Montana State Legislature
2009-2010 Environmental Quality Council
The EQC is a state legislative committee created by the 1971 Montana Environmental Policy Act (MEPA). The EQC has 17 members: 6 senators; 6 representatives; 4 public members; and 1 nonvoting member who represents the Governor. The statutory duties of the Council are described in 75-1-324, MCA, of MEPA and in other sections of the Montana Code Annotated.
Montana Environmental Policy Act
Environmental Quality Council Interim
Public Members
- MS. Mary Fitzpatrick
Governor's Representative
- Agenda
- September 13, 2010 minutes
- September 14, 2010 minutes -
- Memo to EQC about September meeting
- Legislative Finance Committee budget discussion documents
— Cover memo, Barb Smith, LFC
— LFC reference book status update
— Reference book items pertaining to natural resource agencies - Biomass study documents
— Biomass cover memo
— Public comment received on LC 7000, LC 7002 and the draft letter to the Governor
— LC 7000 - BER Rulemaking Authority for Chippers and Grinders
— LC 7002 - Separate Renewable Energy Credits from Renewable Portfolio Standard
— Draft letter to the Governor
— Memo about Harvesting Energy report
— Harvesting Energy, HJR 1 final biomass report - HJR 30 fire suppression study update
- Public comment on LC 8002
- LC 8002 - Use of River Beds
- Adjudication progress report - DNRC and the Water Court
- Agency rulemaking review summary
- FWP legislative proposals summary
- FWP Maintenance Account report
- Public comment on LC 7010
- Crucial Areas Planning public comment
- LC 7010 - Petroleum Tank Release Mixing Zone
- Livestock Loss Reduction and Mitigation Board annual report
- Final Agenda
- Memo to EQC about July meeting
- Harvesting Energy, HJR 1 draft biomass report, draft legislation, and public comments received
- The Coke Can from Columbus, SJR 28 draft recycling study report and public comments received
- HJR 15 (tourism/recreational access) study
- DNRC legislative proposals summary
- DEQ legislative proposals summary
- Nutrient criteria development update
- Redraft of Senate Bill No. 507
- Updated legal memo on navigability
- LSD and DNRC summary of Land Board use of PPL damages money
- DNRC land banking report
- Agency rulemaking review summary
- Compliance and enforcement report, Department of Agriculture
- Adjudication progress report -- DNRC and the Water Court
- Water adjudication audit report from the Legislative Audition Division
- Letter to Governor from WPIC
- Update on Clark Fork Task Force
- Overview of carbon sequestration update provided to ETIC in May
- Spotted Dog land acquisition Environmental Assessment
- Algae Aqua-Culture Technologies, John Murdock
- Western Montana Economic Developers' Collaboration on Forest Products Industries, Tracy McIntyre
- Biochar, Gloria Flora
- Analysis of Bear Scat Monitoring, Agency Data, and Literature, Montanore Project
- Monitoring Grizzly Populations in Western Montana, FWP
- Proposed Legislation (See Proposed Legislation page below).
