Montana State Legislature
2007-2008 Children, Families, Health, and Human Services Committee
The Children and Families Interim Committee is a joint bipartisan committee of the Legislature that meets between legislative sessions to monitor the Department of Public Health and Human Services; conduct interim studies; and generally review issues related to health and human services.
The committee's activities for the 2007-2008 interim are summarized in the following reports:
- Time for a Checkup: Monitoring Health Care Services in Montana
- Legislative Mental Health Study
- Consumers, Providers, and the State: Their Roles in Health Care Access and Costs
Audio Timeline
Mental Health Study: Items for Possible Committee Action
Mental Health Study: Items for Possible DPHHS Action
Final Report: Legislative Mental Health Study
-- DMA Health Strategies Final Report Presentation
-- Full Report -- Draft (This version will be revised based on comments received at the Oct. 14 meeting)
-- Executive Summary and Summary of Recommendations
-- Introduction, Methodology, and Findings on the DPHHS Mental Health System
-- Financing Opportunities and Organizational Recommendations
-- Mental Health Needs in the Criminal Justice System
-- Appendices
-- Policy Research Associates Attachments (Justice-Involved Individuals)
-- Errata
Mental Health and Justice-Involved Individuals
-- Summary of Law and Justice Interim Committee bill drafts
-- LC 307
-- LC 516
-- LC 517
-- LC 329
Mental Health System Financing
-- System of Care Account: FY 2008 Report
-- System of Care Account: First Quarter FY 2009 Report
Mental Health System Organization
-- Briefing Paper: Montana's History with Managed Mental Health Care
Draft Agenda
August 21 Minutes
August 22 Minutes
Aug. 21 -- Audio Timeline
Aug.22 -- Audio Timeline
SJR 5 Study
-- LCS5-1: EMT License Plates/Tax Credit
-- LCS5-2: EMS Staffing Levels
-- LCS5-3: EMT on Board of Medical Examiners
-- LCS5-4: EMS Tax Incentives
-- LCS5-5: EMS grant program
-- LSC5-6: Confidentiality of EMS Run Review
-- LCS5-7: Medical Direction/EMS Complaints
-- LSC5-7 Briefing Paper
-- Revised Definition of Volunteer EMT
-- Revisions to EMS Bill Drafts
SJR 15 Study
-- LC 38: Economic Credentialing/Conflicts of Interest
-- LC 38: Explanation of Changes to July 22 Draft
-- LC 38: Review of Stark and Antikickback Acts
-- LC 8887: Extend Moratorium on Specialty Hospitals
-- LC 8888: Revise Definition and Licensing of Specialty Hospitals
-- Hospital Lending Practices: Memo and Summary Table
-- Statutory Requirements in Selected States: Health Care Facility Information
Mental Health Study
-- DMA Health Strategies Presentation
Committee-Requested Legislation
-- LC 148: Friend of the Respondent -- Briefing Paper
-- LC 149 and LC 149b (revised version): Principles and Methodology for Provider Rates
-- LC 150: Sponsor Notification in Administrative Rulemaking -- Briefing Paper
Agency Monitoring
-- DPHHS Legislation: Delayed/Amended Birth Certificates
-- DPHHS Legislation: Streamlining Child Support Enforcement
-- DPHHS Legislation: Senior and Long-Term Care Accountability Rules
-- DPHHS Legislation: Child Welfare Placeholder
-- DPHHS Legislation: Medicaid Third-Party Liability
-- DPHHS Legislation: Medicaid Buy-in Program
-- DPHHS Legislation: Volunteers-Public Health Health Emergencies
-- DPHHS Legislation: ER and Hospital Discharge Data
-- DPHHS Legislation: EMS Statutory Clarifications
-- Rule Review
Minutes: June 10 Full Committee -- June 11 Full Committee
June 10 -- Audio Timeline
June 11 SJR 15 Subcommittee
June 11 Full Commitee -- Audio Timeline
SJR 5 Study
-- LCS5-1 -- Briefing Paper
-- LCS5-2 -- Briefing Paper
-- LCS5-3 -- Briefing Paper
-- LCS5-4 -- Briefing Paper
-- LCS5-5 -- Briefing Paper
-- LCS5-6 -- Briefing Paper
-- SJR 5 Study: Other Statutory References
-- Legislative Audit Memo on EMS-Related Issues
SJR 15 Study
-- Revised version of LC 38 with May 28 comments
-- For additional comment on LC 38 see Assigned Studies (SJR15) tab below
-- Health Care Facility Survey: Summary, Services, Staffing, Payor Mix 1, 2
-- Briefing Paper: Employment, Staffing, and Insurance Issues
Mental Health Study
