Montana State Legislature
2015-2016 State Administration and Veterans' Affairs Committee
About SAVA
The State Administration and Veterans' Affairs Interim Committee (SAVA) is a joint bipartisan committee of the legislature that meets between legislative sessions.
Pursuant to sections 5-5-202, 5-5-211, 5-5-215, 5-5-228, Montana Code Annoted, the committee's activities encompass administrative rule review, program monitoring, and authorization for drafting assigned agency legislative proposals. The committee's assigned agencies are the:
- Department of Administration;
- Public Employees' Retirement Board;
- Teachers' Retirement Board;
- State Lottery Commission;
- Department of Military Affairs;
- Board of Veterans' Affairs;
- Secretary of State's Office; and
- Office of the Commissioner of Political Practices.
The committee also examines any other emerging issues related to state administration, such as public contracting, state information technology services, state employee health care benefits, etc.
SAVA Committee Topics
During this 2015-16 interim, SAVA is examining the topics listed below. Click on the link to go to a web page dedicated to that topic.
- HJR 21 - Study of Personal Information Ownership
- Text of HJR 21
- Study Plan as Adopted on Nov. 17, 2015
- Overview of Federal & State Laws, Nov. 17, 2015 - Staff Report
- Role of FTC - Data Privacy and Security - Chuck Harwood
- State Government Data - Ron Baldwin and Joe Frohlich
- Health Care Information - Erin MacLean
- Title 50, Ch. 16, Part 5 - Uniform Health Care Info. Act
- Title 50, Ch. 16, Part 6 - Gov't Health Care Info. Act
- Title 50, Ch. 16, Part 8 - Health Care Info. Privacy
- Disclosures for Public Health Activities
- Legislative staff report: HJR 21 - Property Rights Theory, Policy Principles, and Options for Further Study - Final Draft
- New Hampshire's health information statute providing that the information is property
- Self-Regulation Framework for Online Tracking - Background Brief
- Issue Brief #1 - Requiring Notice of Online Information Collection Practices
- Issue Brief #2 - Requiring Opt-In for Online Data Collection for Marketing
- Issue Brief #3 - Financial and Insurance Information
- Issue Brief #4 - Health Information
- Issue Brief #5 - Government Information Issue Brief
- LC0074 - require commercial websites to post privacy policies (**still a working draft subject to change)
- Public employee retirement systems
Pension Oversight- Legislator's Guide to the Montana Public Employee Retirement Sysetms: 2016
- Green Sheets: 2016 - summary tables of the retirement system data
- Montana Public Employees' Retirement Administration (MPERA)
- Teachers' Retirement System (TRS)
- Board of Investments DRAFT FY 2015 Report
- MPERA Summary of FY 2015 Actuarial Valuations - Nov. 2015
- TRS Summary of FY 2015 Actuarial Valuation - Nov. 2015
- Table Summarizing Systems' Funding Status Based on FY 2015 Valuations
- Link to All MPERA Actuarial Reports
- Link to All TRS Actuarial Reports
Reply to Sen. Dee Brown's Information Request on cash flow and investment return assumption
- Montana Public Empoyee's Retirement Administration
- Teacher's Retirement System
- DeHaven Information Request to TRS and MPERA (forwarded e-mail)
- Montana Attorney General Opinion - Right to Know - 2011
- TRS Material
- MPERA Material
- Political practices
- Overview by LSD
- Organizational chart
- 2015 Campaign Practices Bills
- Case Update Memo by COPP
- COPP v. Bannan opinion (issued after COPP's memo)
- COPP overview memo
- Rule Review Memo Re 8/13/15 MAR Notice No. 44-2-207 - COPP
- Full packet of the COPP's proposed rules
- Aug. 19, 2015 - SAVA Objection to MAR Notice No. 44-2-207
- Public comments and COPP responses
