State Administration and Veterans' Affairs

The committee has concluded its work for the 2017-18 interim. Final reports and key reference documents include:
Meeting Materials
- Letter requesting Sec. of State address committee
- LFD Memo on SOS Budget
- Committee’s final report - Elections: Accessibility for Disabled Electors & Cybersecurity
- MPERA Funding and Benefits Policy
- MPERA Actuarial Valuation Summary
- TRS Funding and Benefits Policy
- TRS Actuarial Valuation Summary
- Board of Investments Summary
- Financial Risk Assessment - Legislative Fiscal Division
- A Legislator's Guide to Montana's Public Retirement Systems
- Green Sheets - summary tables of MT public retirement systems
- Montana's Public Pensions: Where We've Been
- Staff Summary of IT Reporting Requirements
Rule Review
- 10/19/2018 Memo re: 2-13-580 (DOA): Notice of Proposed Repeal – Statewide Emergency Telephone System
VA Mission Act (revision to Vet Choice Program)
Voter Information Access Laws
- Table summary on laws from selected states
- Packet - US Election Project cover pages and statutes from MT, CO, ID, ND, SD, UT, WY
- "It's a Presidential Election Year: Do You Know Where Your Voter Records Are?", NCSL, The Canvass, Feb. 2016
Agency Bill Draft Request Proposals
- Department of Military Affairs
- Public Employees' Retirement Board/MPERA
- Teachers' Retirement Board/TRS
Disabled Elector Statutory Update
- Preliminary Draft LCsa5A - interim study on accessibility for electors with disabilities
Agency Oversight - Statutorily Required Reports
- Montana Board of Veterans' Affairs/MVAD - Biennial Report
- Board of Investments - Annual Report Pension Highlights
- Employee Incentive Program Report
- Capitol Complex Advisory Council Report
- Information Technology Reports
- Information Technology Biennial Report
- IT Board Activities Report
- Section 5-11-210 Legislative Clearinghouse Abstracts
- Memo from Dept. of Admin. on reports available to legislature
- Staff Summary of IT Reporting Requirements
- SB 19 (2017) - SAVA Committee Bill
Rule Review
- Bill Draft LCsa04
- 5/11/2018 Memo re: 2-63-575 (DOA / State Lottery): ADOPTED: Notice of Proposed Amendment - Definitions - Retailer Applications, Required Rule Reading, Bonding, and Commission - Licenses - Business Changes - Electronic Funds Transfer - Tickets - Prizes -Winner Redemptions)
- 7/31/2018 Memo re:2-13-577 (DOA): Notice of Public Hearing on Proposed Adoption - 9-1-1 Grants
- Agenda
- Minutes Log
Committee Bills - preliminary discussion drafts
- LCsa01 - Restricting ability of governor to appoint U.S. House member in case of vacancy
- LCsa02 - Adding voter registration to qualified elector provision for residents of water/sewer districts
- LCsa03 - Study resolution for interim study of elector qualification provisions for all special purpose districts
Public Employee Pensions
- 2018 Federal HAVA Grants
- US. Election Assistance Commission information - web page - PDF
- State-by-state grant and matching amounts
- "Federal Funds and Difficult Decisions", NCSL, The Canvass, May 2018
- Voter Information - How Public?
- Disabled Elector Accessibility
Agency Bill Review
- Overview of Process
- Secretary of State
- Commissioner of Political Practices
- Department of Administration
Rule Review
- 5/11/2018 Memo re: 2-63-575 (DOA / State Lottery): ADOPTED: Notice of Proposed Amendment - Definitions - Retailer Applications, Required Rule Reading, Bonding, and Commission - Licenses - Business Changes - Electronic Funds Transfer - Tickets - Prizes -Winner Redemptions)
- 7/9/2018 Memo re: 2-63-576 (PERS): Notice of Proposed Adoption - Commencement of Guaranteed Annual Benefit Adjustment. No Public Hearing Contemplated.
Water/Sewer District Election Laws
State Employee Broadband Pay Plan
- Staff PowerPoint: Broadband Pay Plan Overview & History
- History of State Employee Pay Increases
- Legislative Performance Audit 15P-05: Oversight of Discretionary Pay Changes for State Employees
- NCSL Resource Page - Elections Security: States Teaming Up Cheyenne
- Recommendations from the CSG Overseas Voting Initiative Technology Working Group
- PowerPoint on Electronic Absentee System for Overseas and Military Voters
- Disabled Elector Statutes and Rules
Disaster and Emergency Services - HAZMAT
- Staff PowerPoint: HAZMAT Incidsent Response & Local Capabilities
- Legislative Performance Audit 14P-13: Railroad Safety
- Audit Followup - June 2017
Misc. Statutory Cleanup Matters
- SB 301 - Revising Federal Office Vacancies
- Section 5-5-228. State Administration and Veterans' Affairs Interim Committee. (MCA)
Rule Review
- 4/13/2018 Memo re MAR Notice No. 2-67-569 (DOA - Board of County Printing: Notice of Public Hearing on Proposed Amendment - Rates for County Legal Advertising.)
