Montana State Legislature
2007-2008 Environmental Quality Council
The Environmental Quality Council (EQC) is a state legislative committee created by the 1971 Montana Environmental Policy Act. The EQC has 17 members: 6 senators; 6 representatives; 4 public members; and 1 nonvoting member who represents the Governor. The statutory duties of the Council are described in 75-1-324, MCA, of MEPA and in other sections of the Montana Code Annotated.
Public Members
Governor's Representative
- Agenda
- September 8, 2008 minutes
- September 9, 2008 minutes
- Memo to Council about September meeting
- LC0274 Contingent voidness cleanup legislation
- Additional DEQ legislative proposals
- Petroleum Tank Release Fund, final report
- HJ 57 Trust Land Management, draft report
Appendices - FWP legislative proposals
- Climate Change Study, draft report
Public comment (9-5-2008) - Climate change draft legislation for public comment
LC6000 Increase funding for Montana Manufacturing Extension Center and request funds be used to promote recycling. Eliminate sunset on funding for Growth through Agriculture and Montana Cooperative Development Centers.
LC6001 Revolving loan program to finance machinery and equipment used for recycling.
LC6002 Eliminate sunsets on tax incentives for recycling.
LC6003 Recycling and waste reduction grant act.
LC6004 Tax abatements for facilities that use Montana grown raw materials in food production.
LC6005 Require MDT to provide a report to the RTIC on measures taken to conserve energy in the transportation sector. (9-2-2008)
LC6006 Funding for senior citizens and persons with disabilities transportation services account.
LC6007 Funding for weatherization programs from a percentage of the increased oil and gas revenues.
LC6008 Expand tax credits to create incentives for low-income property owners and landlords to weatherize.
LC6009 Study bill requiring the EQC during the 2009-2010 interim to study biomass.
LC6010 Resolution in support of the National Association of Counties stand in support of fuel reduction actions.
LC6011 Set energy efficiency standards for new construction of state-owned buildings.
- Agenda
- July 14, 2008 minutes
- July 15, 2008 minutes
- Memo to Council about July meeting
- Chair's letter to the Board of Environmental Review
- EQC Draft Climate Change Proposals
- Climate Change: An analysis of climate change policy issues in Montana, draft report
- Petroleum Tank Release Fund, draft report
- HJ 57 Trust Land Management, draft report
Public comment - State superfund operations audit report
- Opencut mine permitting audit report
- Water Protection Bureau audit assessment
- Land banking report
- DEQ legislative proposals
- DNRC legislative proposals
- Basin location and adjudication status (7-15-2008)
- Agenda
- May 12, 2008 minutes
- May 13, 2008 minutes
- Memo to Council about May meeting
- Basin location and adjudication status (5-13-2008)
- Chair's memo on climate change process
- State Water Plan authority
- Considerations for discussion of 15 Climate Change Advisory Committee Recommendations
- HJ 57 Trust Land Management
- Agenda
- March 10, 2008 minutes
- March 11, 2008 minutes
- Center for Climate Strategies brief
- Memo to Council about March meeting
- Memo to Council about climate change survey
- Climate change survey results(3-10-08)
- Basin location and adjudication status (3-11-2008)
- Legal Analysis Regarding State Land Board and DNRC Authority in Relation to HJR 57, Todd Everts
- Legality of the Legislature authorizing the placement of conservation easements on school trust land, Greg Petesch
- Supreme Court Proposed Order on the unauthorized practice of law
- Conservation easement brochure
- Agenda
- September 13, 2007 minutes
- September 14, 2007 minutes
- PPL and Avista vs. State of Montana
- Review and status of petroleum release programs
- Sunburst School District vs. Texaco and Shammel vs. Canyon Resources
