Montana State Legislature
2005-2006 Economic Affairs Committee
The Economic Affairs Interim Committee is assigned by law (5-5-223, MCA) to monitor the following state agencies and the entities attached to these agencies for administrative purposes:
- Department of Agriculture
- Department of Commerce
- Department of Labor and Industry
- Department of Livestock
- State Auditor
- Governor's Office of Economic Development
The Committee's liaison with these agencies emphasizes the role that agriculture and ranching, tourism and commerce of all types, and the service industries play in economic affairs and economic development in Montana.
The Committee works with industries, the public and state agencies to address policy concerns related to economic activity, workforce issues, and the general business environment in Montana.
In meetings through the interim, the Committee focuses on study resolutions, rule review, oversight, and legislative proposals from the Committee and from agencies for which the Committee has monitoring responsibilities.
Statutory Duties for 2005-2006
Agenda and Minutes
SJR 35 Study
- Proposed Legislation - Licensing Bill Introduction, LC7799
SJR 38 Study
- Proposed Legislation on Identity Theft
LC 8877, LC 7800 (
Explanation), LC 8888
Economic Development
- Montana Economic Development Association
- Montana Association of Counties
Department of Agriculture report
SJR 38 - Identity Theft bill drafts and background info
Security Freeze revised bill draft
Explanation of sections, issues remaining
ChoicePoint May, June
Consumers Union May, June, Addendum
CDIA data on other states' laws, A-NV, NH-W
Extending breach notification to government
Providing assistance to ID theft victims
Regulating off-site hardware/software use
Social Security Number display, collection
Agency use of Social Security Numbers, summary
Appropriation bill, data for ID theft education
SJR 35 Study of Licensing Boards
Sunrise proposal
Board - miscellaneous
Board review of existing boards
Boards by licensee numbers, budgets
Explanation of above bill drafts
Other Bill Draft Proposals
Revised definition of new motor vehicle dealer
Appropriation for Montana Equity Capital Investment
- Agenda & Minutes(paper and audio)
- SJR 38 Identity Theft Materials
Security freeze proposal in 4/27 mailing
Consumers Union response, AARP response
ChoicePoint response
Overall responses to social security number letters
Letter to Executive Branch; Response
Response from OPI
Response from Commissioner of Higher Education
Letter from Montana Supreme Court
Letter to Dept. of Administration
Lettersto/from Dept. of Public Health&Human Services
Restitution Proposals
Proposed legislation on social security numbers
Additional proposals on identity theft, MECC item
MSNBC article on stolen SSNs - Speaker
Kaiser Mulla-Feroze from - website link
Handouts from Montana Telecommunications Association
Map of broadband
- Uninsured Motorists Presentation
Legislative Audit summary and Wilcox-presentation
Article on Texas uninsured motorists
- Other Presentations
Governor's Office of Economic Development
Montana Heritage Preservation & Development Cmsn
- SJR 35 Subcommittee on Licensing Boards
See SJR 35 Materials
Letters 1 and 2 on medical assistants action by BOME
Letter on Board of Landscape Architects from DOLI
- Rule Review
- Link to Board of Environmental Review
Letter from Energy & Telecommunications Cmte
Items for which there are no links will be provided after scanning or when available.
Meeting Materials
Briefing paper on Social Security Numbers
Comparison of Security Freeze proposals (REVISED)
Background for SJR 35 Study
Health Care, Business and Occupational Personnel Costs
Organization charts*:
Health Care before, after reorganization
Business & Occupational before, after reorganization
*Note: the organization charts are designed for 8x14 paper
Regarding medical assistants rule:
