Montana State Legislature
2007-2008 Fire Suppression Committee
HB 1, enacted during the September special legislative session, created the Fire Suppression Committee and assigned it to study various aspects of wildland fire, including suppression costs and resources and state and federal management policies. As required in HB 1, the Committee will hold meetings in Miles City, Libby, Thompson Falls, Lewistown, and Hamilton, as well as in Helena.
Room 137, State Capitol
Agenda Minutes
Interim Work Plan and Full Meeting Schedule - adopted Nov. 26
March 27-28, 2008 - Helena
Subcommittees and full Committee; Rooms 102 & 137, Capitol building
Agenda March 28, Full Committee Minutes Contractor Subcommittee Minutes Infrastructure Subcommittee Minutes Wildland-Urban Interface Subcommittee Minutes
Meeting Materials
Meeting Materials
DNRC/Forest Service
Presentation on wildland fire contracting from perspective of Northern Rockies Coordinating Group
Northern Rockies Wildfire Contractors Association
Position paper
Presentation on wildland fire contracting
2:00 p.m.; Rm. 137, Capitol building
Meeting Materials
FY 2009 Fire Season Recommendations Memo from FSIC to David Ewer, director, Governor's Office of Budget and Program Planning
Room 137, Capitol building Agenda A.M. - Infrastructure Subcommittee Minutes P.M. - WUI Subcommittee Minutes
Meeting Materials
Proposal for New Research into the Cost of Fire Suppression in the Wildland-Urban Interface -- Headwaters Economics
Wildland Firefighting and Structure Protection in Montana, Position Paper -- Montana County Firewardens' Association
Options for Consideration by the WUI Subcommittee -- Leanne Heisel, Legislative Services Division
The following documents were provided by Barb Smith, Legislative Fiscal Division, to the Infrastructure Subcommittee
Fire Protection Assessment Fact Sheet
Fire Protection Fee Analysis
DNRC Fire Program Critical Resource Needs
Analysis of Critical Resource Needs
Funding Options for Consideration by the Infrastructure Subcommittee
Additional documents provided to Infrastructure Subcommittee
Comments provided by Rep. Chas Vincent
HB 1 (September 2007 Special Session)
Fiscal Staff Reports
October 2007 Report to Legislative Finance Committee: Fire Suppression Costs, FY 2008
Legal Staff Reports
Fire Suppression Interim Committee Activities and the Open Meeting Requirements
Legislative Audit Division Audit Reports
- Wildland Fire Administration - DNRC
- Prioritizing Forest Fuels Reduction Projects - DNRC
- Promoting Proper Forest Practices - DNRC
Jan. 11, 2008 Memo Rep. Wilson re: Statutes and Programs related to WUI
Appropriate Management Response, Northern Rockies 2007 - Initial Impressions Report by the Wildland Fire Lessons Learned Center
Western Governors' Association - Forest Health and Wildfire Resolutions, Initiatives, Strategies
Department of Natural Resources and Conservation Fire and Aviation Management Bureau (Fire season information, statistics, costs, National Fire Plan, fire suppression information, publications)
Healthy Forests and Rangelands - U.S. Departments of Interior and Agriculture (National Fire Plan, Healthy Forests Initiative, other national fire information)
Wildland-Urban Interface Analysis by Headwaters Economics
National Firewise Communities Program
2007 Statewide Annual Operating Plan: Montana DNRC, U.S. Department of Agriculture, U.S. Department of Interior
Montana Cooperative Fire Protection Agreement ("Six Party Agreement")
Northern Rockies Coordinating Group
FireSafe Montana: an organization to provide locally led conservation and fire management programs and services