- Final Agenda
- May 6, 2010 minutes
- May 7, 2010 minutes
- Memo to EQC about May meeting
- Harvesting Energy, HJR 1 draft biomass report
- Biomass study decision worksheet
- Feasibility study overview, Porter Bench Energy, LLC
- Overview of biomass equipment demonstration
- Photos of biomass equipment demonstration
- HJR 30 fire suppression study update, report from the Education and Local Goverment Committee
- The Coke Can from Columbus, SJR 28 draft recycling report
- HJR 15 (tourism/recreational access) study summary, May 2010
- PPL Montana, LLC, vs. State of Montana (navigable rivers opinion)
- Agency rulemaking review summary
- CECRA rulemaking Economic Impact Statement
— Cover memo
— Economic Impact Statement - Compliance and enforcement report, DNRC
- Adjudication progress report -- DNRC and Water Court
- Echinococcus granulosus
— FWP Fact Sheet, revised
— Diseases You Can Get From Wildlife -- Hydatid Disease, British Columbia Ministry of Environment
— Memo to EQC on hydatid disease, Dr. Valerius Geist - Memo on the status of coal, hard rock, and oil and gas permits in Montana
- Final Agenda
- March 4, 2010 minutes
- March 5, 2010 minutes
- Memo to EQC about March meeting
- Fiscal Considerations for Natural Resource Agencies, Barb Smith, LFD
- Permitting in Montana (printable format)
- Responses to biomass questions raised at January 2010 EQC meeting
- Harvesting Energy, HJR 1 draft biomass report
- Biomass Working Group recommendations
- Biomass presentation: Dave Sjoding, Northwest CHP Application Center
- Biomass presentation: Douglas Beer, Access Energy Technologies
- The Coke Can from Columbus, SJR 28 draft recycling report
- SJR 28 recycling study worksheet/decision matrix
- Adjudication progress report -- DNRC and Water Court
- Compliance and enforcement report, DEQ
- Agency rulemaking review summary
- CECRA rulemaking Economic Impact Statement
- National Weather Service Climate Prediction Center 2010 Outlook
- HJR 30 fire suppression study update
- Cabinsite leasing legal analysis, Todd Everts
- Wolf documents cover memo
— Wolf discussion introductory overview for EQC, FWP
— FWP Fact Sheet
— Echinococcus Granulosus in Wolves, Krysten Schuler, Wildlife Ecologist, USGS National Wildlife Health Center, Wisconsin
— Alaska epidemiology bulletin
— A Field Guide to Common Wildlife Diseases and Parasites in Alaska
— Idaho echinococcus granulosus factsheet
— Monitoring and Assessment of Wolf-Ungulate Interactions and Population Trends within the Greater Yellowstone Area, Southwestern Montana, and Montana Statewide, Final Report 2009, Kenneth L. Hamlin and Julie A. Cunningham, FWP
— Montana wolf hunt brochure - FWP Wolf Presentations, March 5, 2010
— Counting Wolves in Montana
— Wolf impacts on ungulates
— Echinococcus granulosa
— Wolf Funding
— New wolf depredation response protocol
— Projected wolf packs and breeding pairs at year end with full pack removal
- Final Agenda
- January 7, 2010 minutes
- January 8, 2010 minutes
- Memo to EQC about January meeting
- Navigable rivers survey
- Legal opinion on the term navigable waters
- Fire cost memo, Barb Smith, LFC
- Evaluation of DNRC cabin site leasing proposal, Barb Smith, LFC
- Adjudication progress report -- DNRC and Water Court
- EQC administrative rulemaking authority and current rules
- HJ 1 biomass study cover memo and discussion points
— Montana biomass study background paper
— DNRC perspectives on woody biomass, Angela Farr, DNRC - SJ 28 recycling study cover memo and discussion points
— Montana recycling study background paper - HJR 15 (tourism/recreational access) study summary, January 2010
- Permitting in Montana - draft
- CECRA rulemaking memo
- EQC letter recommending stakeholder group for DEQ CECRA rulemaking
- DEQ letter about CECRA rulemaking public notice
- Director Opper letter to Chair Vincent about CECRA rulemaking
- DEQ letter about CECRA priority list
- EQC letter of objection to greenhouse gas rulemaking
- BER response to EQC letter about greenhouse gas rulemaking
- Montana Forest Biomass Supply, Todd Morgan
- Montana Agricultural Biomass Residual Overview, Spangler and Haines
- Petroleum Tank Release Fund Status Report
- Federal Fire Policy in the 2009 Montana Fire Season, Bob Harrington
- Recycling Electronics in Montana, Sandra Boggs