- Rule numbers grouped by comments and changes
- Text of rules as proposed after comments/changes - strikes and inserts
- Text of rules as proposed after comments/changes - clean version
Collated document of rule changes - rule-by-rule - as proposed by COPP after comments/changes
- Elections
- Overview of Sec. of State's Office by LSD
- SOS organizational chart
- 2015 election bills
- SOS handout
- * SAVA agreed it will develop a committee bill as a "cleanup" to the HB 84 (2015) general revision bill of election laws
- Table of HB 84 (2015) Clean-up Bill Possibilities - as of Feb. 9
- Table of HB 84 (2015) Clean-up Bill Possibilities - updated as of April 5, 2016
- Bill draft for discussion - LC0030 (includes only first 5 issues in table)
- Veterans affairs
- Overview of Montana Veterans Affairs Division by LSD
- MVAD Info. Paper with attachments
- MVAD Overview Booklet
- MVAD Cemetery Booklet
- Biennial Report, July 2014- Board of Veterans' Affairs/MVAD
- Veterans' Courts
- Veteran Suicides and Prevention, including for Native American veterans
- Suicide Prevention, by Juliana Hallows and Tracy Zachmann, VA Montana Health Care System
- Joining Community Forces Information Sheet, Brandy Keely, Co-chair, Lewis & Clark County JCF
- Combat PTSD - Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Manual
- VA Inspector General Report on Veteran Crisis Line Caller Responses, New York
- St. Peter's Hospital, Helena, MT - Brochure
- Suicide Review Team Report - 2016
- Joining Community Forces - toolkit for communities
- Office of American Indian Health - overview - DPHHS
- Link to Network of Care Website, DPHHS
- GAO Report - Veterans Crisis Line: Additional Testing, Monitoring, and Information Needed to Ensure Better Quality Service. GAO-16-373, May 26, 2016
- Montana National Guard Suicide Prevention Program
- Rocky Boy Veterans Center Info.
- Montana Veterans' Affairs Division Biennial Report - 2016
Veteran Suicide Prevention
- LCvet1 - preliminary bill draft supporting statewide suicide prevention campaign
- LCvet2 - preliminary bill draft for grant program for local veteran suicide prevention efforts
- LCvet3 - preliminary bill draft requiring certain health care professionals to complete suicide prevention training
Public Employee Pension Plans
- MPERA - overview of FY 2016 actuarial valuations of MPERA systems
- TRS - overview of FY 2016 actuarial valuation of TRS
- Board of Investments - pension fund investments
- Legislator's guide - DRAFT
- Green sheet summary tables - DRAFT
- Policy Principles
Administrative Rule Review*
- The following memos were previously e-mailed to Committee Members:
- 10/28/2016 Memo re MAR Notice No. 44-2-219 (SOS: Notice of Public Hearing on Proposed Amendment - Scheduled Dates for the 2017 Montana Administrative Register)
- 10/31/2016 Memo re MAR Notice No. 44-2-220 (SOS: Notice of Public Hearing on Proposed Amendment - Fees Charged by Administrative Rules Services)
- 11/7/2016 Memo re MAR Notice No. 44-2-221 (SOS: Notice of Public Hearing on Proposed Amendment - Access to Documents and Fees for Copies)
*Please see the Rule Review page for updates on when proposed rules were adopted and information regarding any amendments were made at the time of adoption.
- Agenda - as of 8/16
- Minutes Log
Veterans - Suicide Prevention
- Suicide Review Team Report - 2016
- Joining Community Forces - toolkit for communities
- Office of American Indian Health - overview - DPHHS
- Link to Network of Care Website, DPHHS
- GAO Report - Veterans Crisis Line: Additional Testing, Monitoring, and Information Needed to Ensure Better Quality Service. GAO-16-373, May 26, 2016
- Montana National Guard Suicide Prevention Program
- Rocky Boy Veterans Center Info.
