Montana State Legislature
Highway State Special Revenue Account
A study of the Highway State Special Revenue account ranked third in the committee poll of study topics. This study topic was suggested in a memorandum sent to the committee by the Natural Resource and Transportation Joint Subcommittee of the 64th Legislature. The work plan adopted by the committee includes a study plan for this study.
September 7-8, 2016
- LChsra - Revises deposit and expenditure of highway revenue
- LCdyed - Limits access to dyed diesel fuel pumps
- Point of Taxation maps
June 9-10, 2016
- Motor Fuel Tax Rates Linked to Fuel Prices -- Megan Moore
- House Bill No. 97, Fiscal Note
- Recommended Best Practices for the Use of Construction Management/General Contractor -- Associated General Contractors of America
- Maps: Associated General Contractors of America CMR Legal Study for Projects and Status of CMR-CMCG Legislative Authority
- Sample motor vehicle registration
- Highway Patrol data:
- Memo: Highway Patrol Fines Collections to HSRA -- Sam Schaefer, LFD
March 10-11, 2016
- Memo: Detailed Uses of the Highway State Special Revenue Account -- Cathy Duncan, LFD
- Highway State Special Revenue Restricted Revenue Account Gasoline Tax Increases and Working Capital Balance Impacts
- HSRA Revenues, Expenditures, and Fiscal Year End Working Capital Balance
- Memo: Fuel Tax Paid For an Average Vehicle and Driver -- Megan Moore
- States With Electric Vehicle Registration Fees -- Megan Moore
- Federal Highway Tolling Programs -- Federal Highway Administration
- Toll Facilities in the United States -- NCSL
- Comparison of Toll Rates by State and Regional Tolling Authorities -- NCSL
- Memo: Diesel and Dyed Diesel Tax Analysis -- Sam Schaefer, LFD
- State Fuel Tax Exemptions -- Megan Moore
- Memo: Survey Results HD 54 -- Rep. Essmann
November 30 - December 2, 2015
- Montana's Approach to Asset Management -- Lynn Zanto, MDT
- Performance, Programming, Process -- Montana Department of Transportation
- DOJ History in Highway State Special Revenue Account -- Cathy Duncan, LFD
September 24-25, 2015
- Highway State Special Revenue Account Briefing/Update -- Cathy Duncan, LFD
- Revenue forecasts for the Highway State Special Revenue Account -- Sam Schaefer, LFD