Legislator Details
Contact Information
PO BOX 250
BOX ELDER, MT 59521-0250
Primary ph: (406) 945-1805
Secondary ph:
Email: Jonathan.WindyBoy@legmt.gov
In the Session of 2003:
LC Number | Bill Type - Number | Association with Bill | Current Status | Status Date | Short Title |
LC1594 | HB 608 | Primary Sponsor | Chapter Number Assigned | 05/05/2003 | State-tribal government-to-government relationship |
LC1770 | HB 609 | Primary Sponsor | Chapter Number Assigned | 05/05/2003 | Honor American Indian war veterans |
LC1752 | HJ 43 | Primary Sponsor | (H) Filed with Secretary of State | 05/01/2003 | Study reclamation of Zortman-Landusky mine |
LC1971 | HJ 30 | Primary Sponsor | (H) Filed with Secretary of State | 03/31/2003 | Urge passage faith-based initiative and tribal-TANF legislation |
LC1593 | HB 367 | Primary Sponsor | (H) Missed Deadline for Appropriation Bill Transmittal | 03/29/2003 | Address Zortman and Landusky mine clean up |
LC0670 | HB 382 | Primary Sponsor | (H) Missed Deadline for General Bill Transmittal | 02/28/2003 | Repeal "English only" law |
LC1807 | HJ 23 | Primary Sponsor | (H) Missed Deadline for General Bill Transmittal | 02/28/2003 | Tribal beef check off |
LC1806 | HB 672 | Primary Sponsor | (H) Missed Deadline for General Bill Transmittal | 02/28/2003 | Integrate economic development & investments with public assistance programs |
LC Number | Bill Type - Number | Association with Bill | Current Status | Status Date | Short Title |
LC1594 | HB 608 | Primary Sponsor | Chapter Number Assigned | 05/05/2003 | State-tribal government-to-government relationship |
LC1770 | HB 609 | Primary Sponsor | Chapter Number Assigned | 05/05/2003 | Honor American Indian war veterans |
LC1594 | HB 608 | Requester | Chapter Number Assigned | 05/05/2003 | State-tribal government-to-government relationship |
LC1770 | HB 609 | Requester | Chapter Number Assigned | 05/05/2003 | Honor American Indian war veterans |
LC1752 | HJ 43 | Primary Sponsor | (H) Filed with Secretary of State | 05/01/2003 | Study reclamation of Zortman-Landusky mine |
LC1752 | HJ 43 | Requester | (H) Filed with Secretary of State | 05/01/2003 | Study reclamation of Zortman-Landusky mine |
LC1898 | None | Requester | (C) Draft Died in Process | 04/26/2003 | Tobacco settlement distribution formula |
LC1805 | None | Requester | (C) Draft Died in Process | 04/26/2003 | Committee to monitor use of administrative rules |
LC1971 | HJ 30 | Primary Sponsor | (H) Filed with Secretary of State | 03/31/2003 | Urge passage faith-based initiative and tribal-TANF legislation |
LC1971 | HJ 30 | Requester | (H) Filed with Secretary of State | 03/31/2003 | Urge passage faith-based initiative and tribal-TANF legislation |
LC1593 | HB 367 | Primary Sponsor | (H) Missed Deadline for Appropriation Bill Transmittal | 03/29/2003 | Address Zortman and Landusky mine clean up |
LC1593 | HB 367 | Requester | (H) Missed Deadline for Appropriation Bill Transmittal | 03/29/2003 | Address Zortman and Landusky mine clean up |
LC0670 | HB 382 | Primary Sponsor | (H) Missed Deadline for General Bill Transmittal | 02/28/2003 | Repeal "English only" law |
LC1807 | HJ 23 | Primary Sponsor | (H) Missed Deadline for General Bill Transmittal | 02/28/2003 | Tribal beef check off |
LC1806 | HB 672 | Primary Sponsor | (H) Missed Deadline for General Bill Transmittal | 02/28/2003 | Integrate economic development & investments with public assistance programs |
LC1806 | HB 672 | Requester | (H) Missed Deadline for General Bill Transmittal | 02/28/2003 | Integrate economic development & investments with public assistance programs |
LC1807 | HJ 23 | Requester | (H) Missed Deadline for General Bill Transmittal | 02/28/2003 | Tribal beef check off |
Committee Name | Seat |
(H) Human Services | Member |
(H) State Administration | Member |
Date | Time | Room | Bill Number | Short Title | Committee | Comments |
No bills are currently scheduled for hearing in the assigned committees. |