Legislator Details
Contact Information
PO BOX 8511
MISSOULA, MT 59807-8511
Primary ph: (406) 214-2445
Email: NateForSD48@gmail.com
In the Session of 2019:
LC Number | Bill Type - Number | Association with Bill | Current Status | Status Date | Short Title |
LC1748 | SB 326 | Primary Sponsor | Chapter Number Assigned | 05/08/2019 | Prohibiting foreign nationals from certain campaign practices |
LC0633 | SB 90 | Primary Sponsor | Chapter Number Assigned | 05/03/2019 | Revise laws on declaration of emergency or disaster |
LC3102 | SB 314 | Primary Sponsor | (S) Died in Standing Committee | 04/25/2019 | Allow local authorities to decrease speed limits in residence districts |
LC1962 | SB 313 | Primary Sponsor | (H) Died in Standing Committee | 04/25/2019 | Generally revise enforcement of discrimination laws |
LC1077 | SB 160 | Primary Sponsor | Chapter Number Assigned | 04/19/2019 | Provide workers' compensation for presumptive diseases of firefighters |
LC Number | Bill Type - Number | Association with Bill | Current Status | Status Date | Short Title |
LC1748 | SB 326 | Primary Sponsor | Chapter Number Assigned | 05/08/2019 | Prohibiting foreign nationals from certain campaign practices |
LC0633 | SB 90 | Primary Sponsor | Chapter Number Assigned | 05/03/2019 | Revise laws on declaration of emergency or disaster |
LC3102 | SB 314 | Primary Sponsor | (S) Died in Standing Committee | 04/25/2019 | Allow local authorities to decrease speed limits in residence districts |
LC3102 | SB 314 | Requester | (S) Died in Standing Committee | 04/25/2019 | Allow local authorities to decrease speed limits in residence districts |
LC1962 | SB 313 | Primary Sponsor | (H) Died in Standing Committee | 04/25/2019 | Generally revise enforcement of discrimination laws |
LC1962 | SB 313 | Requester | (H) Died in Standing Committee | 04/25/2019 | Generally revise enforcement of discrimination laws |
LC1272 | None | Requester | (C) Draft Died in Process | 04/25/2019 | Generally revise criminal sentencing |
LC3196 | None | Requester | (C) Draft Died in Process | 04/25/2019 | Generally revise criminal sentencing laws |
LC3018 | None | Requester | (C) Draft Died in Process | 04/25/2019 | Generally revise the board of housing laws |
LC1963 | None | Requester | (C) Draft Died in Process | 04/25/2019 | Generally revise laws relating to the Montana University System |
LC1077 | SB 160 | Primary Sponsor | Chapter Number Assigned | 04/19/2019 | Provide workers' compensation for presumptive diseases of firefighters |
LC1077 | SB 160 | Requester | Chapter Number Assigned | 04/19/2019 | Provide workers' compensation for presumptive diseases of firefighters |
Committee Name | Seat |
(J) Joint Select Committee on Settlement Accountability | Member |
(J) Judicial Branch, Law Enforcement and Justice | Member |
(S) Rules | Member |
(S) Local Government | Member |
(S) Finance and Claims | Member |
Date | Time | Room | Bill Number | Short Title | Committee | Comments |
No bills are currently scheduled for hearing in the assigned committees. |