- E-waste recycling overview, Tatooine Electronics
- Noxious Weed Law Issues for Montana, Scott Bockness
- Water Leasing Study, FWP
- Final Agenda
- September 10, 2009 minutes
- September 11, 2009 minutes
- Memo to EQC about September meeting
- EQC Rules and Procedures
- EQC Final Work Plan
- EQC Final Work Plan Matrix
- Habitat Conservation Plan Draft EIS Summary
- Habitat Conservation Plan Draft EIS Abstract
- Habitat Conservation Plan Draft EIS (pdf of PowerPoint)
- Habitat Conservation Plan EIS documents (DNRC web site)
- DNRC cabinsite lease payment document
- Montana recycling study background paper
- Montana biomass study background paper
- Rule review crib sheet
— Attachment 1 (11" by 17") - Adjudication progress report -- Water Court
- Adjudication progress report -- DNRC
- HB 674 and HB 669 summary
- Forestlands Protection Coalition response to Headwaters Economics Wildfire Cost Study
- Sen. Barrett letter to FWP Director re stream access law
- (Biomass Federal Issues and Legislation, Angela Farr and Julia Altemus, DNRC )
- Montana Rural Recycling, Dusti Johnson, DEQ
- Environmental Public Health Tracking, Dr. Mike Spence
- National Biorefinery Siting Model, Rich Lane, Camas Creek Enterprises
- Report on Biomass, Tom Kaiserski, Montana Energy Promotion and Development Division
- Petroleum Tank Release Fund Status Report
- Legal opinion on the term navigable waters
- Final Agenda
- May 28, 2009 minutes
- May 29, 2009 minutes
- Memo to EQC about May meeting
- Memo to EQC about member-identified issues for Work Plan
- Draft Work Plan
- Final Draft Work Plan Matrix, May 29, 2009
- Draft rules and procedures, 2009-10
- Criteria for establishing subcommittees or working groups
- Water policy history
- 2009 Natural Resource Legislation
- A Council Member's Guide to the Environmental Quality Council
- History of presiding officer selection
HJ 1: Study Of Biomass
- House Joint Resolution No. 1
- Biomass Federal Issues and Legislation, Angela Farr and Julia Altemus, DNRC (pdf) (PowerPoint)
- National Biorefinery Siting Model, Rich Lane, Camas Creek Enterprises
- Report on Biomass, Tom Kaiserski, Montana Energy Promotion and Developmment Division
- Montana biomass study background paper, September 2009
- Biomass study cover memo and discussion points, January 2010
- Montana biomass study background paper, January 2010
- DNRC perspectives on woody biomass, Angela Farr, DNRC
- Montana Forest Biomass Supply, Todd Morgan
- Montana Agricultural Biomass Residual Overview, Spangler and Haines
- Responses to biomass questions raised at January 2010 EQC meeting
- Harvesting Energy, HJR 1 draft biomass report, March 2010
- Harvesting Energy, HJR 1 draft biomass report, May 2010
- Harvesting Energy, HJR 1 draft biomass report, draft legislation, and public comments received, July 2010
- Memo about Harvesting Energy final report
- Harvesting Energy, HJR 1 final biomass report
- Biomass Working Group recommendations, March 2010
- Biomass presentation: Dave Sjoding, Northwest CHP Application Center
- Biomass presentation: Douglas Beer, Access Energy Technologies
- Biomass study decision worksheet, May 2010
- Feasibility study overview, Porter Bench Energy, LLC
- Overview of biomass equipment demonstration
- Photos of biomass equipment demonstration
- Algae Aqua-Culture Technologies, John Murdock
- Western Montana Economic Developers' Collaboration on Forest Products Industries, Tracy McIntyre
- Biochar, Gloria Flora
- Public comment received on LC 7000, LC 7002 and the draft letter to the Governor
- Draft letter to the Governor
HJ 15: Study Funding For A Tourism And Recreation Enhancement Program
- House Joint Resolution No. 15
- HJR 15 (tourism/recreational access) study summary, January 2010
- HJR 15 (tourism/recreational access) study summary, May 2010
- HJR 15 (tourism/recreational access) study, July 2010
- Public comment
- Monetary Incentives for Tourism and Recreational Access, HJR 15 final report
HJ 30: Study Fire Suppression Issues
- House Joint Resolution No. 30
- The Price of Flame
- Fire cost memo, Barb Smith, LFC
- National Weather Service Climate Prediction Center 2010 Outlook
- Federal Fire Policy in the 2009 Montana Fire Season, Bob Harrington
- HJR 30 fire suppression study update, March 2010
- HJR 30 fire suppression study update, May 2010
