Montana State Legislature
SJR 26: Transporting Oversize Loads
Senate Joint Resolution No. 26 requests an interim study of transporting oversize loads through Montana. Legislators ranked the study 13th out of the 17 study resolutions in the post-session poll of interim studies. In May 2013, the Legislative Council assigned the study to theRevenue and Transportation Interim Committee.
The committee reviewed and revised a draft study plan at its organizational meeting on June 27.
September 4-5, 2014
- Bill draft to direct MDT to designate preferred oversize routes (LC 9907)
- Draft committee final report
July 16-17, 2014
- Common oversize routes and opportunities and challenges of oversize corridors
- Cost analysis memo for oversize routes
- Decision tool
May 6, 2014
- Legal Opinion: City of Missoula Ordinance on Oversize Loads
- Briefing on Statutory Impediments to Cooperative Funding of Corridor
- Oversize load permit data
- Public Comment:
February 18-19, 2014
- Additional Information on Alberta High Load Corridor
- Comparison of Montana Oversize Fees with Neighboring States -- Department of Transportation
- Briefing on MAP-21 Comprehensive Size and Weight Limits Study
- Summary of Testimony Related to the Movement of Oversize Loads
December 4-5, 2013
- Briefing on the Movement of Oversize Loads in Other Jurisdictions
- MDT Legal Opinion about Commerce Corridors
- Bay Montana presentation
October 1, 2013
- SJR26 Study of Oversized Loads Background Report
- Photos of oversize loads: Fort Peck (turning a corner), Fort Peck (straight), Lost Trail, Nickel Brothers, Omega Morgan, over height module, two over height modules
June 27, 2013
- Study Plan -- Adopted June 27, 2013