- Montana Veterans' Affairs Division Biennial Report - 2016
Election Law Clean Up
Local Fire Relief Associations - Pension Funding
- Letter from Revenue and Transportation Interim Committee
- SB 157 (2015), which changed "assessed value" of taxable property
- Research memo from legislative staff with the following attachments:
- Montana League of Cities and Towns - Background and Examples
Public Employee Retirement Plans
Agency Bill Requests
- Public Employees' Retirement Board
- Teachers' Retirement Board
- Secretary of State
- Commissioner of Political Practices
- Department of Administration
Campaign Practices Docket Updates
HB 142 (2011) Duties - Review of Statutory Advisory Councilsl and Reports
Rule Review Activity
Final Report
- Final Agenda - revised as of June 7
- Minutes Log
Veterans - Suicide Prevention
- Suicide Prevention, by Juliana Hallows and Tracy Zachmann, VA Montana Health Care System
- Joining Community Forces Information Sheet, Brandy Keely, Co-chair, Lewis & Clark County JCF
- Combat PTSD - Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Manual
- VA Inspector General Report on Veteran Crisis Line Caller Responses, New York
- St. Peter's Hospital, Helena, MT - Brochure
Campaign Finance - Update on Recent Court Decisions on MT Contribution Limits
- May 27, 2016, open letter from Commissioner of Political Practices, Jonathan Motl
- Contribution Limits Policy, Office of Commissioner of Political Practices
HB 142 (2011) Duties - Review of Statutory Advisory Councils and Reports
- LC0086 - bill to eliminate the requirement for an IT report to be made to SAVA (does not eliminate the report, which will still be provided to the legislature and the Legislative Finance Committee)
HJR 21 - Study on Personal Information Ownership
- LC0074 - bill to require commercial websites that collect information on Montana consumers to post privacy policies
- Notes on Drafting LC0074
Administrative Rule Review*
- The following memos were previously e-mailed to Committee Members and will not be printed for the meeting (However, printed copies are available upon request):
- 5/4/2016 Memo re MAR Notice No. 2-43-538 (PERS: Investment Policy Statements for the Defined Contribution Retirement Plan & the 457 Deferred Compensation Plan)
- 5/4/2016 Memo re MAR Notice No. 2-43-537 (PERS: Public Employee Defined Contribution Plan Document Adoption by Reference)
- 5/4/2016 Memo re MAR Notice No. 2-21-545 (DOA: Equal Employment Opportunity - Nondiscrimination - Harassment Prevention)
- 5/4/2016 Memo re MAR Notice No. 44-2-217 (SOS: Administrative Rules Service Fees -- WITHDRAWN)
*Please see the Rule Review page for updates on when proposed rules were adopted and information regarding any amendments were made at the time of adoption.
Retirement System Informational Briefings On Public Information Request
- Agenda - revised on 4/8/16
- Minutes Log
Pensions - Investment Returns and Cash Flow Status
- Board of Investments - no handout
- Montana Public Empoyee's Retirement Administration
- Teacher's Retirement System
HJR 21 - Study of Personal Information Ownership
- Online Tracking: A Crash Course - Background Brief
- Self-Regulation Framework for Online Tracking - Background Brief
- Issue Brief #1 - Requiring Notice of Online Information Collection Practices
- Issue Brief #2 - Requiring Opt-In for Online Data Collection for Marketing
- Issue Brief #3 - Financial and Insurance Information
- Issue Brief #4 - Health Information
- Issue Brief #5 - Government Information Issue Brief
HB 142 (2011) Oversight Duties
- Information Technology Board - Section 2-15-1021, MCA
- Information Technology Report - Section 2-17-513(9), MCA
- Agency Recommendation - Are statutory changes needed?