-- DMA Health Strategies Update
-- Mental Health Parity: General Overview
-- Children's Systems of Care
Agency Monitoring: DPHHS
-- Rule Review
Minutes: March 17 SJR 15 Subcommittee -- March 17 Full Committee -- March 18 Full Committee
March 17 -- Audio Timeline
March 18 -- Audio Timeline
SJR 5 Study
-- Summary of Testimony
SJR 15 Study
-- LC 38:Economic Credentialing/Conflict of Interest -- Initial Version -- Revised Version
-- LC8888:Specialty Hospitals -- Initial Version -- Revised Version
-- Memo on Initial Bill Drafts -- Memo on Revised Bill Drafts
-- See Assigned Studies for links to Comments Received on Bill Drafts
-- Health Care Facility Survey Update
-- Hospices and End-of-Life Care in Montana
-- Charity Care and Other Community Benefits
Mental Health Study
-- Overview of Montana's Publicly Funded Mental Health System
-- Montana State Hospital Update
-- DMA Health Strategies Presentation
Draft Corrective Legislation
-- LC 41: Clarify exclusions from dangerous drug schedules
-- LC 42: Repeal the sunset provision of the hospital bed tax
-- LC 43: Clarify duration of the caretaker relative educational authorization affidavit
Agency Monitoring: DPHHS
-- Rule Review
Bill Draft on Conflict of Interest, Economic Credentialing
Comments on Specialty Hospitals
Jan.25 -- Audio Timeline
SJR 5 Study
-- EMS in Montana PowerPoint
-- Reimbursement Issues PowerPoint
-- EMS Elsewhere: Ideas and Approaches Power Point
SJR 15 Study
-- Hospital Charity Care and Pricing Study and Addendum
-- Requirements in Selected States: Health Care Facility Pricing/Quality and Insurance Information
-- Delivering Healthcare Through Community Health Centers PowerPoint
-- Health Care Facility Survey and Cover Letter
-- NSCL Community Benefit/Tax Exemption Report
-- Health Information Technology: Continuity of Care Record
Mental Health Study
-- Study RFP: Review and Recommendation of Proposals
Agency Monitoring: DPHHS
-- Explanation of Proposed Cleanup Legislation
-- Rule Review
-- Legal Memorandum: Proposed Changes to Vital Statistics Administrative Rules
--Benefis statement
--St. Peter's Hospital statement and conflict of interest policy
--Dr. Paul Byorth statement
--Dr. Jim Elliott statement
--Dr. Keith Popovich statement
--Patti Jo Lane statement
Nov. 16 -- Audio Timeline
SJR 5 Study
-- Briefing Paper: EMS by the Numbers
-- Education and Quality Issues in EMS
-- Blackfeet Tribal EMS
SJR 15 Study
-- Updated: Table of Montana Hospitals
-- Updated: Table of Specialized Health Care Facilities in Montana
-- Transparency: Pricing/Quality Transparency
-- Transparency: Texas Center for Health Statistics
-- Transparency: Arizona Hospital Cost Comparisons
-- Transparency: Wisconsin PricePoint
-- Transparency: Pennsylvania Health Care Cost Containment Council Report and Sample Page
Mental Health Study
-- RFP: Explanation and Draft Language and Decision Log Sheet (as approved Nov. 16, 2007)
-- Rhode Island's Integrated Family and Community System of Care
Agency Monitoring: DPHHS
-- DPHHS Rule Review
Sept. 24 -- Audio Timeline
SJR 5 Study
--- Briefing Paper: The Evolution of Montana's EMS Laws
--- Professional Licensing of Emergency Medical Technicians
--- Montana Emergency Medical Services: A Guide for Elected Officials
SJR 15 Study
--- Topics to Consider
--- Table of SJR 15-Related Definitions, Issues
--- Table of Montana Hospitals
--- Table of Specialized Health Care Facilities in Montana (Draft)
--- Table of Community Health Centers and Rural Health Clinics
--- Tax Treatment of Nonprofit Entities
--- Review of Related Court Cases
Agency Monitoring: DPHHS
Community Services Block Grant Material
DPHHS Rule Review
Draft Work Plan
SJR 5 Draft Study Plan
SJR15 Draft Study Plan
HJR48 Draft Study Plan
Mental Health Appropriation Decision Points
Summary of Health and Human Services Legislation
Rules Review Brochure
DPHHS Rule Review
SJR 5: Emergency Medical Services
The 2007 Legislature approved Senate Joint Resolution 5, for a study of emergency medical services in Montana to determine the issues that communities face and to identify strategies for ensuring that services remain in place throughout the state.
