Montana State Legislature
EDIC Legislation
The EDIC adopted the 9 committee bills listed below. These working drafts will be assigned LC numbers and then offical bill drafts can be tracked via LAWS.
HJ 1
LC SPED (now LC0474) – increases the special education allowable cost payment and directs a higher percentage of the payment to special education cooperatives; includes the payment with other funding components receiving inflationary adjustments
School Funding Clean-up
LC 307X (now LC0475)- corrects drafting error in school major maintenance aid calculation (SB 307; 2017)
LC O&NG (now LC0476)- clarifies oil and gas production tax distribution related to school districts
LC JOIN (now LC0477)- removes irrelevant references related to special education joint boards
LC PUPL (now LC0478)- clarifies age requirements related to the definition of pupil
LC 390X (now LC0479)- addresses unintended consequence related to overestimated ANB increases and local taxes (HB 390; 2017)
School Safety
LC 307S (now LC0480)- allows school district trustees to make school safety improvements the top priority in utilizing revenue from the “new” permissive levy for school major maintenance and any accompanying state major maintenance aid (SB 307, 2017)
Postsecondary Financial Aid
LC FAID (now LC0481)- revises state financial aid programs
LC QELA (now LC0482)- switches administration of Quality Educator Loan Assistance Program from Regents/OCHE to OPI