Montana State Legislature
2007-2008 State Administration and Veterans' Affairs Committee
The State Administration and Veterans' Affairs Interim Committee (SAVA) is a joint bipartisan committee of the legislature that meets between legislative sessions. The SAVA: (1) monitors the activities of the Department of Administration, the Department of Military Affairs, the Office of the Secretary of State, the Office of the Commissioner of Political Practices, and entities attached to the named departments and offices for administrative purposes; (2) examines policy issues that include: procurement; information technology; state employee pay and benefits; tort claims; elections; campaign financing and practices; the National Guard and armories; veterans; and disaster and emergency services; and public employee retirement systems; and (3) makes recommendations to the full legislature on topics within the Committee's purview. The SAVA's responsibilities include reviewing the administrative rules of assigned executive branch agencies (Administration; Military Affairs; SOS, Political Practices). Legislative studies assigned to SAVA for the 2007-08 interim include HJR 46 (election laws) and HJR 59 (public employee retirement systems).
September 15 , 2008 | Agenda (Revised) | Minutes | Listen |
Meeting Materials: |
June 30, 2008 | Agenda | Minutes | Listen |
HJR 46 Materials: LC 35: Proposed Clarification on Places of Deposit LC 35: Proposed Clarification on Mailing of Absentee Ballots LC 35: Proposed Amendment to School Election Laws LC 59: Absentee Ballots and Vacancies on Ballot (Revised) LC 106: Use of Accessible Voting Machines in Certain Elections LC 60: Mail Ballot Pilot Project (Revised) LC 60: Explanation of Revised Draft |
ADMINISTRATIVE RULE REVIEW Legal Memo: Amended Statement of Reasonable Necessity |
Agenda | Minutes | Listen | |
Meeting Materials: LC 59: Absentee Ballots/Revisions Absentee Ballots/Death of Candidate/Vacancies in Office LC 60: Mail Ballot Pilot Project Explanation of LC 60 --- Mail Ballot Pilot Project List of Interested Counties -- Mail Ballot Pilot Project Use of AutoMARK Machines An Overview of Money Purchase Retirement Plans LC 90 - Exempt Military Pension and Retirement Income |
Agenda | Minutes | Listen | |
Meeting Materials: LC9050: Comprehensive Cleanup of Election Laws, Updated Summary of LC9050 Changes, Updated LC9060: Youth Election Judges, Updated Absentee Voting and Vacancies on Ballot - Dave Bohyer Comparing Recent Historical Rates - Dave Bohyer Selected State Actions - Dave Bohyer Memorandum re Constitutional Issues of Postage for Mail Ballot Elections - David Niss Memorandum re Participation of local governments in PERS - Dave Bohyer Memorandum re State Office Space: Build vs. Lease - Dave Bohyer |
Agenda | Minutes | Listen | |
Meeting Materials: LC9050: Comprehensive Cleanup of Election Laws Summary of LC9050 Changes LC9060: Youth Election Judges Mail Ballot Pilot Project: Options and Implications Mail Ballot Pilot Project: Polling Places and Places of Deposit Survey of County Election Administrators: Mail Ballot Pilot Project Survey of County Election Administrators: Funding and Resource Issues Pension Principles and Guidelines (01-07-08) Decision Tool for HJR 59: Public Employee Retirement Systems |
Agenda | Minutes | Listen | |
Meeting Materials: HJR46: Your Ballot's in the Mail - Sue O'Connell HJR46: Overview of Saturday Elections HJR46: Mail Ballot Presentation - Missoula County Clerk & Recorder Vickie Zeier |
Agenda | Minutes - Oct. 19 Minutes - Oct. 20 |
Listen - Oct. 19 Listen - Oct. 20 |
Meeting Materials: Principles & Guidelines for PERS - adopted June 22, 2006 Overview of Development & Status of Montana's PERS - Dave Bohyer & David Niss Building the Foundations for New Retirement Systems Arizona State Retirement System Illinois Retirement Security Initiative - Jourlande Gabriel & Chrissy Mancini Comparison Study of State Employee Pension Programs - Indiana Legislative Services Agency TRS Comparisons HJR46: Update on Work Group Process - Sue O'Connell Press Release re October 19-20 Meeting |
Meeting Schedule and Work Plan
HJR46 STUDY: Election Laws & Mail Ballot Elections
-- Absentee Voting and Vacancies on Ballot : Feb. 12, 2008
-- Constitutionality of Mail Ballot Postage Requirement: Feb. 6, 2008
-- Mail Ballot Pilot Project -- Polling Places and Places of Deposit: Jan. 7, 2008
-- Overview of Saturday Elections: Nov. 30, 2007
-- Your Ballot's In the Mail: An Overview of Vote By Mail Issues: Nov. 20, 2007
-- Constitutionality of Creating Experimental Mail Ballot Election: Oct. 17, 2007
HJR 59 STUDY: Public Employees Retirement Systems
A Legislator's Guide to Montana's Public Retirement Systems, 2008
Selected States' Policies on Public Employee Retirement Systems
Overview of Development & Status of Montana's PERS - Dave Bohyer & David Niss
Building the Foundations for New Retirement Systems
Arizona State Retirement System
Illinois Retirement Security Initiative - Jourlande Gabriel & Chrissy Mancini
Comparison Study - State Employee Pension Programs - Indian Legislative Services Agency
TRS Comparisons
Decision Tool for HJR 59
Pension Principles and Guidelines
Comparing Recent Historical Rates - Dave Bohyer
Selected State Actions - Dave Bohyer
Memorandum re Participation of Local Governments in PERS - Dave Bohyer
An Overview of Money Purchase Retirement Plans - Dave Bohyer
Actuarial Analysis of a Money Purchase Retirement Plan - Milliman
Actuarial Estimates of a Money Purchase Retirement Plan - Milliman
Proposed Legislation
HJR 46: Study Election Laws
At its Sept. 15, 2008, meeting, SAVA assigned sponsors to five bill drafts developed as part of its House Joint Resolution 46 study of election laws. The bills can be followed through the Legislature's bill-tracking system to determine their status at any point in the process, by using the LC number listed below.
