Montana State Legislature
Adequacy of Local Government Revenue Generating Capacity
A study of the adequacy of local government revenue generating capacity ranked fourth in the committee poll of study topics. The work plan adopted by the committee includes a study plan for this study.
June 9-10, 2016
- Local Government Sources of Revenue -- Megan Moore
- House Bill No. 471, Fiscal Note
- Memo: Entitlement Share Payments and Block Grant Payments Summary -- Emily Klungtvedt, DOR
March 10-11, 2016
- Memo: December information requests -- Harold Blattie, MACo
- Property Tax as a Portion of Local Government Revenue Analysis -- Megan Moore
- Memo: Revenue Impact of Statewide and Local Option Sales Taxes -- Aaron McNay, DOR
November 30 - December 2, 2015
September 24-25, 2015
- Background on Limitation on Property Taxes -- Megan Moore
- Montana Property Taxes Since Initiative 105 (1996 Update) -- Douglas J. Young
- Calculating Mills and Taxes -- DOR
- Determination of tax revenue and mill levy limitations example -- Harold Blattie, MACo