HB 84 (2015) - Election Law General Revision Bill - Cleanup
- Table of identified issues - updated April 5, 2016
- Bill draft for discussion - LC0030 (includes only first 5 issues in table)
Veteran Issues - Informational Briefings
- Biennial Report, July 2014- Board of Veterans' Affairs/MVAD
- Veterans' Courts
- Veteran Suicides and Prevention, including for Native American veterans
Other Agency Oversight Duties -Agency Bill Draft Requests
- Legislative Audit 14P-13 - Railroad Safety
- Audit Presenation - PowerPoint
- Montana National Guard - update on federal law requiring conversion of state positions to federal positions
- Agency Bill Draft Proposal Review
- Board of Veterans' Affairs/MVAD - no proposals
- Dept. of Military Affairs
- Office of Commissioner of Political Practices - Updates
Administrative Rule Review*
- The following memos were previously e-mailed to Committee Members and will not be printed for the meeting (However, printed copies are available upon request):
- 3/1/2016 Memo re MAR Notice No. 2-11-540 (DOA: State Surplus Property Program -- ADOPTED)
- 2/29/2016 Memo re MAR Notice No. 44-2-215 (SOS: Business Services Division Filings and Fees -- ADOPTED with renumbering amendments)
Rule Review*
- Poll re COPP Rules
- Regular Rule Review
- 2/5/2016 Memo re MAR 44-2-214 (SOS: Misc. Fees by Business Services Division -- re-noticed)
- The following memos were previously e-mailed to Committee Members and will not be printed for the meeting (However, printed copies are available upon request):
- 1/7/2015 Memo re MAR Notice No. 2-43-536 (PERS: Employer Contributions after Plan Choice Rate Payoff)
- 1/6/2016 Memo re MAR Notice No. 44-2-214 (SOS: Misc. Fees by Business Services Division)
HJR 21 Study of Personal Information
- Legislative staff report: HJR 21 - Property Rights Theory, Policy Principles, and Options for Further Study - Final Draft
- New Hampshire's health information statute providing that the information is property
- HJR 21 Study Plan as Approved on Nov. 17
Election Law Clean-up From HB 84 (2015)
- HB 84 Identified Clean-up Possibilities - as of Feb. 9 (more to come)
HB 142 (2011) Reviews
- SAVA's duties: section 5-5-215 MCA
- State Employee Incentive Program Report
- 9-1-1 Advisory Council Website
Administrative Matters
- Agenda
- Minutes Log
- Statutes Concerning Legislative Poll
- Draft poll documents
- To be provided in hard copy with the ballot mailing (and, with the exception of the ballot, online)
- To be provided to members online only
- All rules: MAR Notice No. 42-2-207 (full text)
- All rules: Updated changes to MAR 44-2-207 since August publication, current as of 11/23/2015 - provided by CoPP
- This link will be updated with the adopted rule notice when / if the rules are adopted.
- 16 Rules only: 11/23/2015 collation of public comment and changes proposed by the Commissioner of Political Practices to the 16 proposed rules at issue since original August publication [collated by Legislative Services Division from the documents provided by the CoPP to SAVA, below]
- Legislator Objections to MAR 42-2-207
- State Administration and Veterans' Affairs Interim Committee Meeting Materials
- Meetings
- 8/19/2015 Meeting Minutes Log
- 11/17/2015 Meeting (Meeting Minutes will be posted when finalized -- until then, please see the video minutes, below)
- CoPP Documents Provided to SAVA with updates as of 11/17/2015 meeting - These documents are superseded by the 11/23/2015 changes provided by the CoPP, above.
- All rules: Provided by CoPP to SAVA: Public comments to MAR Notice No. 44-2-207 and COPP responses
- All rules: Provided by CoPP to SAVA: Text of rules as proposed after comments/changes - strikes and inserts
- All rules: Provided by CoPP to SAVA: Text of rules as proposed after comments/changes - clean version
- All rules: Provided by CoPP to SAVA: Rule numbers grouped by comments and changes
- All rules: Collated by Legislative Services Division from 11/17 CoPP documents, above: 11/17/2015 collation of public comment and changes proposed by the Commissioner of Political Practices since original August publication
- Meetings
- Senate Bill No. 289
*Note: Although both SB 89 and SB 151 were also implemented by MAR Notice No. 42-2-207, the changes from both of these bills do not appear to be implemented by the rules being polled. Nevertheless, because SB 151 did amend 13-37-225, MCA, which is implemented by some of the rules at issue (although the rules appear to be unrelated to the changes made by SB 151), the history of SB 151 is provided at the bottom of this website.