- HJR 30 fire suppression study update, September 2010
SJ 28: Study Recycling And Solid Waste Recovery
- Senate Joint Resolution No. 28
- Montana Rural Recycling, Dusti Johnson, DEQ
- Montana recycling study background paper, September 2009
- Recycling study cover memo and discussion points, January 2010
- Montana recycling study background paper, January 2010
- Recycling Electronics in Montana, Sandra Boggs
- E-waste recycling overview, Tatooine Electronics
- SJR 28 recycling study worksheet/decision matrix, March 2010
- The Coke Can from Columbus, SJR 28 draft recycling report, May 2010
- The Coke Can from Columbus, SJR 28 draft recycling study report and public comments received, July 2010
Staff and Agency Reports (see also Agency Oversight )
General Information
HJ 1: Study Of Biomass
- House Joint Resolution No. 1
- Biomass Federal Issues and Legislation, Angela Farr and Julia Altemus, DNRC (pdf) (PowerPoint)
- National Biorefinery Siting Model, Rich Lane, Camas Creek Enterprises
- Report on Biomass, Tom Kaiserski, Montana Energy Promotion and Developmment Division
- Montana biomass study background paper, September 2009
- Biomass study cover memo and discussion points, January 2010
- Montana biomass study background paper, January 2010
- DNRC perspectives on woody biomass, Angela Farr, DNRC
- Montana Forest Biomass Supply, Todd Morgan
- Montana Agricultural Biomass Residual Overview, Spangler and Haines
- Responses to biomass questions raised at January 2010 EQC meeting
- Harvesting Energy, HJR 1 draft biomass report, March 2010
- Harvesting Energy, HJR 1 draft biomass report, May 2010
- Harvesting Energy, HJR 1 draft biomass report, draft legislation, and public comments received, July 2010
- Memo about Harvesting Energy final report
- Harvesting Energy, HJR 1 final biomass report
- Biomass Working Group recommendations, March 2010
- Biomass presentation: Dave Sjoding, Northwest CHP Application Center
- Biomass presentation: Douglas Beer, Access Energy Technologies
- Biomass study decision worksheet, May 2010
- Feasibility study overview, Porter Bench Energy, LLC
- Overview of biomass equipment demonstration
- Photos of biomass equipment demonstration
- Algae Aqua-Culture Technologies, John Murdock
- Western Montana Economic Developers' Collaboration on Forest Products Industries, Tracy McIntyre
- Biochar, Gloria Flora
- Public comment received on LC 7000, LC 7002 and the draft letter to the Governor
- Draft letter to the Governor
HJ 15: Study Funding For A Tourism And Recreation Enhancement Program
- House Joint Resolution No. 15
- HJR 15 (tourism/recreational access) study summary, January 2010
- HJR 15 (tourism/recreational access) study summary, May 2010
- HJR 15 (tourism/recreational access) study, July 2010
- Public comment
- Monetary Incentives for Tourism and Recreational Access, HJR 15 final report
HJ 30: Study Fire Suppression Issues
- House Joint Resolution No. 30
- The Price of Flame
- Fire cost memo, Barb Smith, LFC
- National Weather Service Climate Prediction Center 2010 Outlook
- Federal Fire Policy in the 2009 Montana Fire Season, Bob Harrington
- HJR 30 fire suppression study update, March 2010
- HJR 30 fire suppression study update, May 2010
- HJR 30 fire suppression study update, September 2010
SJ 28: Study Recycling And Solid Waste Recovery
- Senate Joint Resolution No. 28
- Montana Rural Recycling, Dusti Johnson, DEQ
- Montana recycling study background paper, September 2009
- Recycling study cover memo and discussion points, January 2010
- Montana recycling study background paper, January 2010
- Recycling Electronics in Montana, Sandra Boggs
- E-waste recycling overview, Tatooine Electronics
- SJR 28 recycling study worksheet/decision matrix, March 2010
- The Coke Can from Columbus, SJR 28 draft recycling report, May 2010
- The Coke Can from Columbus, SJR 28 draft recycling study report and public comments received, July 2010
LC 7000 - BER Rulemaking Authority for Chippers and Grinders
LC 7002 - Separate Renewable Energy Credits from Renewable Portfolio Standard
- Draft 1: August 3, 2010
LC 7001 - Utility Recovery of Fuel Costs for Biomass (No longer under consideration by EQC)
- Draft 1: May 20, 2010
LC 7010 - Petroleum Tank Release Mixing Zone
LC 8002 - Use of River Beds
- Memo on redraft of SB 507 (2009)
- Draft 1: July 28, 2010