Montana State Legislature
CSKT Technical Working Group (WPIC)
Materials received by the working group:
- Request for analysis by Reps. Ballance, Regier (April 28, 2014)
- Proposed Water Use Agreement (appendix to CSKT compact; Jan. 17, 2013)
- Flathead Indian Irrigation Project hydrology reports
- Hungry Horse Reservoir reports (Bureau of Reclamation):
- Draft Flathead Basin tribal depletions study(Bureau of Reclamation; April 2010)
- Biological impact evaluation...for 90,000 acre-foot withdrawal (Bureau of Reclamation)
- RWRCC letter to CSKT: Response to tribal supplemental water from Hungry Horse Reservoir (Jan. 10, 2011)
- RWRCC presentation on instream flows (June 27, 2012)
- Technical Basis for Flathead Indian Irrigation Project Water Use Agreement(HKM-Dowl; Sept. 4, 2012)
- Presentation on the background of the ET mapping procedure (RWRCC; Sept. 4, 2012)
- Letter from RWRCC to CSKT re: HYDROSS model (2010)
- Documents referenced in letter:
- Jocko mass balance - baseline run (RWRCC, 2010)
- Mission mass balance - baseline run (RWRCC, 2010)
- Documents referenced in letter:
- RWRCC staff review of Hydross model (RWRCC, 2014)
- Field-Scale Evapotransporation for the Mission Valley using METRIC(University of Idaho; July 2009)
- List of CSKT records provided to RWRCC, FJBC (May 21, 2014)
- Matching irrigation water delivery on irrigated pasture to local transpiration, comparison with CSKT compact (Jerry Laskody; Sept. 2012)
- The Flathead Project (Bureau of Reclamation; 2001)
- Report on conditions found to exist on the Flathead Irrigation Project, "Walker Report" (Office of Indian Affairs; June 1946)
- Kate Vandemoer presentation: "Federal Reserved Water Rights" (June 25, 2014)
- Jerry Laskody presentation: "Matching Irrigation Water Delivery..." (June 25, 2014)
- RWRCC data files for analysis of CSKT compact modeling
- U.S. Department of Justice review of HYDROSS modelling in Jocko district (Jan. 4, 2006)
- Stetson Engineering review of HYDROSS modelling in Jocko district (Aug. 4, 2008)
- HKM presentation: "Technical basis for proposed Flathead Indian Irrigation Project Water Use Agreement" (June 12, 2014)
- Seth Makepeace (CSKT) presentation to TWG (July 17, 2014)
- Flathead Irrigation Information System Summary Report and Irrigation Guide("Dutton Report," Land and Water Consulting, 1994)
- Review and summary of Caulfield notes on River Diversion Allowances(Flathead Joint Board of Control, Aug. 2014)