Legislator Details
Rep. ROB COOK (R) - HD27
Contact Information
720 1ST ST S
SHELBY, MT 59474
Primary ph: (406) 868-3426
Secondary ph:
Email: robc@itbusa.com
In the Session of 2011:
LC Number | Bill Type - Number | Association with Bill | Current Status | Status Date | Short Title |
LC2041 | HB 351 | Primary Sponsor | (H) Line-item Veto Override Failed | 06/20/2011 | Treasure state endowment appropriations and transfers to the general fund |
LC0525 | HB 375 | Primary Sponsor | (H) Veto Override Failed in Legislature | 06/10/2011 | Reduce certain general fund transfers |
LC0504 | HB 495 | Primary Sponsor | Chapter Number Assigned | 05/12/2011 | Revise statutory appropriations and local government entitlement share payments |
LC0970 | HB 317 | Primary Sponsor | (H) Vetoed by Governor | 05/10/2011 | Sunset statutory appropriations over certain periods |
LC0862 | HB 611 | Primary Sponsor | Chapter Number Assigned | 05/06/2011 | Generally revise use of accounts and funds |
LC0527 | HB 316 | Primary Sponsor | (H) Vetoed by Governor | 05/05/2011 | Redistribute certain revenue and income |
LC0532 | HB 604 | Primary Sponsor | Chapter Number Assigned | 05/04/2011 | Provide for fund transfers to various accounts |
LC0737 | HB 343 | Primary Sponsor | (S) Died in Standing Committee | 04/28/2011 | Partial zero-based budgeting for state agency budgets |
LC0864 | HB 610 | Primary Sponsor | (H) Died in Process | 04/28/2011 | General revise certain fees to implement House Bill No. 2 |
LC0971 | HB 388 | Primary Sponsor | (H) Vetoed by Governor | 04/22/2011 | Statutorily require comparison of spending, budgets & various economic indices |
LC0699 | HB 295 | Primary Sponsor | Chapter Number Assigned | 04/21/2011 | Defining and recording wind energy rights |
LC0192 | HB 78 | Primary Sponsor | Chapter Number Assigned | 03/25/2011 | Clarify the definition of "local owner" in Renewable Portfolio Standard |
LC1330 | HB 294 | Primary Sponsor | Chapter Number Assigned | 03/16/2011 | Provide confidentiality of livestock testing info collected by Livestock Dept |
LC Number | Bill Type - Number | Association with Bill | Current Status | Status Date | Short Title |
LC2041 | HB 351 | Primary Sponsor | (H) Line-item Veto Override Failed | 06/20/2011 | Treasure state endowment appropriations and transfers to the general fund |
LC2041 | HB 351 | Requester | (H) Line-item Veto Override Failed | 06/20/2011 | Treasure state endowment appropriations and transfers to the general fund |
LC0525 | HB 375 | Primary Sponsor | (H) Veto Override Failed in Legislature | 06/10/2011 | Reduce certain general fund transfers |
LC0504 | HB 495 | Primary Sponsor | Chapter Number Assigned | 05/12/2011 | Revise statutory appropriations and local government entitlement share payments |
LC0970 | HB 317 | Primary Sponsor | (H) Vetoed by Governor | 05/10/2011 | Sunset statutory appropriations over certain periods |
LC0862 | HB 611 | Primary Sponsor | Chapter Number Assigned | 05/06/2011 | Generally revise use of accounts and funds |
LC0527 | HB 316 | Primary Sponsor | (H) Vetoed by Governor | 05/05/2011 | Redistribute certain revenue and income |
LC0532 | HB 604 | Primary Sponsor | Chapter Number Assigned | 05/04/2011 | Provide for fund transfers to various accounts |
LC0737 | HB 343 | Primary Sponsor | (S) Died in Standing Committee | 04/28/2011 | Partial zero-based budgeting for state agency budgets |
LC0864 | HB 610 | Primary Sponsor | (H) Died in Process | 04/28/2011 | General revise certain fees to implement House Bill No. 2 |
LC2040 | None | Requester | (C) Draft Died in Process | 04/28/2011 | Generally revise CHIP |
LC1789 | None | Requester | (C) Draft Died in Process | 04/28/2011 | Generally revise emergency response training |
LC1313 | None | Requester | (C) Draft Died in Process | 04/28/2011 | Generally revise environmental laws |
LC1314 | None | Requester | (C) Draft Died in Process | 04/28/2011 | Generally revise environmental laws |
LC1338 | None | Requester | (C) Draft Died in Process | 04/28/2011 | Provide uniform food safety compliance enforcement |
LC0971 | HB 388 | Primary Sponsor | (H) Vetoed by Governor | 04/22/2011 | Statutorily require comparison of spending, budgets & various economic indices |
LC0699 | HB 295 | Primary Sponsor | Chapter Number Assigned | 04/21/2011 | Defining and recording wind energy rights |
LC0699 | HB 295 | Requester | Chapter Number Assigned | 04/21/2011 | Defining and recording wind energy rights |
LC0192 | HB 78 | Primary Sponsor | Chapter Number Assigned | 03/25/2011 | Clarify the definition of "local owner" in Renewable Portfolio Standard |
LC1330 | HB 294 | Primary Sponsor | Chapter Number Assigned | 03/16/2011 | Provide confidentiality of livestock testing info collected by Livestock Dept |
LC1330 | HB 294 | Requester | Chapter Number Assigned | 03/16/2011 | Provide confidentiality of livestock testing info collected by Livestock Dept |
Committee Name | Seat |
(J) Joint Subcommittee on Long-Range Planning | Member |
(H) Appropriations | Member |
Date | Time | Room | Bill Number | Short Title | Committee | Comments |
No bills are currently scheduled for hearing in the assigned committees. |