- 4/13/2018 Memo re MAR Notice No. 2-13-574 (DOA - Notice of Public Hearing on Proposed Adoption - Public Safety Answering Point Allowable Uses of Funds.)
Voting Equipment for Disabled Electors
- Wendy Underhill, Program Director, Elections and Redistricting, NCSL
- Susan Greenhalgh, Election Specialist, National Election Defense Coalition
- Michelle Bishop, Disability Advocacy Specialist for Voting Rights, National Disability Rights Network
- Lori Mommaerts, Election Systems & Software (ES&S), Montana representative
- Montana Secretary of State's Office: Dana Corson, Elections Director, and Casey Hayes, Elections Specialist
Public Employee Pensions
- Luke Martel, Group Director, Employment, Labor & Retirement, NCSL
- Keith Brainard, Rsearch Director, National Assoc. of State Retirement Administrators (NASRA)
- Joshua Franzel, President and CEO, Center for State and Local Government Excellence (SLGE)
- Additional Reference Material
Statutorily Required Reports
Rule Review*
- 2/23/2018 Memo re MAR Notice No. 2-67-569 (DOA - Board of County Printing: Notice of Public Hearing on Proposed Amendment - Rates for County Legal Advertising.)
- 2/23/2018 Memo re MAR Notice No. 2-13-574 (DOA - Notice of Public Hearing on Proposed Adoption - Public Safety Answering Point Allowable Uses of Funds.)
- 2/23/2018 Memo re MAR Notice No. 2-43-565 (PERS - Notice of Proposed Amendment - Investment Policy Statement for the Defined Contribution Retirement Plan - Investment Policy Statement for the 457(b) Deferred Compensation Plan. No Public Hearing Contemplated.)
Political Practices and Campaign Finance
- Consitutent Services Account Information
- Lair v. Motl decision by 9th Circuit Court of Appeals
- Press Release on Lair decision, Commissioner of Political Practices
Public Pension Plans
- Staff PowerPoint - Actuarial Valuation Basics and Legislative History, Scurr, LSD
- Staff Paper - Montana's Public Pensions: Where We've Been, Scurr, LSD
- Staff PowerPoint - Montana's Pension Investments 101, Scurr, LSD - PowerPoint
- Staff Paper - Issues & Options for Requesting Information from Outside Experts on Pensions
- MPERA valuation summary, Schwinden, MPERA
- TRS valuation summary, Graham, TRS
- Snapshot of Unified Investment Program on 9-30-17, Montana Board of Investments
- Some reference materials for further reading
- Public Plans Data Info Graph, 2016 Snap Shot
- Public pensions: Feeding, and fixing, the sausage machine - Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis newsletter article
- Significant Reforms to State Retirement Systems
- How Do Public Pensions Invest? A Primer
- State Public Pension Funds Increase Use of Complex Investments - The PEW Charitable Trusts
- Pensions Driving State Liability Burderns - FitchRatings
- Actuarial Society Blue Ribbon Panel Report and Recommendations
Voting Systems
Veterans Affairs
- Staff PowerPoint - Overview of Veterans' Benefits & Services, Scurr, LSD
- Montana Veterans' Affairs Division handouts
Rule Review*
- 1/17/2018 Memo re MAR Notice No. 2-2-568 (DOA: Notice of Proposed Amendment - Procedural Rules)
- 1/17/2018 Memo re MAR Notice No. 2-43-564 (MPERA: Notice of Proposed Amendment - Adoption by Reference of the State of Montana Public Employee Defined Contribution Plan Document and the State of Montana Public Employee Deferred Compensation (457) Plan Document)
- 1/8/2018 Memo re MAR Notice No. 2-13-566 (DOA: Notice of Public Hearing on Proposed Adoption - Public Safety Answering Point Certification, Funding, and Monitoring)
- 10/24/2017 Memo re MAR Notice No. 44-2-229 (COPP: Notice of Proposed Amendment - Campaign Finance Reporting, Disclosure, and Practices)
- Agenda - revised on 9/12/17
- Minutes Log
- Proposed Study & Work Plan
- Map of VA Montana Health Care System
- Maps of Veterans' Transportation Service Areas - VA and DAV
- Montana Veteran Demographics
- Veterans' suicide data from DPHHS, Laura Williamson - revised
- Veteran suicide slides from VA - presented to SAVA during 2015-16 interim
- Special district election laws, staff paper (revised 9/12/17)
- Staff presentation outline on special districts
- Handout of selected book pages on local government
- Absentee and Mail Ballot Laws, staff paper
- Ballot and Voting System Laws, staff paper
