Montana State Legislature
2007-2008 Education and Local Government Committee
The Education and Local Government (ELG) Interim Committee is a joint bipartisan committee of the legislature that meets between legislative sessions. The ELG's statutory duties include review of proposed administrative rules and draft legislation, as well as completing any studies assigned to it. They also entail monitoring the operations of, and providing information to, the State Board of Education, Board of Public Education, Board of Regents of Higher Education, and the Office of Public Instruction. Lastly, the ELG acts as a liaison with local governments, providing an important forum for discussion of strong, effective governance at the community and county level.
HJR 22 study - Payback and Incentive for Dental Students
HB 49 study - Study local government special purpose districts
ELG Committee Staff Reports
HB 49 Subcommittee: An interim study of local government special purpose districts, September 2008
Local Government-related Legislation Enacted During 2007 Session
Questions re: Distance Learning
Hathaway Headcounts and Costs Spreadsheet
Rationale for combining education AND local government
Montana student financial aid portfolio
Mailing cover, K-12, May 29, 2008
Mailing cover K-12 June 2, 2008
Mailing cover Full ELG May 29, 2008
Mailing cover Full ELG, June 2, 2008
Mailing cover K-12, September 25, 2008
Education and Local Government Letter to Board of Regents requesting dental slots
Other Readings
Montana BPE Positions on Public School Funding and Structure, 2002-2005, by Kirk J. Miller, Ed.D.
District Spending: Dollars and Percentage
Efficienciesfrom other states ESAs
Hathaway Success Curriculum
HB124, Montana Legislature 2005
Oregon Health Plan - OEBB
Oregon Health Plan SB 426
OPI Administrative Data
SAM Administrative Data
Distance Learning- Dean Sheehy Moe
Hathaway Scholarship Plan
Test Scores: International
Test Scores: ACTs by state
Small Schools Data- Jim Standaert, LFD (Revised 3/13/08)
Oregon Health Plan, June 2008
Performance Measurement Report
Shared Policy Goals: K-20
Bitterroot Valley Community College Joint Resolution
Facilites Inventory Final Report
MQEC Lawsuit Documents
--State's Witnesses
--Governor to Attorney General
--Memo Supporting Complaint
--State Response
--The Complaint
--District Court Decision, May 2008
Proposed Legislation
- LC0151 - Resolution requesting study of community college establishment process
- LC0152 - Provides dental incentive account & dental extension program
- LC0153 - Clarifies the community college establishment process
- LC0154 - Approves the Bitterroot Valley Community College
- LC2345 - Urges K-12 entities to develop shared policy goals and accountability measures
- LC3456 - Urges K-20 entities to develop shared policy goals and accountability measures
- LC9208 - Revises laws relating to local gov't special districts
- LC9209 - Housekeeping legislation re: local gov't special districts
- LC1234 - An Act creating a local government committee and establishing the duties of the committee.
- LC5555 - A Joint Resolution of the Senate and the House of Representatives of the State of Montana requesting an interim study to examine options for improving administrative efficiencies in the public school system.
- LC2222 - Statewide pay schedule for certain teachers and specialists
- LCBook - An Act revising certain provisions of the information access Montana act
HB 49 requires the Education and Local Government committee (ELG) to establish a subcommittee to conduct a study of local government special purpose districts. The study must include a review of current law with regard to special purpose districts, an inventory of existing special purpose districts, and a determination of whether it may be appropriate to consolidate processes for various special purpose districts into one set of statutes. The subcommittee members include legislators and city and county officials.
ELG's presiding officer appoints subcommittee members after considering recommendations from the Montana Association of Counties and the Montana League of Cities and Towns.
Sen. Kim Gillan (chair)
Rep. Gary Branae (vice-chair)
Sen. Rick Laible
Rep. Bill Nooney
City/County Officials:
Mike McGinley, Beaverhead County Commissioner
Paula Robinson, Flathead County Clerk & Recorder
Paulette DeHart, Lewis & Clark County Clerk & Recorder/Treasurer
Shoots Veis, Billings City Councilman
Ed Meece, Livingston City Manager
Marty Rehbein, Missoula City Clerk
Meeting Schedule
No further meetings are scheduled. The subcommittee's work is complete. Clickhere to review the subcommittee's final work report, proposed draft legislation, and related documents.
September 5, 2008
Subcommittee Summary Work Report, as reviewed by the full Education and Local Government Committee. To see the final publication click here.
