Montana State Legislature
2013-2014 Children, Families, Health, & Human Services Interim Committee
The committee's final report, "Considering the Health and Well-Being of Montanans," summarizes the activities the committee undertook to carry out its two assigned studies and other duties.
For a list of committee bills that will be introduced in the 2015 Legislature, please click here.
More detailed information about the outcome of the committee's assigned studies is available on the HJR 16 Study page and the SJR 20 Study page.
The webpage is down for maintenance.
CFHHS Committee Topics
The Children and Families Committee is responsible by law for carrying out interim studies and monitoring the activities of the Department of Public Health and Human Services. Senate Bill 423 in 2011 also gave the committee the responsibility of monitoring implementation of the Montana Marijuana Act, which replaced the former Montana Medical Marijuana Act.
Reports and other materials related to these topics are available by clicking on the links below.
The committee's work plan outlined how it would handle these responsibilities throughout the interim. The committee's final report, "Considering the Health and Well-Being of Montanans," summarizes the information the committee received over the interim and the actions it took related to its studies and other duties.
Assigned Studies
- House Joint Resolution 16: State-Operated Institutions
- Senate Joint Resolution 20: Prescription Drug Abuse
Oversight Responsibilities
- Agenda
- Minutes Log
- Legislative Guidelines for Interim Committees
- General Health and Human Services Acronyms
- Federal Poverty Level Chart
- Summary of 2013 Health and Human Services Legislation
- Draft Interim Work Plan
- Draft HJR 16 Study Plan
- Draft SJR 20 Study Plan
- Overview of Administrative Rulemaking and Rule Review
- Administrative Rule Report
- Update on SB 423: Montana Marijuana Act
- Marijuana Registry Statistics
- Board of Medical Examiners Report on Marijuana-Related Complaints
- Agenda
- Minutes Log (with exhibits)
- Public Comment Guidelines
- Agency Monitoring:
- Required Report: Out-of-State Placement of Children
- HJR 16 Study: State-Operated Institutions
- Staff Briefing Papers:
- Montana State Hospital Admissions by Type
- Transfers Between MSH and MSP
- Legislative History: 46-14-312, MCA
- Continuum of Mental Health Services
- Recent Developments in Community Mental Health Services
- Community Developmental Disability Services
- HJR 39: An Earlier Look at Community Services for the Dually Diagnosed
- Continuum of Care for CHemical Dependency Services
- Staff Briefing Papers:
- SJR 20 Study: Prescription Drug Abuse
- Staff Briefing Paper:
- Panelist Presentations:
- SB 423 Monitoring: Montana Marijuana Act
- Agenda
- Minutes Log
- Agency Monitoring:
- DPHHS Briefing Paper: History and Purpose of Title IV-E Waiver Demonstration Projects
- DPHHS PowerPoint: The Montana Title IV-E Child Welfare Demonstration Project
- Legislative Fiscal Division: Medicaid Monitoring Report
- DPHHS: Report on Selected Medicaid Appropriations
- HJR 16 Study: State-Operated Institutions
- Staff Briefing Papers:
- Panelist Presentations:
- Treatment Advocacy Center: Assisted Outpatient Treatment
- Treatment Advocacy Center: Assisted Outpatient Treatment Saves Money
- Treatment Advocacy Center: Inpatient and Outpatient Standards by State
- SJR 20 Study: Prescription Drug Abuse
- Staff Briefing Papers:
- Panelist Presentations:
- PDMP Center of Excellence: Selected Prescription Drug Monitoring Program Best Practices with Examples
- Montana Medicaid Program: Montana Medicaid Drug Abuse Prevention
- Montana Workers' Compensation Program: Workers' Compensation and Prescription Drugs
- Montana State Fund: Montana State Fund Prescription Drug Efforts
- Medicaid Providers: Senior and Long-Term Care
- Montana Health Care Association Materials:
- SB 423 Monitoring: Montana Marijuana Act
- Agendas: March 13 March 14
- Minutes Log (with exhibits) March 13, 2014 and March 14, 2014
- SJR 20 Study: Prescription Drug Abuse
- Background Report: Reducing Prescription Drug Abuse: Lessons Learned from an NGA Policy Academy
- Panelist Presentations:
- Dr. Gary Franklin: Reversing the Opioid Epidemic
- Dr. Len Paulozzi: The Prescription Drug Overdose Epidemic: Prevention and Mitigation A National Overview
- Todd Harwell PowerPoint: Is There Geographic Variation in Mortality and Morbidity?
- Jackie Jandt Handout: Montana Substance Abuse Treatment Statistics
- Staff Memo: Summary of SJR 20 Suggestions
- Agency Monitoring
- Staff Report: HB 142 Review of Statutory Advisory Councils and Reports
- DPHHS Report: Out-of-State Placement of Children
- HB 76: Office of the Child and Family Ombudsman
- SB 423 Monitoring: Montana Marijuana Act
- HJR 16 Study: State-Operated Institutions
- Montana's Uninsured Population
- Panelist Presentations:
- Gregg Davis: Montana's Uninsured Population-Who Are They?