- LC 106 -- Use of Accessible Voting Machines in Certain Elections: Initial Draft, May 2008
- LC 60 -- Mail Ballot Pilot Project: Initial Draft, April 2008
- Explanation of LC 60: April 2008
- LC 59 -- Absentee Ballots and Vacancies on Ballot: Revised May 12, 2008
- LC 36 -- Youth Election Judges: Approved Feb. 22, 2008 (formerly LC9060)
- LC 35 — Comprehensive Cleanup of Election Laws: Revised May 6, 2008 (formerly LC9050)
- Summary of LC 35 Changes: Updated May 6, 2008
HJR 59: Study Public Employee Retirement Systems
At its Feb. 22, 2008, meeting, the State Administration committee authorized drafting a bill related to its House Joint Resolution 59 study of public employee retirement benefits. The bill has been assigned the LC number that will be used for the 2009 legislative session.
- SAVA Action regarding retirement plan proposals, April 28, 2008
Rep. MacLaren Proposal: Freeze PERS DB plan; require PERS DC plan participation
Agency Legislation
Office of the Secretary of State
Proposal 1: Revise statutes re post-election audits
Proposal 2: Revise statutes re candidate filing deadlines
Proposal 3: Revise fee structure re online delivery of services for ARM
Proposal 4: Direct public to SOS website for board and commission appointment information
Proposal 5: Revise notary laws
Proposal 6: Place holder for statutory modifications re electronic filing system
Proposal 7: Implement standards for eRecords Information Management
Commissioner of Political Practices
Proposal 1: Require mandatory eFiling of political reporting
Proposal 2: Require disclosure of filing of reports
Proposal 3: Candidate certification deadlines
Proposal 4: Expand definition of "lobbying"
Proposal 5: Clarify ethics complaints and related documents
Proposal 6: Issues re disobedience of a subpoena
Proposal 7: Require itemization of sub-vendor details
Proposal 8: Clarify and authorize use of wire transfers for campaign finance
Department of Administration
Proposal 1: Establish methodology for deferred maintanance backlog
Proposal 2: Allow care and custody facilities to hire workers for staff shortages
Proposal 3: Allow DOA to determine compensation policy structure
Proposal 4: Amend computer security breach notification
Proposal 5: Amend Workers' Compensation Act
Proposal 6: Revise Mortgage Broker and Loan Originator Licensing Act
Proposal 7: Revise Residential Mortgage Lender Licensing Act
Proposal 8: Allow DOA access to State Fund injury and medical information
Proposal 9: Standed 9-1-1 funds
Proposal 10: Revise Title Loan Act
Proposal 11: Require State Fund to determine premiums so that state agencies can budget their workers comp costs
Proposal 12: Revise distribution of funds in 9-1-1 accounts
Proposal 13: Extend Bond Validating Act
Proposal 14: Revise Montana Unified Volume Cap Bond Allocation Plan Act
Proposal 15: Provide Board of County Printing rulemaking authority
Proposal 16: Update 19-1-402 through 19-1-814 re social security contribution account
Proposal 17: Capitol Complex Advisory Council projects
Proposal 18: Eliminate Montana Consensus Council
Montana Public Employees' Retirement Administration and Public Employees Retirement Board
Proposal 1: Update retirement statutes
Proposal 2: Employer contributions on working retirees in the systems
Proposal 3: General revisions bill to amend statutes, interpret laws, eliminate out-dated provisions, replace archaic terminology
Teachers' Retirement System and Teachers Retirement Board
Proposal 1: Revise statutes to comply with federal changes
Proposal 2: Revise statutes to address funding concerns re "return to work" issues
Department of Military Affairs
Proposal 1: Preclude court from considering military service as a detriment to best interest of a child
Proposal 2: Mandating state active duty pay and expenses be drawn on appropriated funds
Proposal 3: Adopt most recent applicable federal military laws
Proposal 4: Create special revenue account to be used for purchase of land necessary to meet MT National Guard mission requirements
Office of Budget and Program Planning
Proposal 1: Eliminating the automatic trigger for PERS and the Sheriff's Retirement System
Other Committee Activities
State Agency Monitoring
Overview of Administrative Rule Review by Interim Committees
Legal Memo: Amended Statement of Reasonable Necessity, June 2008
Solicitation Of Retirement Related Proposals
Proposal for Retirement Plan Legislation
Memorandum re Proposals to revise public employee retirement systems
Solicitation Of Agency Legislation Proposals
Proposal Form for Agency Legislation