Memo from Montana Nurses' Association
House Bill No. 321
MAR Notice No. 24-156-62 Issue 24
Minutes from 2/21/2003 re: HB 321
Recommendations for MA rules
Donna McCreedy testimony on HB 321
AARP Letter on MAR 24-156-62
Testimony on HB 321, Hugh Hetherington
Letterfrom EAIC to Board of Medical Examiners
**If there is no link, contact staff for print copy. There may be a copying charge.
SB 133 Information
Legal Counsel Analysis and Sidebar
Table of Other States' Start-up Costs
Writ of Mandamus information
SJR 35 Study
Board budgets, licensees, neighboring state comparison
Handout on structure, costs of boards in nearby states
Memo regarding work group concerns
Biographies of ID Theft Speakers
Government Information Technology Concerns
Material related to Board of Landscape Architects
(most available in paper copies only)
Letter to Governor Schweitzer from Board chair
Recent Board chronology
SJR 35 Study
Board ABCs
Appendix I for Board ABCs Report (board aspects)
Appendix II for Board ABCs/Survey Analysis(survey results)
Appendix III for Board ABCs/Survey Analysis (key issues)
Analysis of Survey Results
Decision Tree (on legal-sized paper)
Updated Meeting Schedule
Department of Agriculture report
Assigned Studies -- Licensing Boards and Identity Theft
- Study of Professional, Licensing Boards
Subcommittee Meetings -- Proposed Legislation
- January 19, 2006, Materials, Comments: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6, Minutes
- May 11, 2006, Agenda,
Materials: Organizational Chart for Business Boards, Health Boards - August 1, 2006, Agenda
Revised sunrise, revised review, revised miscellaneous - October 12, 2005,
Agenda, Materials, Comments on Work Group Topics
Survey for SJR 35 Study -- No longer available
Updated Survey Responses; Other survey responses
- Study of Identity Theft
Security Freeze -- See Materials and see Legislation SB 116 (2007), HB 35 (2007)
Identity Theft Legislation - Social Security Bill SB 33 (2007), Education/Enforcement Bill HB15 (2007)
Sessions: 8-10-05 Agenda, 8-10 Notes 9-28-05 Notice, 9-28 Notes
11-21-05 Notice, Agenda, Notes
Work Group on Security Freeze 12-9-05 Notice, Sample Laws, Discussion Notes
1-9-06 Notice, Background, Shine the Light Law, Agenda, Notes
3-15-06 Session, Agenda, Handouts, Notes
5-4-06 Session Notice, Materials,
SSN bill option
6-20-06 Session,. Notice
8-10-06 Session, Notice
Related Reference Sources
State Agencies | Economic Data
State Agencies
- Department of Agriculture
- Department of Commerce
- Governor's Office of Economic Development
- Department of Labor and Industry
- Department of Livestock
- Department of Revenue
- State Auditor's Office
- State Fund
- Supreme Court Decisions in Montana related to Workers' Compensation
(Searchable database in the state law library) - Workers' Compensation Court
Economic Data
Committee Legislation for 2007
SJR 38 Identity Theft Study
(Previous bills revised after work group meeting):
Security Freeze SB116; revised; old LC8888
Explanation of LC8888, issues remaining
ChoicePoint May, June
Consumers Union May, June, Addendum
CDIA data on other state's laws, A-NV, NH-W
Government breach notification New; SB33
Assistance to ID theft victims HB 35; old LC8877
Explanation of victim assistance
Additional victim assistance draft
Addendum information for LC9833
Comments: ChoicePoint, Merlin, MCUN, Spencer
Old social security number bill draft, SB33; LC7800;
Explanation of LC7800
Agency use of Social Security Numbers, summary
Appropriation bill, data for ID theft education HB15
SJR 35 Study of Licensing Boards
Sunrise proposal -- Revised version; SB53
Board - miscellaneous -- Revised version; SB54
Boards by licensee numbers, budgets
Explanation of SJR 35 bill drafts
Appropriation for Montana Equity Capital Investment HB34
Resolution to Congress supporting health care reform HJ1
SB 133 and Venture Fund Follow-up
State Agency Reports
Governor's Office of Economic Opportunity Reports
- 6/2005
Department of Commerce Reports
- 6/2005
Department of Agriculture
- 9/2005
Department of Livestock
- 9/2005
Department of Labor and Industry
- 10/2005
State Auditor's Office
- 2/2006
State Fund
- 2/2006
Legislation 2005 Laws Economic Development
Rule Review
Rules reviewed for: