Montana State Legislature
2015-2016 Education and Local Government Committee
he Education and Local Government (ELG) Interim Committee is a joint bipartisan committee of the legislature that meets between legislative sessions. The ELG’s statutory duties include review of proposed administrative rules and draft legislation, as well as completing any studies assigned to it. The committee also monitors the operations of, and provides information to, the State Board of Education, the Board of Public Education, the Board of Regents of Higher Education, and the Office of Public Instruction. As the Montana Historical Society, the Montana Arts Council, and the Montana State Library Commission are allocated to the State Board of Education, ELG also monitors the operation of those entities. Finally, the ELG acts as a liaison with citiesand counties, providing an important forum for discussion of strong, effective governance at the community and county level.
Minutes Log
SJR 20 study of county road ROW on state trust land
Bill draft: LC sj20
SJR 21 study of local fire and emergency services
Bill draft: LCFIPT
Public comment document
State Historic Preservation Office - State Agency Biennial Reports on State-Owned Heritage Properties and SHPO Report to the Legislature: Montana's Shared Heritage
Office of Public Instruction
Interstate Compact on Educational Opportunity for Military Children report to the Legislature
American Indian Data Report
Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) Montana Implementation
K-12 Transportation
Staff research memo
School Funding Interim Commission website
Education SuperHighway website and K-12 Broadband Upgrade presentation
Digital Learning Presentation - Part 1 and Part 2: Sen. Howard Stephenson, Utah State Senate
Minutes Log
SJR 20 study
Staff study review
Legal staff memo on 77-1-130
Forest Service Reciprocal Access Program
County Road Easements, April 2016
Cost estimate for statewide road study
SJR 21 study
LC FIPT draft
Fire Insurance Premium Tax Revenue & Firefighter Pension Payouts LFD memo
Montana State Library
Unfunded Land Information Grant Projects memo
State Library EPP Prioritization Framework
Montana Land Information Account Collection FY 16
2014 Broadband Map
Montana School for the Deaf and Blind
Administrative Rule Review staff memo
Montana University System
TRIO grants: Montana TRIO Fact Book
MUS Research Initiative
Board of Regents
Dual Credit - High School Connections
K-12 Transportation: staff research memo
Office of Public Instruction monitoring
Science Content Standards Economic Impact Statement
2017 Legislative Proposals
U.S. Departments of Education and Justice Guidance on Transgender Students
SJR 10 Data Collection Audit report and presentation
- Agenda
- Minutes Log
- Administrative Rule Review memo
- SJR 21 study of local fire and emergency services
North Dakota Legislative Council Community Paramedic Study - Background Memorandum
Community Health EMS for Montana
Potential EMS Statutory Clarification
Montana Emergency Medical Services Association letter to AG Fox
Workers' Compensation for Volunteer Firefighters - updated bill draft and fiscal analysis
Staff report: Issues and Options
- SJR 20 study of county road easements on state trust land
Staff report: Mid-Interim Update
- Disposal of county property
Memo to Committee discussing the problems Gallatin County has encountered with the statutes
Examples of Gallatin County property
County property disposal statutes
- HJR 26 Study of Youth Concussion Laws
Staff memo and bill draft
Concussion Knowledge in Youth Sports in Missoula: Executive Summary Report
Draft Sample Concussion Management Policy
- Office of Public Instruction monitoring
Content Standards for Health/PE and Art: March 7, 2016 Letter from Superintendent Juneau to ELG
Content Standards proposed timeline
Arts Economic Impact Statement
Health/PE Economic Impact Statement
Summary of Revisions to Arts and PE Standards
Economic Impact Statement: Oil and Gas Impacts Negotiated Rulemaking
- Blended Learning
Montana Digital Academy presentation
- Career and Technical Education
House Bill No. 86 (2013)
House Bill No. 356 (2015)
Billings Public Schools CTE
ProStart: National Restaurant Association
Montana Auto Tech website and PowerPoint
- Dual Enrollment
Guidelines - Montana University System
