Legislator Details
Contact Information
MISSOULA, MT 59808-9324
Primary ph: (406) 544-6263
Secondary ph:
Email: cliff@larsenusa.com
In the Session of 2013:
LC Number | Bill Type - Number | Association with Bill | Current Status | Status Date | Short Title |
LC0127 | SB 119 | Primary Sponsor | (S) Died in Standing Committee | 04/24/2013 | Establish a cabinet-level position for veteran and intergovernmental issues |
LC0374 | SB 27 | Primary Sponsor | (S) Died in Standing Committee | 04/24/2013 | Revise Insure Montana laws to expand small employer definition |
LC0413 | SB 409 | Primary Sponsor | (S) Died in Standing Committee | 04/24/2013 | Generally revise laws related to conversion of nonprofit health entities |
LC0159 | SJ 19 | Primary Sponsor | (H) Died in Standing Committee | 04/24/2013 | Resolution encouraging implementation of I-166 provisions |
LC0727 | SB 136 | Primary Sponsor | Chapter Number Assigned | 04/15/2013 | Revise veterans home loan program laws |
LC1980 | SB 213 | Primary Sponsor | Chapter Number Assigned | 03/27/2013 | Revise sex offender registration laws |
LC2011 | SJ 8 | Primary Sponsor | (S) Filed with Secretary of State | 03/22/2013 | Resolution recognizing the military service of Montanans in the armed services |
LC Number | Bill Type - Number | Association with Bill | Current Status | Status Date | Short Title |
LC0127 | SB 119 | Primary Sponsor | (S) Died in Standing Committee | 04/24/2013 | Establish a cabinet-level position for veteran and intergovernmental issues |
LC0374 | SB 27 | Primary Sponsor | (S) Died in Standing Committee | 04/24/2013 | Revise Insure Montana laws to expand small employer definition |
LC0413 | SB 409 | Primary Sponsor | (S) Died in Standing Committee | 04/24/2013 | Generally revise laws related to conversion of nonprofit health entities |
LC0159 | SJ 19 | Primary Sponsor | (H) Died in Standing Committee | 04/24/2013 | Resolution encouraging implementation of I-166 provisions |
LC1551 | HB 332 | Requester | (H) Died in Standing Committee | 04/24/2013 | Revise tax laws to increase the business equipment tax threshold |
LC2107 | None | Requester | (C) Draft Died in Process | 04/24/2013 | Generally revise investment duties of the board of investments |
LC2108 | None | Requester | (C) Draft Died in Process | 04/24/2013 | Generally revise state employee pay and systems administration |
LC1552 | None | Requester | (C) Draft Died in Process | 04/24/2013 | Revise insurance laws |
LC0727 | SB 136 | Primary Sponsor | Chapter Number Assigned | 04/15/2013 | Revise veterans home loan program laws |
LC0727 | SB 136 | Requester | Chapter Number Assigned | 04/15/2013 | Revise veterans home loan program laws |
LC1980 | SB 213 | Primary Sponsor | Chapter Number Assigned | 03/27/2013 | Revise sex offender registration laws |
LC1980 | SB 213 | Requester | Chapter Number Assigned | 03/27/2013 | Revise sex offender registration laws |
LC2011 | SJ 8 | Primary Sponsor | (S) Filed with Secretary of State | 03/22/2013 | Resolution recognizing the military service of Montanans in the armed services |
LC2011 | SJ 8 | Requester | (S) Filed with Secretary of State | 03/22/2013 | Resolution recognizing the military service of Montanans in the armed services |
Committee Name | Seat |
(S) Judiciary | Member |
(S) Energy and Telecommunications | Member |
(S) Rules | Member |
(S) Natural Resources | Member |
Date | Time | Room | Bill Number | Short Title | Committee | Comments |
No bills are currently scheduled for hearing in the assigned committees. |