Montana State Legislature
2015-2016 Water Policy Committee
About the Water Policy Interim Committee
The Water Policy Interim Committee (WPIC) is a joint bipartisan committee of the Legislature created by the passage of Senate Bill No. 22 (2009). The Legislature expanded the committee's authority through Senate Bill No. 82 (2015), which gives the committee oversight of agencies involved in water quality and water quantity.
Water Policy Interim Committee - Topics of interest
Future of the Water Court study
Evaluation of Montana Water Rights Adjudication Process (Ross Report) (1988)
Water rights adjudication performance audit, Legislative Audit Division (2009)
Water Rights in Montana, UM Law School (2014)
- Agenda
- October 12 Minutes Log
- Staff memo to committee
- Draft legislation:
- Limit adverse effects analysis (LCwp4b)
- Establish Surface Water Assessment and Monitoring Program (LCwp82)
- Allow Water Court review of certain DNRC decisions (LCwp06)
- Authorize DEQ assumption of dredge and fill permitting (LCwp81)
- Modify permit exemptions for certain ground water appropriations (LCwp7b)
- Expand duties of river basin councils
- Montana Supreme Court ruling in Clark Fork Coalition v. Montana Well Drillers
- Agenda
- August 29 Minutes Log
- August 30 Minutes Log
- Memo to committee
- Program evaluation: Water Resources Division (DNRC)
- Water right adjudication update (DNRC, Water Court)
- DNRC Summary Report: SB330 Water Reservation Ten Year Review (complete report)
- City of Missoula v. Mountain Water Co. (Montana Supreme Court)
Reports and legislation
SJ2: Assuming dredge and fill permits
Issues of water availability and supply
Considerations for the Future of the Water Court
- Related bills:
- Clarify petition threhold for water commissioner petitions (wp01)
- Require water commissioner training (wp02)
- Revise process for water rights changes (wp03)
- Limit analysis of adverse effects for water right permit or change (wp04)
- Provide for approval of water right permit or change under certain conditions (wp044)
- Authorize Water Court review of DNRC permit, change decisions (wp06)
- Revising disclosure laws related to water rights (wp11)
- Public comments on Future of the Water Court study
Additional legislation:
- Statutory appropriation for GWIP (LCwp08)
- Statutory appropriation for SWAMP (LCwp09)
- Create advisory council for SWAMP (LCwp10)
- Combine Clark Fork watershed groups (LCwp12)
Program evaluation
DNRC report on hydroelectric potential (85-1-501, MCA)
SJ2: State assumption of federal Section 404 permitting program
Study of water availability and supply
Study of the Future of the Water Court
- Draft report
- Draft legislation
- Clarify 15 percent threshold for water commissioner appointments (LCwp01)
- Require training for water commissioners (LCwp02)
- Clarify the definition of a water right change (LCwp03)
- Allow applicants for water rights permits or water right change authorizations to limit analysis of adverse effects for certain water rights (LCwp04)
- Allow assistance of a water master for certain water rights appeals to district court. (LCwp05)
- Allow Water Court jurisdiction of appeals to DNRC decisions (LCwp06)
- Define "combined appropriation" for ground water wells that are exempt from permitting (LCwp07)
Memo to committee (WPIC staff)
SJ2: State of assumption of federal Section 404 permitting program
- Draft findings for SJ2 study (WPIC staff)
- Draft background for SJ2 study (WPIC staff)
Study of the Future of the Water Court
- Water Distribution Issues (Adjudication Advisory Committee)
- Draft findings for Future of the Water Court study (WPIC staff)
- Draft background for Future of the Water Court study (WPIC staff)
- Water Court Jurisdiction memo (WPIC legal staff)
Water-related research: Biofilm engineering and wastewater treatment design and operation
- Bio of Ellen Lauchnor, Montana State University civil engineering assistant professor
Water rights adjudication update
- Adjudication status map
- Adjudication report (DNRC)
- Adjudication report (Water Court)
The water right change process and the Hohenlohe decision
- St. Lawrence memo on water rights change process, Hohenlohe decision
Vegetation management in the Bozeman municipal watershed
- Review of vegetation management and water yield (U.S. Forest Service)
Water Resources Evaluation: Water Use in Closed Basins (Nicklin Earth & Water Inc. for Montana Association of Realtors)
- Staff memo to committee
- Draft agenda
- March 7, 2016 minutes
- March 8, 2016 minutes
- SJ2: State assumption of federal section 404 permitting program
- Annual cost estimate for assumption of section 404 permitting duties (LEPO staff)
- Wetland Development Grants
- Overview of grant program (EPA)
- Grant program application information (EPA)
- Study of water availability and supply
- Gray water
- Gray water laws (MCA)
- Memo on gray water systems property tax abatement (Department of Revenue)
- How city of Bozeman is planning for future water supply
- Outline of presentation