At its Aug. 22, 2008, meeting, the committee approved seven bills designed to help with recruitment, retention, and cost issues for volunteer EMS providers and to clarify existing laws as proposed in a performance audit of the state agencies overseeing EMS activities. The committee also approved sending letters to the Department of Public Health and Human Services and the Department of Labor to follow up on other issues that were raised in the audit but did not require legislative action.
The committee bills will be introduced in the 2009 Legislature.
Staff Reports
- EMS Performance Audit -- Full Audit -- Executive Summary: Legislative Audit Division, June 2008
- EMS Performance Audit of the Department of Public Health and Human Services and the Board of Medical Examiners: PowerPoint presentation by Legislative Audit Division, June 11, 2008
- Memo on EMS-Related Issues: Legislative Audit Division, June 3, 2008
- Summary of Testimony: Sue O'Connell, March 7, 2008
- EMS in Montana: PowerPoint Presentation by the Legislative Audit Division, Jan. 25, 2008
- EMS by the Numbers: EMTs, Providers, Reimbursements, and Survey Responses: Sue O'Connell, November 2007
- The Evolution of Montana's EMS Laws: Sue O'Connell, September 2007
Related Study Materials
The following materials have been presented by individuals invited to speak to the committee on EMS-related issues:
- EMS Elsewhere: Ideas and Approaches: PowerPoint Presentation by Nels Sanddal, Critical Illness and Trauma Foundation, Jan. 25, 2008
- Reimbursement Issues: PowerPoint Presentation by John Ungaretti, Healthcare Billings, Inc., Jan. 25, 2008
- Education and Quality Issues in EMS: PowerPoint Presentation by John Bleicher, Trauma Coordinator, St. Patrick Hospital, Missoula, Nov. 16, 2007
- Blackfeet Tribal EMS: PowerPoint Presentation by Joleen Weatherwax, Director, Blackfeet Tribal EMS, Nov. 16, 2007
- Professional Licensing of Emergency Medical Technicians: Board of Medical Examiners PowerPoint Presentation, Sept. 24, 2007
- Montana Emergency Medical Services: A Guide for Elected Officials: Presented by the EMS and Trauma Systems Section, Sept. 24, 2007
Draft Legislation
After 14 months of study and public comment, the committee approved the following seven bill drafts for introduction in the 2009 Legislature. The drafts will receive House Bill or Senate Bill numbers when they are formally introduced.They can be followed through the Legislature's bill-tracking system to determine their status at any point in the process, by using the LC number listed below.
- LC 333: EMT License Plates/Tax Credit
- LC 334: EMS Staffing Levels
- LC 335: Volunteer EMT on Board of Medical Examiners
- LC 336: EMS Tax Incentives
- LC 337: EMS Grant Program
- LC 117: Confidentiality
- LC338: Medical Direction/EMS Complaints
- August Briefing Papers on Revised Bill Drafts
The committee also asked two state agencies to follow up on other audit issues:
SJR 15: Health Care Delivery Systems
The 2007 Legislature approved Senate Joint Resolution 15, calling for a study of health-care delivery systems in Montana to determine how the different means of providing health care services affect the cost and quality of care. Draft Study Plan (Revised Sept. 12, 2007) SJR 15 SubcommitteeA subcommittee made up of Sen. Dan Weinberg and Rep. Ernie Dutton is specifically addressing the specialty hospital moratorium and economic credentialing issues involved in the SJR 15 study. Separate bills are proposed: LC 38 for economic credentialing and disclosure related to conflicts of interest and LC8888/LC8887 for specialty hospitals. Background materials include explanationsof LC38 and a draft review of the Stark and Antikickback Acts. For Meetings that have audio with minutes, please use the audio archive lookup page. Next Meeting: No other meetings of the subcommittee are planned. The full committee will review bill drafts at the Aug. 22 portion of its meeting. Previous Meetings: Meeting Materials The following materials are being prepared for the August meeting:
The following materials were presented at the Feb. 11 subcommittee meeting: The following staff-generated materials were presented at the Jan. 24 subcommittee meeting: The following materials were among those handed out by speakers at the Jan. 24 subcommittee meeting. Staff Reports
Related Study Materials & Links
Draft LegislationSB 26 - Economic Credentialing Revisions (LC 341) |
Mental Health Study
The Children and Families Committee heard the final report on its contracted mental health study during its Oct. 14 meeting and acted on several items related to the study. The committee approved the drafting of legislation to:
- fund existing and new kids management authorities (KMAs) at the community level;
- provide funds to serve the mental health needs of children up to the age of 6 and of high-risk children with multi-agency needs;
- clarify existing laws relating to local and regional advisory groups; and
- request an interim study to create a managed care mental health system operated by a "care coordination organization."
