Montana State Legislature

water use for coal gasification and liquefaction


The issue of this study is to examine how much water potential coal gasification and liquefaction plants in Montana could consume. In October Gov. Schweitzer announced Montana would be home to one of the first coal-to-liquid fuel facilities, a $1.3 billion project that would be built near Roundup. 

DKRW Advanced Fuels, Arch Minerals and Bull Mountain Cos. would develop the plant, which would produce an estimated 22,000 barrels per day of coal to liquid synfuel. The plant could produce up to 300 megawatts of electricity using IGCC technology and would be outfitted with technology to capture carbon dioxide that would be stored underground.

Work Plan

The committee allocated .03 FTE to a study of water usage in the coal gasification and liquefaction process. The members will hear from industry experts on the issue of water usage. This study will be focused on water quantity issues as opposed to potential water sources in Montana. 

Deliverables will include a summary of findings concerning water usage for proposed plants in Montana.

Staff Reports

Coal to Liquids Water Usage Background Report
Prepared by Sonja Nowakowski for November 8, 2007 meeting

Related Study Materials

June 2007 Memo from Governor's Office

Department of Energy "Emerging issues for Fossil Energy and Water"

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