Montana State Legislature
Revenue Estimating and Monitoring
November 20, 2014
- Highlights of September economic presentations -- LFD
- Revenue estimate materials
- Legislative Fiscal Division revenue estimate materials
- Office of Budget and Program Planning revenue estimate materials
September 4-5, 2014
- Economic Outlook materials
- Overview of Montana oil and gas related to revenue estimates -- Dave Pursell
Legislative Fiscal Division Oil Worksheet - Montana economic outlook -- Patrick Barkey
Legislative Fiscal Division Economic Worksheet - Overview of Montana labor and business trends -- Barbara Wagner
Legislative Fiscal Division Labor Worksheet - Chamber of Commerce perspective -- Glenn Oppel
Legislative Fiscal Division Chamber of Commerce Worksheet - Agricultural outlook -- Myles Watts
Legislative Fiscal Division Agricultural Worksheet - Overview of U.S. and Montana economies -- IHS
Legislative Fiscal Division IHS Worksheet
- Overview of Montana oil and gas related to revenue estimates -- Dave Pursell
- Fiscal year-end report, Next Steps Memo, and Worksheet
July 16-17, 2014
- Overview of committee's duties and previous approaches
- Revenue Source Ordering & Assumptions Included in HJ 2
- 2017 Outlook Report and 2017 Outlook: Revenue Detail
- Standard Error Report: Corporate Income Tax
May 6, 2014
February 18-19, 2014
December 4-5, 2013
October 1, 2013
June 27, 2013
- LFD Upcoming Interim Work Plan for RTIC (proposed)
- 2015 Biennium Legislative Fiscal Report Summary and Status