Montana State Legislature
Emerging Issues: Medical Marijuana
Emerging Issue: Medical Marijuana
In April 2010, the Children, Families, Health, and Human Services Interim Committee decided to review issues related to the Montana Medical Marijuana Act. The committee acted in response to questions being raised across the state because of the growth in the number of people registered to use medical marijuana and to grow marijuana for medical purposes.
Presiding Officer Diane Sands appointed a subcommittee on June 28 to draft legislation to address some of the issues that have arisen. Subcommittee members are Rep. Sands, Rep. Gary MacLaren, Rep. Penny Morgan, and Sen. Trudi Schmidt.
Before the subcommittee was appointed, committee staff members worked with state agency representatives and a work group of interested parties to develop ideas for revisions to the law. The full committee reviewed those recommendationsat its June 28 meeting. It then created the subcommittee to continue work on the issue
The subcommitte met three times from late June to mid-August and recommended a number of changes to Montana's law. Key changes include:
- establishing a regulatory system that will license and inspect individuals and businesses that grow and provide medical marijuana;
- allowing the creation of medical marijuana dispensaries;
- placing a ceiling on the amount of marijuana that may be dispensed to a person each month;
- requiring people to be Montana residents in order to use medical marijuana;
- spelling out the standard of care physicians are expected to meet in certifying that a patient qualifies for medical marijuana use;
- prohibiting any financial relationships between physicians and the businesses or individuals who provide medical marijuana;
- prohibiting use of medical marijuana in public; and
- repealing a legal defense available to people who may be in possession of marijuana without a registry card or in amounts greater than allowed by law.
The full committee reviewed and took comment on three bill drafts related to medical marijuana on Aug. 23. The committee voted on Aug. 24 to propose all three bills to the 2011 Legislature as committee legislation, after reviewing and approving changes that committee members had requested on Aug. 23.
The committee took public comment on the proposed legislation through Sept. 1. Throughout the period the committee worked on this issue, members received copies of all public comment received electronically and by mail. The committee also received a summary of the public comment received through Aug. 23 at its final meeting of the interim.
The next opportunity for the public to comment will occur when the bills are heard and acted on during the 2011 Legislature.
Draft Legislation
- Proposed Changes to LC MM01: Aug. 24, 2010
- Revised Portions of LC MM01: Aug. 24, 2010
- Summary of Proposed Legislation
- LC MM01: Revising Medical Marijuana Act and Creating Regulatory Structure
- LC MM02: Addressing Medical Marijuana Use by Employees
- LC MM03: Clarifying that Clean Indoor Air Act Prohibits Smoking of Medical Marijuana
- LC MM01 : Preliminary Bill Draft: Aug. 12, 2010
-- Subcommittee Decisions on LC MM01
Subcommittee on Medical Marijuana
Last Meeting: Aug. 12, 2010 -- Agenda
Previous Meetings:
-- July 12, 2010 -- Agenda
-- June 29, 2010 -- Agenda
Staff Reports
- Updated Summary of Actions Related to Work Group Recommendations: October 2010
- Updated Registry Statistics: September 2010
- Summary of Public Comment: August 2010
- Dispensary States vs. Caregiver States: Sue O'Connell, August 2010
- Variations Among State Laws: Sue O'Connell, August 2010
- Alcohol and Gambling Regulation in Montana
- Local Government Authority: August 2010
- Action to Date on Law Enforcement Recommendations: July 15, 2010
- Action to Date on Work Group Recommendations: July 15, 2010
- Key Changes to Colorado's Medical Marijuana Laws: July 2010
- Review of Law Enforcement Issues: July 2010
- Ambiguities in the Qualifying Patient Definition: July 2010
- Updated Registry Statistics: July 2010
- Recommendations from Interested Parties: Sue O'Connell, June 2010
-- Related Paper: Summary of Recommendations
-- Related Paper: General Provisions for DOLI Boards
-- Related Paper: Proposed Changes to Definitions
-- Related Paper: Disqualifying Offenses for Direct-Care Workers
-- Related Paper: Updated Registry Statistics - Legal Memo: Local Regulation of Medical Marijuana: Helen Thigpen, June 1, 2010
- Montana Medical Marijuana Program: Sue O'Connell, April 2010
-- Medical Marijuana Patient Application Form
-- Medical Marijuana Physician Statement Form
Work Group Information
- June 9, 2010, Meeting: Agenda -- Summary
- June 2, 2010, Meeting: Agenda -- Summary
-- Background Paper: General Provisions for Department of Labor Boards - May 26, 2010, Meeting: Agenda -- Summary
- May 24, 2010, State Agency Meeting: Summary
Related Links and Materials
- Montana Medical Growers Association Recommendations: Aug. 12, 2010
-- Letter to Chairman Sands
-- Issues and Recommended Solutions
-- Proposed Licensing Board
-- Methodology for Distribution and Tracking of Medical Marijuana
-- Terminology
-- The History of Medical Cannabis
-- Cannabis Life Cycle
-- Cannabis Plant Chemistry
-- Table of Natural Cannabinoids
-- Cannabinoid Information
-- Caregiver Code of Ethics - Board of Medical Examiners Position Paper: Physician's Written Certification for Medical Marijuana and the Bona Fide Physician-Patient Relationship
- DPHHS Fact Sheet on Medical Marijuana Program: April 2010
- DPHHS Medical Marijuana Program Web Site
- Medical Marijuana and the Law: New England Journal of Medicine, April 2010