Montana State Legislature
2009-2010 Water Policy Committee
The Water Policy Interim Committee (WPIC) is a joint bipartisan committee of the Legislature created by the passage of Senate Bill No. 22 (2009). The Legislature authorized the new committee to study topical water quality and quantity issues.
Boiling it Down: A study of water policy in Montana, Final WPIC report
- Agenda
- September 8, 2010 minutes
- September 9, 2010 minutes
- Adjudication progress report -- DNRC and the Water Court
- Committee rules for advancing legislation
- Proposed Legislation
- Boiling it Down, A study of water policy in Montana, draft WPIC report
- Public comment on draft report and legislation (added as received)
- DNRC enforcement spreadsheet
- Exempt well declaratory ruling
- Photos of the Ground Water Investigation Program demonstration
- Agenda
- July 26, 2010 minutes
- July 27, 2010 minutes
- Adjudication progress report -- DNRC and the Water Court
- Water adjudication audit report from the Legislative Audition Division
- Letter to Governor from WPIC
- Update on Clark Fork Task Force
- Revised work plan
- Followup on Navigability for Title Test
- Boiling it Down, A study of water policy in Montana, draft WPIC report
- Missouri River cottonwood regeneration
- Proposed Revisions to Section 85-2-125, MCA (LC 9999 memo)
- Proposed Legislation
- Agenda
- May 11, 2010 minutes
- May 12, 2010 minutes
- Adjudication progress report -- DNRC and Water Court
- Discussion draft bill for water marketing (revised)
- Photos of the North Hills tour
- Menu of options for mitigation, exempt wells, and wastewater management
- Legal opinion on the budget process
- Letter to the governor regarding continued funding for the Ground Water Investigation Program
- Agenda
- March 10, 2010 minutes
- March 11, 2010 minutes
- Letter opposing Clean Water Restoration Act
- Letter requesting delay of the implementation of the Flood Map Modernization Program
- The times, they are a-changin': An overview of changes in appropriation rights and water marketing
- Menu of options for mitigation, exempt wells, and wastewater management
- House Bill No. 575 (2009) summary
- The Nature of a Water Right and Implications for Enforcement
- Water Leasing Study, FWP
- Adjudication progress report -- DNRC and Water Court
- Revised workplan
- Agenda
- January 13, 2010 minutes
- January 14, 2010 minutes
- Drilling Down: An overview of exempt well issues
- Coal Bed Methane Water: An overview of water right issues
- 2002 EQC report on CBM and water policy
- CBM water information -- Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology
- Adjudication progress report -- DNRC and Water Court
- Agenda
- September 21, 2009 minutes
- Photos of "How Water Works" demonstrations
- A Guide to Montana Water Quality Regulation (2009)
- WPIC rules adopted at the July meeting
- House Bill No. 52
- Governor's amendment of HB 52
- Legal opinion on the budget process
- Draft work plan decision matrix
- Draft work plan
- Overview of the evolution of water law in Montana and the West
- List of water related studies produced by government agencies
- Legal opinion on the term navigable waters
- Letter to the DNRC from the WPIC
- Adjudication progress report -- Water Court
- Adjudication progress report -- DNRC
- An applicant's view of permitting, Ross Miller