- Panelist Presentations:
- Agenda
- Minutes Log
- SJR 20 Study: Prescription Drug Abuse
- Staff Materials:
- LCCF01: Bill Draft for Pain Management Rules
- Briefing Paper: LCCF01 Considerations
- Briefing Paper: Development and Funding of the Montana Prescription Drug Registry
- Speaker Materials:
- Dan Vogt PowperPoint: Prescription Monitoring-The Oklahoma Approach
- Montana Medical Association PowerPoint: A Prescription for Change--Reducing Prescription Drug Abuse
- Montana Board of Pharmacy and Montana Interactive PowerPoint: Montana Prescription Drug Registry
- Montana Board of Pharmacy: Montana Prescription Drug Registry 2014 Interim Report
- Montana Prescription Drug Registry: Statistics as of March 26, 2014
- Staff Materials:
- HJR 16 Study: State-Operated Institutions
- Speaker Materials:
- Staff Materials:
- SB 423 Monitoring:Montana Marijuana Act
- Agenda
- Minutes Log
- Monitoring Health-Related Matters
- Speaker Materials
- House Bill 630 Study: Montana Food Modernization Project
- House Bill 630 (2013 Legislature)
- Marijuana-Related Physician Complaints
- Description of Montana Healthcare Foundation
- Montana Medical Association Discussion Concept: Co-Pays for Medicaid Expansion Population
- House Bill 630 Study: Montana Food Modernization Project
- Speaker Materials
- SJR 20 Study: Prescription Drug Abuse
- Staff Materials
- LCCF01: Bill Draft for Pain Management Rules (from May Meeting)
- Briefing Paper: LCCF01 Considerations (from May Meeting)
- LCCF02: Bill Draft for Allowing Information Sharing
- LCCF03: Bill Draft for Electronic Prescribing
- Briefing Paper: Comparison of Montana and Oklahoma Drug Registry Laws
- Briefing Paper: Disposing of Unused Narcotic Drugs
- Briefing Paper: Funding Options for Prescription Drug Monitoring Programs
- Draft Letter to Congressional Delegation on PDMP Funding
- Other Materials
- National Overview of PDMP Funding Options, PDMP Technical and Training Assistance Center
- Staff Materials
- Agency Monitoring: DPHHS
- Agency Report: Maternal Mortality Review
- Monitoring Human Services Matters
- Speaker Materals
- Handout: Family Housing Matters, The Center for Children and Families
- Speaker Materals
- HJR 16 Study: State-Operated Institutions
- Staff Materials:
- Briefing Paper: Considerations and Decision Points Related to LCCF04-LCCF07
- LCCF04: Funding for DD Mobile Crisis Response
- Draft Letter to Governor on DD Mobile Crisis Response
- LCCF05: Funding for HB 130 Grants to Counties
- LCCF06: Funding for HB 131 Secure Detention Beds
- LCCF07: Funding for Short-Term Inpatient Treatment
- Briefing Paper: Potential Costs of Short-Term Inpatient Treatment
- Briefing Paper: Potential Costs and Considerations for Forensic Community Facilities
- Draft Letter to Congressional Delegation on Medicaid Funding for Inmate Health Costs
- Speaker Materials:
- Solitary Confinement: HB 536 (2013 Legislature)
- Staff Materials:
- Tentative Agenda
- Minutes Log
- Health and Human Services Monitoring
- Youth Crisis Diversion Proposal
- Youth Crisis Draft Legislation
- SB 84: Patient-Centered Medical Homes
- HJR 16 Study: State-Operated Institutions
- Revised LCCF04: Funding for Mobile Crisis Response
- Revised LCCF05: Funding for HB 130 Grants to Counties
- LCCF10: Funding for Private Mental Health Prerelease Center
- LCCF11: Funding for State-Run Mental Health Prerelease Center
- Briefing Paper: Considerations Related to LCCF10 and LCCF11
- SJR 20 Study: Prescription Drug Abuse
- Briefing Paper: Summary of MPDR Funding Sources
- LCCF08: Montana Prescription Drug Registry Fee
- LCCF09: Prescriptions for Minors
- Briefing Paper: LCCF09 Considerations and Decision Points
- Draft Final Report of Committee Activities
- Draft Report (with Appendices A through D)
- Appendix E: Montana Wyoming Tribal Leaders Council Recommendations
- Appendix F: Dual Diagnosis Task Force Recommendations
- Appendix G: IMS Health Data on Prescription Drugs
- Agency Monitoring
- DPHHS Agency Legislation
- Briefing Paper: Agency Legislation--Purpose and Process of Committee Review
- DPHHS Proposal: Opt-Out for Immunization Tracking System
- HJR 30: Study of Veterans' Benefits
- Montana Suicide Reduction Plan
- DPHHS Agency Legislation
- SB 423 Monitoring: Montana Marijuana Act
- Registry Statistics, August 2014
The Children, Families, Health, and Human Services Interim Committee proposed several bills as a result of its work during the 2013-2014 interim. It also authorized for early drafting and preintroduction one bill proposed by the Department of Public Health and Human Services.