Dual Enrollment and Big Sky Pathways presentation
- Charter Schools
Montana Administrative Rules Section 10.55.604
Bridger Charter Acedemy application materials
Lincoln County Vocational School of Innovation presentation
- Montana University System Research Initiative
One Medicine
Energy Technology
Mental Health
- K-12 Transportation
Staff memo and Options presented to 2013-2014 ELG
- Agenda (as of January 13, 2016)
- Minutes Log
Rule Review memo, December 2015
SJR 20 study of county road easements on state trust land - ELG legal staff analysis
SJR 21 study of Local Fire and Emergency Services - Montana Emergency Medical Services - Jim DeTienne, DPHHS
- LC FIPT - Draft bill for provision of Workers' Compensation for volunteer firefighters - FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES ONLY
Montana State Library Land Information Grants - Presentation slides - Jennie Stapp, Montana State Librarian
- Land Information Act Report
- Montana Land Information Plan, 2016-2017
OPI Monitoring - Smarter Balanced Assessment results - OPI press release
- Smarter Balanced results by school
- Graduation and Dropout Report, 2015
Federal Legislation - NCSL Summary of federal Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) - Lee Posey, NCSL
HJR 26 Youth Concussion study - Assessment of the Implementation of the Dylan Steigers Youth Concussion Act - Valerie Moody and Emily Tosoni, University of Montana Department of Health and Human Performance
Montana University System Research Initiative projects - Advancing Bio-Based Chemicals and Next-Generation Fuels from Montana's Agricultural Crops
- Recovery of Metal Contaminants from Industrial Wastewaters with Magnetic Nanocomposites
- One Medicine: Reducing the Impacts of Inflammatory and Infectious Diseases on Animal and Human Health
- Remediation Technology for Chlorinated Pollutants Based on a Natural Product from Soil Bacteria
Medical Education and Residency Programs - WWAMI summary and slides
- Graduate Medical Education presentation summary and presentation slides - Dr. Ned Vasquez, Family Medicine Residency of Western Montana and Dr. Jim Guyer, Family Medicine Program at RiverStone Health
- Montana Family Medicine Residency practicing graduates map, 1998-present
- Montana Family Medicine Residency overview
- Agenda
- Minutes Log (posted when completed after the meeting)
- Administrative Rule Review memo and addendum
- Montana University System Research Initiative - funded projects
- SJR 21 Study of Local Fire and Emergency Services
Northern Rockies Coordination Center website
2013 SB 54 requiring workers' compensation for volunteer firefighters
Sample Cooperative Fire Control Agreement between DNRC and a county
2011 DNRC legal memo regarding volunteer firefighters and workers' compensation
2012 Information from Montana State Fund on rural volunteer firefighter workers' compensation
- SJR 20 Study of Historic Road Rights-of-Way
Montanans for the Responsible Use of the School Trust v. State of Montana 1999 decision
County Road Historic ROW acquisitions as of August 2015
Detailed county-by-county information including legal descriptions and date of ROW acquitision
Legal Overview of enactment of 77-1-130, MCA and events leading to and following MonTrust
- HJR 26 Study of Youth Concussion Laws
UM Project Update
- Agenda Updated July 13
- Minutes
- Rules, Procedures, and Guidelines for Interim Committees
- Public Comment Guidelines
- Draft Work Plan and Matrix
- Assigned Studies
HJR 26 study of youth concussion laws
SJR 20 study of county road easement on state trust land
SJR 21 study of local fire and emergency services - SB 345 revising process for adoption of accreditation standards
- SB 128 creating the School Funding Interim Commission
- Administrative Rule Review
Administrative Rule Review Overview
Constitutional Roles of Agencies Monitored by ELG
July 2015 Rule Review Memo and Addendum - Office of Public Instruction K-12 Legislative Summary
Rules Proposed by Agencies Assigned to ELG
Board of Public Education, Office of Public Instruction, and entities attached to the Board of Education
ELG Legislation
The ELG will begin to develop draft legislation based on its findings in the fall before the 2017 Legislative Session. The committee's legislative proposals will be listed here at that time.