- Final work plan
- Climate change primer
- Climate change links
- HJR 57: Conservation easements and state trust lands primer
- EQC Rules and Procedures
- Basin location and adjudication status (8-28-2007)
- Conservation easements performance audit
- Agenda
- June 28, 2007 minute
- June 29, 2007 minutes
- Basin location and adjudication status (6-28-2007)
- Work Plan
- Work Plan Matrix
- HJ 57 Study of conservation easements on state trust lands
General Information
Climate Change
- Climate Change: An analysis of climate change policy issues in Montana, final report
- Climate Change: An analysis of climate change policy issues in Montana, draft report available for public comment
- Climate Change: An analysis of climate change policy issues in Montana, draft report
- EQC Draft Climate Change Proposals
- Center for Climate Strategies brief
- Montana Climate Change Action Plan, GCCAC report
- Climate change survey results
- Considerations for discussion of 15 Climate Change Advisory Committee Recommendations
- Scientific consensus on global warming
- Global warming and its real-world effects
- Global warming and Montana
- Climate change in Montana
- Frequently asked questions
- Implications for the Northern Rockies
- Man-made or natural
- The carbon question
- Montana Drought Advisory Committee report
- Climate change links
- Climate change primer
Conservation Easements
- House Joint Resolution No. 57
- Trust Land Management (final report)
- HJ 57 Trust Land Management (6-1-2008 draft for public comment)
- HJ 57 Trust Land Management (5-12-2008)
- Conservation Easements: 20 Things Everyone Should Know
- How Montana compares with other states
- Performance audit summary
- Overview of trust lands
- HJR 57: Conservation easements and state trust lands primer
- Legal Analysis Regarding State Land Board and DNRC Authority in Relation to HJR 57, Todd Everts
- Legality of the Legislature authorizing the placement of conservation easements on school trust land, Greg Petesch
HB 22 Adjudication Status
- Basin location and adjudication status (6-28-2007)
- Basin location and adjudication status (8-28-2007)
- Basin location and adjudication status (1-14-2008)
- Basin location and adjudication status (3-11-2008)
- Basin location and adjudication status (5-13-2008)
- Basin location and adjudication status (7-15-2008)
Agency Oversight Subcommittee
Meeting Schedule and Materials
For Meetings that have audio with minutes, please use the audio archive lookup page.
July 14, 2008
- Agenda
- Minutes
- Memo to Agency Oversight Subcommittee members
- Compliance and Enforcement Reports
Department of Agriculture, Pesticide and Ground Water Enforcement Programs
Department of Environmental Quality, FY 2006 - FY 2007
Department of Natural Resources and ConservationJune 10, 2008
- Agenda
- Minutes
- BER Final Order, Highwood generating plant air quality permit
- BER members
- Memo to Agency Oversight Subcommittee members
May 12, 2008
- Agenda
- Minutes
- Memo to Agency Oversight Subcommittee members
- Compliance and Enforcement Reports
Department of Agriculture, Pesticide and Ground Water Enforcement Programs
Department of Environmental Quality, FY 2006 - FY 2007March 10, 2008
- Agenda
- Minutes
- Memo to Agency Oversight Subcommittee members
January 14, 2008
- Agenda
- Minutes
September 13, 2007
- Agenda
- Minutes
- DFWP litigation summary
- DFWP potential rules
- DEQ current MEPA cases
- DNRC District Court water rights cases
- DNRC Administrative and Judicial water rights cases
- DNRC active trust lands litigation
Petroleum Tank Release Fund Subcommittee
The subcommittee comprises members of both the Environmental Quality Council and the Legislative Finance Committee.
Senator Robert Story, EQC
Rep. Sue Dickenson, EQC
Rep. Rick Ripley, LFC
Rep. Cynthia Hiner, LFC
Meeting Schedule and Materials
There will be no further meetings.
