Montana State Legislature
2009-2010 Law and Justice Committee
The Law and Justice Interim Committee (LJIC) is a joint bipartisan committee of the legislature that meets between legislative sessions. The LJIC: (1) monitors the activities of the Department of Corrections, the Department of Justice, the Office of State Public Defender, and the Judicial Branch; (2) examines law and justice policy issues; and (3) makes recommendations to the full legislature. The LJIC's responsibilities include reviewing the administrative rules and proposed legislation of assigned executive branch agencies.
- September 9, 2010 - Agenda -
Minutes - September 10, 2010 - Agenda- Minutes
- All committee bills (SJR 39 - DUI study and SJR 29 - DNA study)
- Agency reports
- Conference Call - Minutes
- LCdna2 - extend time period for preservation of biological evidence - revisions to LCdna1 as proposed by Sen. Shockley
Agenda And Minutes
Agency Oversight And LJIC Follow-Up From Last Interim
- Memo on DPHHS rulemaking - HB 130, HB 131, HB 132
- Legal Memo on Jail Suicide Prevention
- Fiscal Report - Correctional System Stressors and Challenges
- Fiscal Report - Public Defender System Update
- Audit Report Summary - Dept. of Corrections Contract Management
- Agency rule review activity
SJR 29 - DNA Study
SJR 39 - DUI Study
- DUI bill proposals from Art Lusse - PowerPoint - Summary
- Drugged Driving from Rebecca Sturdevent (MADD) - PowerPoint
- LClj01 - Driver's license sanctions for youthful offenders
- LClj02-R - revised bill to allow game wardens to issue MIP tickets
- LClj03 - bill draft to mandate responsible alcohol sales and service training
- Dept. of Revenue Liquor Control Division comment on LClj03
- Cover Memo
- Option #1 bill draft - server certification
- Option #2 bill draft - licensee certification
- Dept. of Revenue Liquor Control Division comment on LClj03
- LClj04-R - revised bill for on-call judge to issue search warrant for breath or blood alcohol test
- LClj05 - Per se limit for dangerous drug impaired driving
- LC06-A - revising probationary drivers' license for DUI/BAC offenders
- LC06-B - revising jail time and sentence suspension for DUI/BAC offenders
- LClj07 - Allow cities to establish courts of record
- LClj08 - strengthening chemical dependency assessment, course, and treatment
- LClj10 - Extend court jurisdiction to one year for misdemeanor impaired driving
- LClj11 - Eliminate 5-year "look back" limit for counting prior impaired driving convictions
Agenda And Minutes
SJR 39 - Study Of DUI Laws
- Fiscal Report - Alcohol Taxes - Revenue
- Fiscal Brief - Drivers' License Reinstatement Fees, DUI Task Forces, DUI Courts, Legislative Fiscal Division
- Court Data on DUI/BAC Fees, Fines, and Costs
- South Dakota 24/7 Sobriety Program Overiew
- Addiction Journal Editorial on South Dakota 24/7 Program
- Pilot 24/7 in Montana - Press Release with Fact Sheet Link- Attorney General Steve Bullock
- Preliminary Committee Bill Drafts (if no active link, draft is not yet completed)
- LClj01 - Driver's license sanctions for youthful offenders
- LClj02 - Allow game wardens to issue minor-in-possession tickets
- LClj03 - Mandate alcohol server and sales training
- LClj04 - On-call judge for BAC test search warrant
- LClj05 - Per se limit for dangerous drug impaired driving
- LClj06 - Support and funding for DUI courts
- LClj07 - Allow cities to establish courts of record
- LClj08 - Strengthen assessment, course, treatment laws
- LClj09 - Allow mandated residential treatment for misdemeanor impaired driving
- LClj10 - Extend court jurisdiction to one year for misdemeanor impaired driving
- LClj11 - Eliminate 5-year "look back" limit for counting prior impaired driving convictions
Agenda And Minutes
- Agenda
- February 8, 2010 - Minutes
- Febuary 9, 2010 - Minutes
- Summary of actions
SJR 39 - Study Of DUI Laws
- Strategies for combating DUIs: Coordinated Treatment, Community Supervision, and Penalties - Legislatlive Staff Report by Sheri Heffelfinger
- Office of Court Administrator data on DUI-related charges and convictions
- Motor Vehicle Division Data on DUI and BAC convictions
- Department of Corrections DUI probation and parole data
- Universtity of Montana, Assessing Montana's Multiple Offender Drunk Drivers for Prevention Strategy Ideas - Dr. Timothy Conley, et. al.
- Economic Costs of Alchohol-Related Vehicle Crashes in Montana - REVISED - Dr. Seninger
- 2007 DUI Model Law - National Committee on Uniform Traffic Laws and Ordinances
- Effects of Alcohol on the Human Brain - PPT
SJR 29 - Study Of The Retention And Preservation Of Biological Evidence
Agenda And Minutes
- Revised Agenda
- December 17, 2009 - Minutes
- December 18, 2009 - Minutes
SJR 39 - Study Of DUI Laws
- Panel #1 - Felony DUI offenders and WATCh program
- Panel #2 - Community corrections and sactions
- Panel #3 - Judicial perspective, DUI courts, treatment alternatives
- Overview of DUI courts
- Testimony by Jeff Kushner, Statewide Coordinator, Specialty Courts
- Letter from The Honorable Mary Jane Knisely, Municipal Court Judge, Billings
- Testimony from Joan Cassidy, Chemical Dependency Bureau, DPHHS
- Prime For Life Information provided by Joan Cassidy
- Approved Chemical Dependency Programs, DPHHS
- Montana map of CD program locations
- Chemical Dependency Bureau Budget overview
- Work Session
- Issues and Options Paper #1 - The Committee voted to focus their efforts on Issue Area #2, options B., C., and D.
- Agenda
- September 28, 2009 - Minutes
- September 29, 2009 - Minutes
- Pre-meeting committee packets:
- SJR 39 - DUI Panel #1- Issue Summary: Prevention and Education
- SJR 39 - DUI Panel #2 - Issue Summary: Laws and Enforcement
- SJR 29 - Preservation and Storage of Biological Evidence Panel
- Animal Hoarding Issue Summary
- MCA sections - animal cruelty
- "Inside Animal Hoarding" article (on file at LSD)
- SB 221 (2009 - M. Tropila)
- Animal Abuse Cases in Montana Search Results (on file at LSD)
- Newspaper articles (on file at LSD)
SJR 39 - Study Of DUI Laws
- Montana Community Change Project
- National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA)
- The Century Council
- Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD)
- National Motorists Association
- National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL) - state legislation
- American Council on Alcoholism - DUI Courts
- National Center for DWI Courts
- National Center for State Courts - Problem Solving Courts
SJR 29 - Study Retention Of Biological Evidence For DNA Analysis