maps
- Chapter II: Montana Electric Transmission Grid
- Chapter III: Natural Gas in Montana
- Chapter III Tables
- Chapter IV: Coal in Montana
- Chapter IV Tables
- Chapter V: Petroleum in Montana
- Chapter V Tables
- 2005 Draft Legislation
- Assigned Studies
- Staff Memos
Coal Bed Methane and Total Maximum Daily Loads HJR 4 Water Management Study- Montana's Water — Where is it? Who can use it? Who decides?
- Executive Branch Agency Information Available Regarding Water Policy Issues Raised in HJR 4
- Review and Evaluation of Water Storage Policy
- Water Banking
- Water Supply and Distribution
- Ground Water and Surface Water Hydrology
- Metal Mine Bonding in Montana: Status and Policy Considerations
- Zortman and Landusky Mines: Water Quality Impacts
- Metal Mine Reclamation Act -- Changes Since 2000
- Status of Mines Using or That Have Used Cyanide
- Water Court proposed rules
- Chronology of Water Adjudication Process
Appendix A: Discussion of McCarran amendment - Comparison of Montana and Idaho Water Law
- Explanation of Term "On Motion"
- Prioritization of Basins and Subbasins
- Water Adjudication Program Funding
- DNRC and Water Court Adjudication and Enforcement Presentation
- Variable Beneficial Use Fee for Funding Water Adjudication
- Legal Implications of Water Adjudication Fee
- Less Than 20 Water Rights By Purpose
- Revenue Needed for 15 Year Completion
- Fee on Water Rights - Funding Matrix
- Timeline Associated With Funding Bill LC 395