Legislator Details
Contact Information
PO BOX 152
PRAY, MT 59065-0152
Primary ph: (406) 223-1302
Secondary ph:
Email: Marty.Malone@legmt.gov
In the Session of 2023:
LC Number | Bill Type - Number | Association with Bill | Current Status | Status Date | Short Title |
LC4416 | HB 821 | Primary Sponsor | Chapter Number Assigned | 05/24/2023 | Appropriate money to dept. of ag for weed control |
LC2392 | HB 561 | Primary Sponsor | Chapter Number Assigned | 05/19/2023 | Revise water discharge permitting |
LC2175 | HB 276 | Primary Sponsor | (S) Died in Standing Committee | 05/08/2023 | Establish a farm to food bank grant program |
LC2287 | HB 522 | Primary Sponsor | (S) Died in Standing Committee | 05/08/2023 | Provide landowner preference bison tags for landowners near YNP |
LC2072 | HB 600 | Primary Sponsor | (S) Died in Standing Committee | 05/08/2023 | Revise acreage for landowner preference hunting licenses |
LC1465 | HB 369 | Primary Sponsor | (H) Died in Standing Committee | 05/02/2023 | Require referendum to adopt growth policy |
LC2406 | HB 820 | Primary Sponsor | (H) Died in Process | 05/02/2023 | Provide property tax exemption for employer-provided housing |
LC2588 | HB 942 | Primary Sponsor | (H) Died in Process | 05/02/2023 | Revise water commissioner laws |
LC4274 | HJ 7 | Primary Sponsor | (H) Filed with Secretary of State | 04/14/2023 | Resolution on Livingston roundup association 100th anniversary |
LC0683 | HB 85 | Primary Sponsor | Chapter Number Assigned | 03/16/2023 | Expand MEPA categorical exclusions |
LC Number | Bill Type - Number | Association with Bill | Current Status | Status Date | Short Title |
LC4416 | HB 821 | Primary Sponsor | Chapter Number Assigned | 05/24/2023 | Appropriate money to dept. of ag for weed control |
LC4416 | HB 821 | Requester | Chapter Number Assigned | 05/24/2023 | Appropriate money to dept. of ag for weed control |
LC2392 | HB 561 | Primary Sponsor | Chapter Number Assigned | 05/19/2023 | Revise water discharge permitting |
LC2175 | HB 276 | Primary Sponsor | (S) Died in Standing Committee | 05/08/2023 | Establish a farm to food bank grant program |
LC2287 | HB 522 | Primary Sponsor | (S) Died in Standing Committee | 05/08/2023 | Provide landowner preference bison tags for landowners near YNP |
LC2072 | HB 600 | Primary Sponsor | (S) Died in Standing Committee | 05/08/2023 | Revise acreage for landowner preference hunting licenses |
LC1465 | HB 369 | Primary Sponsor | (H) Died in Standing Committee | 05/02/2023 | Require referendum to adopt growth policy |
LC3058 | HB 844 | Requester | (H) Died in Standing Committee | 05/02/2023 | Generally revise MEDIA Act film tax credits |
LC1465 | HB 369 | Requester | (H) Died in Standing Committee | 05/02/2023 | Require referendum to adopt growth policy |
LC2406 | HB 820 | Primary Sponsor | (H) Died in Process | 05/02/2023 | Provide property tax exemption for employer-provided housing |
LC2588 | HB 942 | Primary Sponsor | (H) Died in Process | 05/02/2023 | Revise water commissioner laws |
LC4538 | None | Requester | (C) Draft Died in Process | 05/02/2023 | Require zoning to be filed with county clerk/recorder |
LC1473 | None | Requester | (C) Draft Died in Process | 05/02/2023 | Generally revise aviation laws |
LC1474 | None | Requester | (C) Draft Died in Process | 05/02/2023 | Generally revise mining laws |
LC1475 | None | Requester | (C) Draft Died in Process | 05/02/2023 | Generally revise forest management laws |
LC4274 | HJ 7 | Primary Sponsor | (H) Filed with Secretary of State | 04/14/2023 | Resolution on Livingston roundup association 100th anniversary |
LC4274 | HJ 7 | Requester | (H) Filed with Secretary of State | 04/14/2023 | Resolution on Livingston roundup association 100th anniversary |
LC0683 | HB 85 | Primary Sponsor | Chapter Number Assigned | 03/16/2023 | Expand MEPA categorical exclusions |
Committee Name | Seat |
(H) (H) Taxation | Member |
(H) (H) Agriculture | Vice Chair |
(H) (H) Natural Resources | Member |
(J) (H) Joint Natural Resources | Member |
Date | Time | Room | Bill Number | Short Title | Committee | Comments |
No bills are currently scheduled for hearing in the assigned committees. |