Montana State Legislature
2003-2004 Economic Affairs Committee
The Economic Affairs Interim Committee is assigned by law (5-5-223, MCA) to monitor the following state agencies and the entities attached to these agencies for administrative purposes: Department of Agriculture, Department of Commerce, Department of Labor and Industry, Department of Livestock, State Auditor, Governor's Office of Economic Development
September 7, 2004
- Agenda,
Minutes - Economic Development Draft Final Report
- Workers' Compensation Draft Final Report
- Encore Handout p. 1 (Exhibit 16)
- Handout: AA Capital Partners (Exhibit 23)
June 30, 2004, and July 1, 2004
- Agenda, 6-30 Minutes,
7-1 Minutes - Agency Proposals for Legislation
- MEDA Proposals for Legislation
- Proposals for Work Comp Legislation
- -- LC 5555 - Clarification on indemnity, etc.
- ---- LC 5555 explanation
- -- LC 5560 - Clarifications on reporting, etc.
- ---- LC 5560 explanation
- -- LC 9896 - Consolidation, Option 4
- ---- LC 9896 explanation
- -- LC 9899 - Consolidation, Option 5
- ---- LC 9899 explanation
- Proposals for Economic Development Legislation
- --LC9700 - Angel investor resolution
May 5, 2004
- Agenda, Minutes
- Studying the Past and Preparing for Future Economic Development
- Economic Development History in Montana (Appendix A)
- Microbusiness Development Loans (Appendix B)
- History of Science and Technology Loans (Appendix C)
- Worksheet for Economic Development Options
- Invitation to Interested Persons for Economic Development
- Speaker Biographies
- Exemptions: Do They Make Sense in a No-Fault Workers' Compensation System?
- Exemption Worksheet
- Senate Joint Resolution No. 17 and the Occupational Disease Act
- Occupational Disease Options Worksheet
- Letter to Committee regarding Court Decision on Stacking Insurance Policies
March 11, 2004
January 23, 2004
- Agenda, Morning Minutes, Afternoon Minutes
- Neil Milner Presentation for Conference of State Bank Supervisors
- Background Briefing Memo on Financial Institution Issues
- Brief History of Federal Financial Services Laws/Court Cases, Montana Laws
- Brief Biographies of Speakers for Financial Institution Session
- Table of Montana-Headquartered Financial Institutions by City
- Federal Register, Vol. 69, No. 8, Final OCC Rule Regarding Preemption of State Banking Laws
- Federal Register, Vol. 69, No. 8, Final OCC Rule Regarding Regulatory Authority for National Banks
- Federal Register, Vol. 68, No. 150, Outlining OCC Preemption Proposal
- Response to Proposed Preemption Rule by Conference of State Bank Supervisors
- Response to Proposed Preemption Rule by National Conference of State Legislatures
- GAO Report: "Insurance Regulation: Common Standards and
- Improved Coordination Needed to Strengthen Market Regulation"
- NCSL LegisBrief: "The Life Insurance Regulation Compact"
- National Association of Insurance Commissioners' Action Plan
- Venture Capital Background Memo
- Venture Capital Slide Presentation (Handouts)
- Venture Capital Options for policy makers
October 23, 2003, and October 24, 2003
- 10-23 Agenda, 10-24 Agenda
- 10-23 Minutes,
10-24 Minutes - Revised work plan
- Proposed schedule
- Minutes from June 11 meeting
- Memo regarding joint informational meeting on banking issues
- Memo regarding fund for workers displaced by international trade
Letter to Board of Regents
An Agenda for Progress: May 2003 Memo from John Mercer - Board of Regents' March 2003 Resolution: Economic Development and Outreach
- How Do Greater Investments in the Montana University System Lead to Greater Economic Success for Montana?
- Montana's Economic Road Map: Another Step Forward
- Memo from Dave Gibson on Economic Development Issues
- National Economic Indicators - Paul Polzin Presentation Handouts*
- Montana Labor Data - Phil Brooks Presentation Handouts*
- Montana Economic Developers Association Legislative Agenda 2005
June 11, 2003
Work Groups and Meetings
Work Group Meeting on Venture Capital, Economic Development
List of Interested Persons
Graphic of Proposed Montana Equity Fund
August 19, 2004, State Capitol
July 26, 2004, State Capitol
June 16, 2004, TechRanch, Bozeman
Feb.20, 2004, State Capitol Agenda -
Special Meeting of Work Comp Stakeholders
July 15, 2004, State Capitol . Agenda
June 10, 2004, State Capitol . Agenda
April 14, 2004, State Capitol . Agenda
February 23, 2004, State Capitol
September 29, 2003 Agenda
SJR 17 - Simplification of Workers' Compensation and Occupational Disease Laws
Introduced by Sen. Jon Tester, D-Big Sandy, Senate Joint Resolution 17 identifies as a problem the patchwork of confusion created by frequent amendments to Title 39, Chapters 71 and 72. Chapter 71, addressing workers' compensation, covers 98 pages in the Montana Code Annotated, 2001. Chapter 72, the Occupational Disease Act of Montana, runs 13 pages. Changing employment practices, administrative rules, and recent court decisions have contributed to the confusion.
The study will involve reviewing whether statutes need changing to improve coordination with court decisions, reviewing administrative rules to determine whether they implement the statutes and policies set by the legislature, and determining whether statutes need revising to reflect changing employment practices. The proposed goal is to make the workers' compensation statutes more understandable, reduce the time and the advice needed for compliance, and, ideally, reduce the number of court cases filed because of unclear statutes.
A copy of SJR 17
LC 249 - Angel Investor Resolution
MEDA Mill Levy Exclusion Request -- not adopted
MEDA New Tax Class for New, Expanded Industry -- not adopted
SJR 17 Exemption Proposal -- not adopted
LC 150 - Fund of Funds Proposal -- not adopted
The Committee adopted the SB 270 Independent Contractor bill, LC0358, as a Committee bill.
The Committee also adopted three workers' compensation bills as Committee bills: LC 0188 and LC 0189, which seek to clarify existing statutes, and LC 0353 to implement Supreme Court decisions on occupational disease.
Final Report on Economic Development
Worker's Compensation Final Report
Senate Joint Resolution No. 17 and the Occupational Disease Act
Exemptions: Do They Make Sense in a No-Fault Workers' Compensation System?
Workers' Compensation Exemptions in Montana vis-a-vis Other States
Occupational Disease v. On-the-Job Injury/Accident Treatment by States