- Integrated Water Resources Plan, executive summary
- Recommendations to the Bozeman City Commission for Integrated Water Resources Plan
- 2014-15 City of Bozeman water conservation program update
- 2014 Report Card for Montana's Infrastructure (Montana Section of American Society of Civil Engineers)
- Gray water
- Study of the future of the Water Court
- HB39 water right ownership update status sheet (Blake Creek Project Management)
- Memo: Water commissioners in areas with enforced decrees (EQC, 2006)
- Guide for district court judges regarding enforcement (Water Court)
- Memo: Water Distribution Issues (Water Court Adjudication Advisory Committee)
- Legal authorities related to water rights in Montana (LEPO staff)
- Agenda
- Staff memo to committee (re: January meeting)
- Minutes Log, January 11
- Minutes Log, January 12
- FWP instream leasing report
- U.S. Forest Service water reservations
- Program evaluation: Water Quality Planning Bureau
- Study of water availability and supply
- Water marketing, water banking
- Staff memo to committee: Mitigation banking
- Change in appropriation right for aquifer recharge or mitigation -- marketing (85-2-420, MCA)
- Grass Valley French Ditch water bank press release (March 29, 2015)
- Exempt wells
- DNRC form 602: Request to reduce a groundwater certificate
- Case studies on water availability
- Staff memo to committee: Summary of case studies
- Case studies
- Water marketing, water banking
- SJ2: State assumption of federal Section 404 permitting program
- 404 assumption in selected states
- Clean Water Act Section 404 Program Assumption: A Handbook for States and Tribes (Association of State Wetland Managers, Inc., and the Environmental Council of the States, 2011)
- Oregon's experience
- Senate Bill 172 (Oregon Legislative Assembly, 2001)
- Oregon 404 assumption flowchart
- Montana's listed and endangered species (US Fish and Wildlife Service, 2015)
- Water rights adjudication report
- Process update: Adjudication of Turtle Mountain Band allotment water rights
- Future of the Water Court study
- Water Rights in Montana: How Our Legal System Works today, How Montana Compares to Other States, and Ideas for Montana's Future (Land Use & Natural Resources Clinic, University of Montana School of Law, 2014)
- Summary of comments from Adjudication Advisory Committee
- Adjudication Advisory Committee comments
- St. Lawrence memo to committee (Sept. 3, 2015): Application timelines, enforceability of final decrees, district court admininstration of decrees
- Staff memos to committee:
- The water right permitting and change process
- Enforcement of water rights
- Final decrees of water rights
- Agency administrative rule update
- Final agenda
- Sept. 2 minutes
- Sept. 3 minutes
- Memo to committee
- Final WPIC work plan (as updated and approved Sept. 3, 2015)
- Adjudication report (DNRC, Water Court)
- A short history of the Water Court
- Discussion of USFS compact
- Water supply/fire update
- U.S. drought monitor - Montana (USDA)
- September fire potential map (National Interagency Coordination Center)
- Program evaluation
- Water Protection Bureau (DEQ)
- SJ2: Study of state assumption of federal section 404 permitting program
- Consideration of letter of support for Land and Water Conservation Fund
- S.338 (To permanently reauthorize the Land and Water Conservation Fund)
- Letter from Gov. Bullock supporting S.338
- Study of water availability and supply
- Update on legal status of exempt wells
- Memo regarding proposed administrative rule change
- Agenda
- June 1 minutes
- June 2 minutes
- Memo to committee regarding upcoming WPIC meeting
- Draft WPIC rules
- 2015 natural resource legislation
- History of WPIC presiding officers
- Draft WPIC work plan
- SB82: Expanding WPIC duties
- SB82: Organizational charts (indicating committee oversight)
- SJ2: Study of federal Section 404 permits
- Program list for possible program evaluation
- Work plan decision matrix
- Memo regarding HB142 review of statutory reports, advisory councils
- Memo regarding administrative rule review
- May 2015 water supply report
- Water rights adjudication report (June 2015)
- Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology biennial report
- Ground Water Assessment Program fact sheet
- Ground Water Investigation Program fact sheet
The WPIC will begin to develop draft legislation based on its findings in the fall before the 2017 Legislative Session. The committee's legislative proposals will be listed here at that time.
Draft legislation for 2017 session
- LCwp01: Clarify water commissioner appointments
- LCwp02: Require education program for water commissioners
- LCwp03: Clarify definition of water right change
- LCwp08: Statutory appropriation for GWIP
- LCwp11: Clarify process for updating water right transfer
- LCwp4b: Limit adverse effects analysis
- LCwp82: Establish Surface Water Assessment and Monitoring Program
- LCwp06: Allow Water Court review of certain DNRC decisions
- LCwp81: Direct DEQ assumption of dredge and fill permittings