Montana State Legislature
HJR 1 - Study of Commissioner of Political Practices Office
August 20, 2013 - Meeting Materials
- Agenda- Minutes Log- audio and video files are linked on SAVA's main page
- HJR 1 Study Plan Options
- Legislative history of current statutes
- Corrupt Practices Act Passed by Initiative 1912
- Briefing on Ethics Offices, Megan Moore, April 2012
- Legal memo on appointment power
October 21, 2013 - Meeting Materials
- Agenda- Minutes Log -audio and video files are linked on SAVA's main page
- CPP presentation materials
- Cover letter
- PowerPoint on Campaign, Lobbying, and Ethics Disclosure
- PowerPoint on Enforcement
- Job descriptions portfolio
- Docket: 2010-2013
- Guidelines for campaign finance reports
- Guidelines for campaign finance audits
- Contracts - cover letter and contract portfolio
- Summary sheet on caseload numbers
- Staff research brief on 50-state surveys and draft SAVA survey
December 10, 2013 - Meeting Materials
- Agenda- Minutes Log -audio and video files are linked on SAVA's main page
- Staff Paper: Process, Power, and People: Nutshell summary of how campaign, ethics, and lobbying complaints are handled in Montana
- 50-state survey results
- Optional Decision Tool and Discussion Questions for CPP Round Table
- Introduction to Panel Members for HJR 1 Discussion
- Steve Brown's memo on Commissioner of Political Practices Office
- Letter from Commissioner Motl on Next Steps for HJR 1 Study
February 6, 2014 - Meeting Materials
- Agenda -Minutes Log- audio and video files are linked on SAVA's main page
- Updated 50-state survey results
- Summary of Dec. 10 discussion on Office of Commissioner of Political Practices
- Legal memo on appointment of Commissioner of Political Practices
- Letter to Sen. Brown from Commissioner Motl - Jan. 17, 2014
- Letter to Sen. Brown from Commissioner Motl - Jan. 28, 2014
- Letter to Sen. Brown from Commissioner Motl - Feb. 4, 2014
April 9, 2014 - Meeting Materials
- Agenda- Minutes Log- audio and video files are linked on SAVA's main page
- States with fines for errors or ommissions in campaign finance reports
- Options for changing laws related to the Office of Commissioner of Political Practices
- Chart of MCA sections overturned or modified by court ruling
June 5, 2014 - Meeting Materials
- Agenda- Minutes Log- audio and video files are linked on SAVA's main page
- LCsa01 - working bill draft revising selection of Commissioner of Political Practices
- Agency legislation - Commissioner of Political Practices
August 15, 2014 - Meeting Materials
- Agenda -Minutes Log -audio and video files are linked on SAVA's main page
- LCsa01 - SAVA committee bill to require governor to appoint Commissioner of Political Practices from list of nominees
- Letter and updated chart of COPP legislaive proposals, as of 8/6/14
- COPP bill draft proposals
FINAL REPORT - Chapter 1 for HJR 1