Committee-proposed legislation is listed below by topic, followed by DPHHS-requested legislation.
The committee revised some bill drafts before taking final action. In those instances, each version of the bill draft is listed, including the final version approved for introduction in the 2015 Legislature. The official drafting (LC) number assigned to the approved bill drafts is listed in parentheses behind the subject of the bill. The bill's progress through the legislative process may be followed using the official LC number in the online bill-tracking system.
HJR 16 Study: State-Operated Institutions
- LCCF04: Funding for DD Mobile Crisis Response (LC 337)
-- June Version -- Final Version - LCCF05: Funding for HB 130 Grants to Counties (LC 338)
-- June Version -- August Version -- Final Version - LCCF06: Funding for HB 131 Secure Detention Beds (LC 339)
- LCCF07: Funding for HB 132 Short-Term Inpatient Treatment (LC 347)
- LCCF10: Privately Operated Forensic Prerelease Center (LC 341)
- LCCF11: State-Operated Forensic Prerelease Center (LC 342)
-- August Version -- Final Version
SJR 20 Study: Prescription Drug Abuse
The committee approved the following SJR 20-related bill drafts.
- LCCF02: Allow Information Sharing with Law Enforcement (LC 335)
- LCCF03: Electronic Prescribing (LC 336)
- LCCF08: Prescription Drug Registry Fee (LC 340)
-- August Version -- Final Version
The committee considered, but did not advance, the following bill drafts.
Legislation Related to Human Services
In August, stakeholders proposed a bill draft to appropriate $1.2 million to fund pilot projects for youth crisis diversion services. The committee agreed to introduce the measure as a committee bill; the draft will be posted when it becomes available.
LC 334: Youth Crisis Diversion Grants
Agency Legislation
The committee approved the legislative proposal submitted by the Department of Public Health and Human Services for preintroduction in the 2015 session.
The Children, Families, Health, and Human Services Committe reviews administrative rules proposed by the Department of Public Health and Human Services. The complete text for any of the proposed rules listed below, including any hearing information, may be accessed by visiting and entering the MAR Notice Number in the "Search by Notice No." field in the bottom right-hand corner of the page. |
Department of Public Health and Human Services
Notice Date | MAR Notice No. | Agency, Board or Commission | Subject | Staff Memo/Other Documents |
8/21/14 | 37-689 | DPHHS |
Revising fee schedules for Medicaid provider rates |
8/21/14 | 37-688 | DPHHS |
Updating the date of the current procedural terminology codes |
8/21/14 | 37-687 | DPHHS |
Updating the state trauma plan |
8/7/14 | 37-686 | DPHHS |
Date changes to International Classification of Diseases clinical modification and procedural coding system services |
8/7/14 | 37-685 | DPHHS |
Addition of a new supervision level within the foster care classification model system |
7/24/14 | 37-684 | DPHHS |
Physician and mid-level practitioner reimbursement for early elective delivery and ancillary services |
7/24/14 | 37-683 | DPHHS |
Fee schedule revision for durable medical equipment, home and community-based services, and personal assistance and self-directed personal assistance services |
7/24/14 | 37-682 | DPHHS |
Plan First eligibility -- Federal Poverty Level and health coverage status |
7/24/14 | 37-681 | DPHHS |
Removal of anesthesiologist assistants from outpatient centers for surgical services rules |
7/10/14 | 37-679 | DPHHS |
Pertaining to SED youth, mental health outpatient partial hospital services, and Medicaid mental health authorization requirements |
6/26/14 | 37-680 | DPHHS | Pertaining to updating the Montana retail food establishment rules | |
5/8/14 | 37-678 | DPHHS | Pertaining to Medicaid outpatient and inpatient hospital services | |
5/8/14 | 37-677 | DPHHS | Pertaining to newborn screening and follow-up of failed screenings | |
4/24/14 | 37-676 | DPHHS | Pertaining to dialysis clinic method of reimbursement | |
4/24/14 | 37-675 | DPHHS | Pertaining to Medicaid reimbursement for ambulatory surgery centers | |
5/8/14 | 37-674 | DPHHS |
Pertaining to the update of developmental disabilities program home and community-based waiver and case management reimbursement |