- Governor's Amendments to HB 103 (2017), nonconforming ballots - failed
- Presentation materials from the County Election Administrators
- Sen. Malek's letter to the Secretary of State on Aug. 3, 2017
- Secretary of State Cory Stapleton's letter responding to Sen. Malek
- Handout on State Voter File
Rule Review
- 9/12 Memo re MAR Notice No. 44-2-229 (COPP: Notice of Proposed Amendment - Campaign Finance Reporting, Disclosure, and Practices)**
- 9/8 Memo re MAR Notice No. 44-2-228 (SOS: Notice of Public Hearing on Proposed Amendment - Scheduled Dates for the 2018 Montana Administrative Register)**
- 8/29 Memo re MAR Notice No. 2-21-557 (DOA: Notice of Public Hearing on Proposed Amendment and Repeal - Recruitment and Selection Policy)
- 8/29 Memo re MAR Notice No. 2-21-563 (DOA: Notice of Public Hearing on Proposed Amendment - Employee Records Management Policy)
- 8/10 Memo re MAR Notice No. 44-2-227 (SOS: Notice of Public Hearing on Proposed Amendment - Online Filing of Annual Reports)
- 7/19 Memo re MAR Notice No. 44-2-226 (SOS: Notice of Proposed Amendment - Access to Public Information and Fees for Copies)
July 20, 2017 - Meeting Materials
- Agenda - as of 6/29
- Minutes Log
- Welcome and Work Plan
- Interim Committee Rules of Procedure
- Agency overviews for:
- Overview of NCSL Future of Elections Conference
- Rule Review
- 7/9/2017 Memo re:
- MAR Notice No. 2-43-562 (PERS: Notice of Proposed Amendment - Actuarial Rates and Assumptions - Service Purchases);
- Redline of Previous BOARD Admin 09 Actuarial Valuation Assumptions and Methods and and Newly Adopted BOARD Admin 09
- 2-43-561 (PERS: Notice of Proposed Amendment - Investment Policy Statement for the Defined Contribution Retirement Plan - Investment Policy Statement for the 457 Deferred Compensation Plan);
- 2-63-548 (DOA / State Lottery: Notice of Proposed Amendment - General Provisions - Revocation or Suspension of License - Prizes);
- 2-63-556 (DOA/State Lottery: Notice of Proposed Amendment - Prizes);
- 44-2-225 (SOS: Adopted notice of Public Hearing on Proposed Amendment and Repeal);
- 44-2-224 (SOS: Notice of Public Hearing on Proposed Amendment - Administrative Rules Services Fees);
- 44-2-223 (SOS: Notice of Public Hearing on Proposed Amendment - Fees Charged by the Records and Information Management Division);
- 44-2-222 (COPP: Notice of Proposed Amendment - Payment Threshold--Inflation Adjustment for Lobbyists).
- MAR Notice No. 2-43-562 (PERS: Notice of Proposed Amendment - Actuarial Rates and Assumptions - Service Purchases);
- 7/19/2017 Memo re 44-2-226 (SOS: Notice of Proposed Amendment - Access to Public Information and Fees for Copies).
- 7/9/2017 Memo re:
The video/audio meeting archives are still under development. However, meeting recordings are available using the interface below.
Past/Current RecordingsAbout SAVA
The State Administration and Veterans' Affairs Interim Committee (SAVA) is a joint bipartisan committee of the legislature that meets between legislative sessions.
Pursuant to sections 5-5-202, 5-5-211, 5-5-215, 5-5-228, Montana Code Annoted, the committee's activities encompass administrative rule review, program monitoring, and authorization for drafting assigned agency legislative proposals. The following are the committee's assigned agencies:
- Department of Administration
- Public Employees' Retirement Board
- Teachers' Retirement Board
- State Lottery Commission
- Department of Military Affairs
- Board of Veterans' Affairs
- Secretary of State's Office
- Office of the Commissioner of Political Practices
The committee's oversight jurisdiction encompasses any issues relevant to state admininistration, elections, and military affairs, such as the following:
- Public employee pay and benefits
- Statewide public employee retirement systems
- Public contracting and procurement
- State information technology services
- Elections and campaign practices
- Military and veteran affairs
- Disaster and emergency services
See the Committee Topics page for the specific issues being examined by SAVA this interim.
Committee Staff:
Sheri Scurr, Lead Staff
K. Virginia Aldrich,Attorney
Jenni Carr, Secretary
Get all the latest information and news about the Interim Committees by visiting the online journal, The Interim.
The Interim Online Journal