June 25, 2008 (conference call)
- Agenda
- Subcommittee Report (this is the final version, submitted to EQC on July 15, 2008)
Appendix A: Chronology of petroleum release cleanups, DEQ
Appendix B: Petroleum Tank Release Compensation Board: fiscal year payments
Appendix C: Petroleum Tank Release Compensation Board: historical revenue
Appendix D: Legal constraints applicable to petroleum release cleanups
Appendix E: DEQ Circular 7: Numerical Water Quality Standards
Appendix F: DEQ Technical Guidance Document 7: Soil and Groundwater Action Levels
June 4, 2008 - Agenda
- Minutes
- DEQ powerpoint: monitored natural attenuation and risk-based cleanup
- Release site prioritization matrix
- Petroleum Board base budget, Barb Smith, LFD
- Petro Board draft budget, 2010 and 2011
- Addressing the Cleanup Backlog, EPA
- Montana backlog background, EPA
- EPA guidance on fund soundness
- Petro Board financial responsibility
- Private insurance premium estimates, EPA and 2003 Legislative Audit
- Private insurance premium estimates, UCPM Environmental Insurance, Inc.
- Status of State Fund Programs, EPA
May 13, 2008 - Agenda
- Minutes
- SB 145 (2005)
- Follow-up of performance audit, Legislative Audit Division
- Legislative background and options
- Tank fund summary report, Barb Smith, Legislative Fiscal Division
- Draft legislation and statistics
- Petro Fund powerpoint
- Initial EPP request, DEQ
- Charts of releases and cleanup process
- Petro Board proposed amendments to MCA
- List of known insurance providers
- Petro Fund solvency - proposed legislation
Subcommittee Report
Submitted for review by the Environmental Quality Council, July 15, 2008
Appendix A: Chronology of petroleum release cleanups, DEQ
Appendix B: Petroleum Tank Release Compensation Board: fiscal year payments
Appendix C: Petroleum Tank Release Compensation Board: historical revenue
Appendix D: Legal constraints applicable to petroleum release cleanups
Appendix E: DEQ Circular 7: Numerical Water Quality Standards
Appendix F: DEQ Technical Guidance Document 7: Soil and Groundwater Action Levels
Summary of Subcommittee Work
Submitted for review by the Legislative Finance Committee, June 6, 2008
Solvency of the Petroleum Tank Release Fund
Prepared by Barbara Smith, Fiscal Analyst, updated May 2008
GAO Report to Congress: "Leaking Underground Storage Tanks: EPA Should Take Steps to Better Ensure the Effective Use of Public Funding for Cleanups," published February 2007
Legislative Proposals
As proposed by the Petroleum Tank Release Compensation Board, April 2008
EQC WPIC Joint Subcommittee
The Water Policy Interim Committee created for the 2007-08 biennium by House Bill No. 304 will terminate June 30, 2009. The EQC and the WPIC formed a joint subcommittee to discuss future water policy development options in Montana.
Meeting Schedule and Materials
For Meetings that have audio with minutes, please use the audio archive lookup page.
September 8, 2008
- Agenda
- Minutes
- Memo to Subcommittee members
- LC5016
- LC5017
- LC5018
August 12, 2008
- Agenda
- Minutes
- Memo to Subcommittee members
- LC5017
- LC5018
July 14, 2008
- Agenda
- Minutes
June 10, 2008
- Agenda
- Minutes
- Memo to Subcommittee members
- EQC Water Policy Issues 1995-2006
- Water Policy Committee historic overview
- Water Policy Interim Committee 2007-09
Staff and State Agency Memos
Draft Legislation
Proposed Legislation
- LC0274 Contingent voidness cleanup legislation
- LC6000 - * LAWS LC 390
- LC6001 - * LAWS LC 389 (EQC requested amendments pending)
- LC6002 - * LAWS LC 388
- LC6005 - * LAWS LC 387
- LC6006 - * LAWS LC 386
- LC6007 - * LAWS LC 385
- LC6008 - * LAWS LC 384 (EQC requested amendments pending)
- LC6009 - * LAWS LC 383
- LC6011 - * LAWS LC 382