- Senate State Administration Meeting Materials regarding SB
- 2/26/2015 Video of Second Reading Senate floor debate regarding SB 289
- House Business & Labor Meeting Materials regarding SB 289
- 3/17/2015
- Note: There is no executive action on this bill because it was taken from the House Business & Labor Committee and placed on Second Reading by the Committee of the Whole
- 3/26/2015 Video of Second Reading House floor debate regarding SB 289
- 4/14/2015 Video of Second Reading Senate floor debate concerning House amendments regarding SB 289
- LAWS Bill Report and Committee of the Whole Votes regarding SB 289
- Senate Bill 151
* Note: SB 151 amended 13-37-225 (Reports of contributions and expenditures required) to require candidates and political committees to file contribution and expenditure reports with the Commissioner of Political Practices rather than with the Commissioner and election administrators. This statutory amendment appears unrelated to the rules at issue in the poll; however, because SB 151 did amend 13-37-225, MCA, which is implemented by some of the rules at issue, the history of SB 151 is provided below.
- Senate State Administration Meeting Materials regarding SB 151
- 2/6/2015 Video of Second Reading Senate floor debate regarding SB 151
- House State Administration Meeting Materials regarding SB 151
- 3/12/2015
- Meeting Minutes including attachment and embedded votes regarding SB 151
- Audio of hearing and executive actionregarding SB 151
- 3/12/2015
- 3/17/2015 video of Second Reading House floor debate regarding SB 151
- LAWS Bill Report and Committee of the Whole Votes regarding SB 151
Pension Oversight
- MPERA retirement systems - FY 2015 Actuarial Valuation Summary
- TRS FY 2015 Actuarial Valuation Summary
- Board of Investments DRAFT FY 2015 Report
HJR 21 Study on Personal Information Ownership
- Big Picture Overview - Federal & Montana Law - Sheri Scurr
- Role of FTC - Data Privacy and Security - Chuck Harwood
- State Government Data - Ron Baldwin and Joe Frohlich
- Health Care Information - Erin MacLean
- Title 50, Ch. 16, Part 5 - Uniform Health Care Info. Act
- Title 50, Ch. 16, Part 6 - Gov't Health Care Info. Act
- Title 50, Ch. 16, Part 8 - Health Care Info. Privacy
- Disclosures for Public Health Activities
Rule Review
Commissioner Of Political Practices
- 8/18/2015 Rule Rev. Memo re MAR Notice No. 44-2-207
- 8/19/2015 SAVA Objection to MAR Notice No. 44-2-207
- Rules as proposed in MAR No. 44-2-207
- Public comments and COPP responses
- Rule numbers grouped by comments and changes
- Text of rules as proposed after comments/changes - strikes and inserts
- Text of rules as proposed after comments/changes - clean version
- Collated document of rule changes as proposed after comments/changes with public comments and CoPP responses
Other Rules - Memos
- 11/12/2015 Rule Rev. Memo re MAR No. 2-43-535 -- PERS
- The following memos were previously e-mailed to Committee Members and will not be printed for the meeting (However, printed copies are available upon request):
- 10/19/2015 Rule Rev. Memo re MAR Notice No. 44-2-211 -- SoS
- 10/19/2015 Rule Rev. Memo re MAR Notice No. 44-2-209 -- SoS
- 10/19/2015 Rule Rev. Memo re MAR Notice No. 44-2-208 -- SoS
- 9/24/2015 Rule Rev. Memo re MAR Notice No. 44-2-210 (Adopted with Amendments) -- SoS
- 9/24/2015 Rule Rev. Memo re MAR Notice No. 44-2-197 (Adopted) -- SoS
- 9/22/2015 Rule Rev. Memo re MAR Notice No. 44-2-198 (Adopted with Amendments) -- SoS
- 9/14/2015 Update re MAR Notice No. 44-2-206 (Adopted - New Rule I Not Adopted) -- SoS
- 9/11/2015 Rule Rev. Memo re MAR Notice No. 2-43-529 (Adopted with Amendments) -- PERS