The committee also agreed to ask that legislation proposed by the Law and Justice Interim Committee be amended to include support of local community crisis centers and to require mental health screenings of jail inmates.
In addition, the committee asked that letters to sent to the Department of Public Health and Human Services and to the Department of Corrections, asking the agencies to follow up on several specific items with the next Legislature and with future interim committees. Committee members wanted to ensure that the report's recommendations were considered and pursued over a period of time, recognizing that many of the suggestions needed further review before lawmakers and state officials could determine the best way to put them into effect.
DMA Health Strategies of Massachusetts conducted the study over a six-month period, gathering information from consumers and other stakeholders through the use of interviews, surveys, and focus groups. It also has analyzed data on the use of mental health services in Montana.
The 2007 Legislature approved the study during its May 2007 special session, when it authorized a line-item appropriation of $200,000 in House Bill 2 for "an interim study of mental health." A study resolution initially related to the appropriation was introduced as Senate Joint Resolution 27 in the regular session. The Legislative Council in September 2007 approved a study plan calling for the hiring of a consulting firm to conduct the study, which was assigned to the Children, Families, Health, and Human Services Interim Committee. The committee had agreed in June 2007 to ask that the Council assign the study to the committee.
DMA Health Strategies Final Report
The final DMA Health Strategies report is available as either one download (the full report is 144 pages) or in sections, through the following links. The final report, dated Nov. 18, 2008, incorporates comments made at the Oct. 14 meeting and also reflects discussions with DPHHS staff about the data provided for analysis. The significant changes are summarized in an addendum that is located after the Executive Summary.
- Final Report (144 pages)
- Executive Summary and Summary of Recommendations
- Introduction, Methodology, and Findings on the DPHHS Mental Health System
- Financing Opportunities and Organizational Recommendations
- Mental Health Needs in the Criminal Justice System
- Appendices
- Policy Research Associates Attachments (Justice-Involved Individuals)
Staff Reports
- Montana's History with Managed Mental Health Care: Sue O'Connell, October 2008
- Mental Health Parity -- General Overview: Sue O'Connell, June 2008
- Children's Systems of Care: Sue O'Connell, June 2008
- Overview of Montana's Publicly Funded Mental Health System: Sue O'Connell, March 7, 2008
- Montana State Hospital Update: Lois Steinbeck, Legislative Fiscal Division, March 7, 2008
- Mental Health Study RFP: Review and Recommendation of Proposals: Sue O'Connell, Jan. 25, 2008
- Rhode Island's Integrated Family and Community System of Care: Sue O'Connell, November 2007
- Mental Health Study RFP: Explanation and Draft Language: Sue O'Connell, Nov. 6, 2007
Related Study Materials and Links
- DMA Health Strategies Final Report Presentation: Oct. 14, 2008
- DMA Health Strategies Update: Aug. 21, 2008
- DMA Health Strategies Update: June 10, 2008
- DMA Health Strategies Presentation: March 18, 2008
- Status of New Mental Health Initiatives
- Post-Deployment Health Reassessment Program Task Force Report: June 2007
- Strategic Plan: Collaboration Between DOC/DPHHS, Dec. 1, 2006
- Concerns and Recommendations - Mental Health and the Corrections System: Mental Health Oversight Advisory Council, Aug. 21, 2006
- Transforming Mental Health Care in Montana: Report of the Working Meeting, Aug. 14-15, 2006
- Considerations for Crisis Services: PowerPoint Presentation, Senate Joint Resolution 41 Study, March 30, 2006
- Improving Montana's Mental Health System: Final Report of the Technical Assistance Collaborative, Jan. 15, 2001
Draft Legislation
The committee requested the drafting of four bills related to the mental health study. The requests have been assigned the following LC numbers and may be followed in the bill-tracking system when they are drafted and as they proceed through the legislative process.