4/24/14 | 37-673 | DPHHS | Pertaining to revisions of by report reimbursement | |
4/24/14 | 37-672 | DPHHS | Pertaining to Medicaid allied health services program reimbursement and rates | |
4/24/14 | 37-671 | DPHHS |
Pertaining to nursing facility reimbursement |
4/24/14 | 37-670 | DPHHS |
Pertaining to the revision of fee schedules for Medicaid provider rates |
4/24/14 | 37-669 | DPHHS |
Pertaining to the mental health center: comprehensive school and community treatment program (CSCT) endorsement requirements |
4/24/14 | 37-668 | DPHHS |
Updating the Montana telecommunications program guidelines to the federal poverty index 2014 levels |
3/27/14 | 37-667 | DPHHS | Vocational Rehabilitation Program Payment for Services | |
3/13/14 | 37-666 | DPHHS | Update of Federal Poverty Guidelines for Children’s Special Health Services Program | |
1/16/14 | 37-665 | DPHHS | International Classification of Diseases Clinical Modification and Procedure Coding System Services -- Adoption of ICD-10 | |
1/16/14 | 37-664 | DPHHS | Medicaid Provider Rates | |
1/16/14 | 37-663 | DPHHS | Child Care Assistance | |
1/16/14 | 37-643 | DPHHS | Adult Foster Care Homes | |
12/26/13 | 37-662 | DPHHS | Certification of Mental Health Professional Person | |
12/26/13 | 37-661 | DPHHS | Hospice Reimbursement | |
12/12/13 | 37-660 | DPHHS | HEDIS Components of Quality Assessment Activities | |
12/12/13 | 37-659 | DPHHS | Guardianship Subsidies | |
11/27/13 | 37-658 | DPHHS | Amendments to Laboratory Testing Fees | |
11/14/13 | 37-657 | DPHHS | Amendments to Low Income Energy Assistance Program | |
11/14/13 | 37-656 | DPHHS | Amendments to Passport to Health Program | |
11/14/13 | 37-655 | DPHHS | Amendments to Emergency Medical Services | |
11/14/13 | 37-654 | DPHHS |
Amendment to Big Sky Rx Premium Payments |
10/31/13 | 37-653 | DPHHS | Psychiatric Residential Treatment Facility Services | |
10/31/13 | 37-653 | DPHHS | Psychiatric Residential Treatment Facility Services | |
10/31/13 | 37-652 | DPHHS | Medicaid Home and Community-Based Services Program | |
10/17/13 |
37-651 | DPHHS | Amendment to 1915(i) Home and Community-Based Services State Plan Program for Youth with SED | |
10/17/13 |
37-650 | DPHHS | Amendment to Medicaid Inpatient Hospital Services | |
9/19/13 | 37-649 | DPHHS | Amendment to Non-Medicaid Services Program for Youth with Serious Emotional Disturbance | |
9/19/13 | 37-648 | DPHHS | Amendment/Repeal of Home Support Services and Medicaid Mental Health Services for Youth Authorization Requirements | |
9/19/13 | 37-647 | DPHHS | Amendment to Vocational Rehabilitation Program | |
9/5/13 | 37-646 | DPHHS | Amendments to Medicaid Pharmacy Unit Dose Prescription Fee and Mental Health Youth Services Fee | |
9/5/13 | 37-645 | DPHHS | Eligibility for Developmental Disabilities Services Program | |
9/5/13 | 37-644 | DPHHS | Placement Determinations for Home and Community-Based Services Programs for Persons with Developmental Disabilities | |
8/22/13 |
37-642 | DPHHS | Amendments to Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children | |
6/20/13 | 37-641 |
Amendments to Children’s Special Health Services Program |
6/20/13 | 37-640 | DPHHS | Minimum Standards for Health Care Facilities | |
6/20/13 | 37-639 | DPHHS | Amendments to Healthy Montana Kids Program | |
6/20/13 | 37-638 | DPHHS | Amendments to Passport to Health Program | |
6/6/13 | 37-637 | DPHHS | Licensure Requirements for Outpatient Centers for Surgical Services | |
4/25/13 | 37-636 | DPHHS | Fee Schedules for Medicaid Provider Rates | |
4/25/13 | 37-635 | DPHHS | Nursing Facility Reimbursement Rates | |
4/25/13 | 37-634 | DPHHS | Reimbursement of Services for Developmental Disability Program Home and Community-Based Services Waiver Programs | |
4/25/13 | 37-633 | DPHHS | Case Management Services for Persons with Developmental Disabilities | |
4/25/13 | 37-631 | DPHHS | Medicaid Home and Community-Based Service Program for Individuals with Developmental Disabilities | |
3/14/13 | 37-629 | DPHHS | Discontinuation of Services by Provider of Developmental Disability Community Services | |
2/28/13 | 37-625 | DPHHS | Developmental Disabilities Program Staffing | |
1/17/13 | 37-624 | DPHHS | Communicable Disease Control |