- 9/11/2015 Rule Rev. Memo re MAR Notice No. 2-43-530 (Adopted with Amendments) -- PERS
- 9/11/2015 Rule Rev. Memo re MAR Notice No. 2-43-531 (Adopted) -- PERS
- 9/11/2015 Rule Rev. Memo re MAR Notice No. 2-43-532 (Adopted) -- PERS
Administrative Matters
- Agenda
- Minutes Log
- Interim committee rules and procedures
- Welcome and Work Plan Proposal
- Agency Overviews
- Department of Administration (DOA)
- Office of Secretary of State (SOS)
- Office of Commissioner of Political Practices (COPP)
- Overview by LSD
- Organizational chart
- 2015 Campaign Practices Bills
- Case Update Memo by COPP
- COPP v. Bannan opinion (issued after COPP's Case Update Memo)
- COPP handout at meeting
- Montana Public Employees' Retirement Administration (MPERA)
- Teachers' Retirement System (TRS)
- Department of Military Affairs (DMA)
- Overview by LSD
- Organizational chart
- DMA handout on recruitment centers
- HJR 21 - Study on Ownership of Personal Information
- Ongoing and Recently Resolved Court Challenges to Statutes
- Rule Review
- Rule Review Overview and Memo (Note: this memo includes overviews of the following notices and MAR Notice No. 44-2-206. The CoPP Rule memo was issued separately see below)
- Rule Rev. Memo re 6/25/2015 MAR Notice No. 2-4-527 -- DoA
- Rule Rev. Letter re 4/16/2015 MAR Notice No. 2-43-525 (Adopted) -- PERS
- Rule Rev. Memo re 7/16/2015 MAR Notice No. 44-2-204 -- SoS
- Rule Rev. Memo re 7/16/2015 MAR Notice No. 44-2-205 -- SoS
- Rule Rev. Memo re 6/11/2015 MAR Notice No. 44-2-202 -- SoS
- Rule Rev. Memo re 11/20/2014 MAR Notice No. 44-2-203 (Adopted) -- CoPP
- PowerPoint presentation by legal staff
- Rule Rev. Memo re 8/13/15 MAR Notice No. 44-2-207 -- CoPP
- Rule Review Overview and Memo (Note: this memo includes overviews of the following notices and MAR Notice No. 44-2-206. The CoPP Rule memo was issued separately see below)
State Administration and Veterans' Affairs Interim CommitteeRule Review Activity
Department of Administration and administratively attached entities, including public employee retirement systems****Pursuant to section 5-5-228, MCA, the State Administration & Veterans' Affairs Interim Committee is charged with the oversight of the Department of Administration and its administratively attached entities except the State Fund (Economic Affairs Interim Committee), the Office of the Public Defender (Law and Justice Interim Committee), the Division of Banking and Financial Institutions (Economic Affairs Interim Committee).
Department of Military Affairs and administratively attached entities
Secretary of State and administratively attached entities, including Commissioner of Political Practices
State Administration and Veterans' Affairs Interim Committee
Legislation Forwarded to the 2017 Legislature
Click here to access the most recent text of the bills as they make their way through the 2017 Legislature
- LC 30 - cleanup of provisions affected by HB 84 (2015) general revision bill on elections (**still a working draft subject to change)
Suicide Prevention
To be considered at the Nov. 17, 2016, meeting:
- Support a statewide universal suicide prevention campaign (i.e., a campaign aimed at all demographic groups) with the goal of normalizing our perception of mental health issues and that would use digital technologies.
- Provide state funding for a grant program to help foster local American Indian and veteran suicide prevention efforts.
- Require that primary care physicians receive suicide prevention and risk assessment training.
- LC 86 - eliminating a statutory requirement to provide a state information technology report to the state administration and veterans' affairs interim committee