- LC 592: Interim study of managed care mental health study
- LC 593: Fund kids management authorities
- LC 594: Clarify roles of local advisory groups in the mental health system
- LC 595: Fund mental health needs of young children and high-risk children with multi-agency needs
Staff Reports
- Staff Reports
Time for a Checkup -- Monitoring Health Care Services in Montana: Final Report of the SJR 5 Study and CFHHS Oversight Activities, by Sue O'Connell, December 2008
Consumers, Providers, and the State: Their Roles in Health Care Access and Costs: Final Report of the SJR 15 Study, by Pat Murdo, July 2009
Explanation of Proposed Cleanup Legislation: Sue O'Connell, Jan. 25, 2008
Committee Work Plan: Adopted June 26, 2007
Summary of Health and Human Services Legislation: Sue O'Connell, June 21, 2007
- SJR 5 Study: Emergency Medical Services
EMS Performance Audit -- Full Audit -- Executive Summary: Legislative Audit Division, June 2008
Memo on EMS-Related Issues: Legislative Audit Division, June 3, 2008
Summary of Testimony: Sue O'Connell, March 7, 2008
EMS in Montana: Legislative Audit Division PowerPoint Presentation, Jan. 25, 2008
EMS by the Numbers: Sue O'Connell, November 2007
The Evolution of Montana's EMS Laws: Sue O'Connell, September 2007
- SJR 15 Study: Health Care Delivery Systems
Physician Credentialing: Staffing, On Call, and Insurance Issues: Pat Murdo, June 2008
Health Care Facility Survey Update: Pat Murdo, March 2008
Hospices and End-of-Life Care in Montana: Pat Murdo, March 7, 2008
Charity Care and Other Community Benefits: Pat Murdo, March 7, 2008
Requirements in Selected States -- Health Care Facility Pricing/Quality and Insurance Information: Pat Murdo, January 2008
State Statutes: Specialty Hospitals and Economic Credentialing
Table of SJR 15-Related Definitions, Issues: Pat Murdo, September 2007
Table of Montana Hospitals: Pat Murdo, Updated November 2007
Table of Specialized Heatlh Care Facilities in Montana: Pat Murdo, Updated November 2007
Table of Community Health Center and Rural Health Clinics: Pat Murdo, September 2007
Tax Treatment of Nonprofit Entities: Lee Heiman, September 2007
Review of Related Court Cases: Lisa Mecklenberg Jackson, September 2007
- Mental Health Study
Mental Health Parity -- General Overview: Sue O'Connell, June 2008
Children's Systems of Care: Sue O'Connell, June 2008
Overview of Montana's Publicly Funded Mental Health System: Sue O'Connell, March 7, 2008
Review and Recommendation of Proposals: Sue O'Connell, Jan. 25, 2008
Request for Proposals: Issued Nov. 27, 2007
Rhode Island's Integrated Family and Community System of Care: Sue O'Connell, November 2007
Mental Health Study Plan: Susan Byorth Fox, September 2007
- Agency Monitoring: DPHHS
Administrative Rule Review: Lisa Mecklenberg Jackson, June 2008
Administrative Rule Review: Lisa Mecklenberg Jackson, March 2008
Montana State Hospital Update: Lois Steinbeck, March 7, 2008
Administrative Rule Review: Lisa Mecklenberg Jackson, January 2008
Legal Memorandum -- Proposed Changes to Vital Statistics Administrative Rules: Lisa Mecklenberg Jackson, Dec. 6, 2007
Administrative Rule Review: Lisa Mecklenberg Jackson, November 2007
Administrative Rule Review: Lisa Mecklenberg Jackson, September 2007
Administrative Rule Review: Lisa Mecklenberg Jackson, June 2007
Rule Review Brochure: Lisa Mecklenberg Jackson, June 26, 2007
The committee has also approved and sent letters on the following subjects:
- MHA Health Care Information Web Site: sent Sept. 8, 2008, to health care providers and insurers
- Letter of appreciation to Florida Hospital Association: sent Sept. 8, 2008
- Health Information Technology: sent July 1, 2008, to Gov. Brian Schweitzer
- Food Stamp Eligibility Standards: sent July 1, 2008, to Hank Hudson of the DPHHS Human and Community Services Division
- Proposed Reductions in Medicare Physician Reimbursement Rates: sent March 31, 2008, to the Montana congressional delegation
- Proposed Unbundling of Medicaid Rates for Therapeutic Foster Care: submitted Oct. 11, 2007, to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services
- Proposed Unbundling of Medicaid Rates for Therapeutic Foster Care: sent Aug. 2, 2007, to the Montana congressional delegation
- Mental Health Study: sent June 27, 2007, to the Legislative
Committee Chairman Edith Clark appointed a subcommittee for the SJR 15 study of health care delivery systems, to specifically address the specialty hospital moratorium and economic credentialing issues involved in the Senate Joint Resolution 15 study. Subcommittee members are Sen. Dan Weinberg and Rep. Ernie Dutton.
Additional materials involving the subcommittee are available under the Assigned Studies tab.