LC9208: "Uniform Act," as amended and approved by the subcommittee on 9/4/08
LC9209: Revisions to existing special district laws, as amended and approved by the subcommittee on 9/4/08
Comparative Analysis of existing special district laws to the "Uniform Act," conducted by the Montana Association of Counties
September 4, 2008
Time: 1-4:30 p.m. **Updated**
Location: Capitol, Room 350, Helena
Agenda **Updated 8/26/08**
Draft Summary Work Report
Draft Legislation to be considered:
1. LC9208: Uniform Act, updated 8/18/08
2. LC9209: Housekeeping legislation, updated 8/18/08
July 29, 2008
Draft Legislation to be considered:
1. LC9208: Uniform Act, updated 7/3/2008
2. LC9209: Housekeeping legislation, updated 7/3/2008
Map of MSU Campus
Map of Strand Union Building
May 29, 2008
Uniform Act: draft legislation (LC9208)
Alphabetized chart: Summary of existing processes for creating and operating special districts in Montana
December 13, 2007
October 2, 2007
Assigned Study
HB 49 Subcommittee: Special Districts
An interim study of local government special purpose districts
Submitted to the 61st Legislature
PEPB is an interim subcommittee appointed by the Education and Local Government Interim Committee to recommend legislation, conduct program evaluation, and monitor the budgets for the Montana University System and the Office of the Commissioner of Higher Education. For the 2011 Biennium the Education and Local Government Interim Committee opted not to establish the PEPB.
Members of PEPB included bi-partisan representation from the House and Senate, as well as representatives from the Board of Regents, and an appointee by the executive.
The Commissioner of Higher Education served as an ex-officio member. The PEPB was staffed by Pam Joehler of the Legislative Fiscal Division, and by former legislative staff attorney Jeremy Gersovitz.
September 2008 Meeting Reports
- June 2008 Joint Meeting Minutes
- Budget and Accountability 2011 Biennium
- Community College Funding Formula
- Bitterroot Valley Community College Status
- Procedures for Community College District Approval
- Joint Resolution Bitterroot Valley Community College
- Indirect Cost Recovery Plan/OCHE
- Overview of Proposed Legislation
- January 2009 Proposed Education Workshop
- State Fund Scholarships
June 2008 Meeting Reports
- Shared Goals 2009 Biennium
- Joint Resolution Bitterroot Valley Community College
- Amend Community College District Statute
- Joint Meeting Agenda
- Joint Shared Policy Goals Project
- Budget and Accountability 2011 Biennium
- Faculty Staff Salary Resolution
- BVCC Budget Analysis Update
March 2008 Meeting Reports
- Shared Policy Goals & Accountability Measures for the MUS
- Two-Year Question & Answers to OCHE
- Two-Year Education Strategic Planning
- BVCC Legal Opinion
- Ravalli Republic Archived Article
- BVCC Preliminary 2011 Biennium Budget Analysis
December 2007 Meeting Reports
- Work Force Equipment Funding Report 2007-2008
- BVCC District Approval Process Chart
- AG Opinion CC Process
- LC9999 Explained
- LC9999 CC Process
- Bitterroot Higher ED Models
- Shared Goals 2009 Biennium
- MT529 Savings Plan December 2007
- Shared Goals 2009 Biennium
September 2007 Meeting Reports
- HJR 22 Study, Incentives & Payback for Dental Students
- 2009 Biennium Subcommittee Members & Staff
- Funding Formula Review -Workplan Item
- 2009 Biennium Proposed Workplan & Study Issues
- 2009 Biennium Workplan Timeline
- Two-year Postsecondary Education In Montana
- Family Education Savings Program: Montana 529 Plan
PEPB Subcommittee Members: Sen. Bob Hawks - Chair, Rep. Bob Lake, Sen. Jim Peterson, Rep. Robin Hamilton, Regent Stephen Barrett, Ex-Officio Sheila Stearns, Regent Clayton Christian, Ex-Officio Jan Lombardi, Pam Joehler, Jeremy Gersovitz
HJR 22 Workgroup Scheduled Meetings
June 11, 2008:
- Final Report
- Agenda
- Audio Minutes
- Additional Dental Slots June Update
- Dental Student Loan Repayment June Update
- HJR22 Student Service Payback Program
- Expanding CHC Dental Clinic Capacity
- Meeting Summary
December 12, 2007
HJR 22 Work Group Reports
March 12, 2008
The formation of a K-12 subcommittee creates the opportunity for (1) an initial review and framing of key issues that can then be reported to the full committee with findings or nonbinding recommendations, (2) deeper immersion by its members in complex education issues, and (3) a special opportunity for the four legislative subcommittee members to work side by side with four non-legislative members drawn from the education community. Although this subcommittee's remit is K-12 issues, there is broad interest in viewing the transition from grade 12 to higher education (or the workforce) more seamlessly. Thus the K-12 subcommittee may sometimes meet jointly with the PEPB subcommittee on education issues that straddle the purview of both.
Sen. Sam Kitzenberg (chair) (D)
Sen. Dave Lewis (R)
Rep. Wanda Grinde (D)
Rep. John Ward (R)
BPE Member, Patty Myers
BPE Member, Dr. Kirk Miller
Ex-Officio, Supt. Linda McCulloch
Ex-Officio, Jan Lombardi
Other Readings