Montana State Legislature
2007-2008 Water Policy Committee
The Water Policy Interim Committee (WPIC) is a joint bipartisan committee of the Legislature created by the passage of House Bill No. 304 (2007). The Legislature authorized the committee for the 2007-2008 biennium to conduct an interim study on surface water/ground water interaction, exempt wells, water quality and water quantity, and other water related issues.
- Agenda
- September 11, 2008 minutes - Listen
- September 12, 2008 minutes - Listen
- Memo to Committee
- Water--Montana's Treasure
- Findings and Recommendations (9-5-2008)
- Board of Investments Intercap Program
- LC5007, Data study through MBMG
- LC5009, Discharge permits required
- LC5012, Water right for aquatic resource activities carried out by MDT
- LC5014, Public water and sewer
- LC5015, Revolving fund
- LC5020, Preliminary determinations
- LC5021, Revises water enforcement laws
- LC5022, Public water and sewer systems for subdivisions
- LC5023, Sustainable development program
- LC5024, Renewable resource loans for public systems
- Economic analysis of irrigation
- Agenda
- August 12, 2008 minutes - Listen
- August 13, 2008 minutes - Listen
- Memo to Committee
- Water--Montana's Treasure
Public Comment (Updated 8-7-2008)
Press Release about draft report - Case Study Report, MBMG
Public Comment - Water rights in closed basins, Nicklin
Public Comment - DNRC proposed legislation
- DEQ proposed legislation
- Draft legislation to extend RWRCC
- DNRC and Bureau of Reclamation memorandum of understanding
- 2006-07 Water Leasing Report, Fish, Wildlife and Parks
- Findings and Recommendations
- LC5009, Discharge permits required
- LC5014, Public water and sewer
- LC5015, Revolving fund
- LC5019, Subdivision water systems
- LC5020, Preliminary determinations
- LC5021, Revises enforcement laws
- Agenda
- June 10, 2008 minutes - Listen
- June 11, 2008 minutes - Listen
- Water--Montana's Treasure, draft report to the Legislature
- Study Tasks and Responses
- Flood to sprinkler water supply impacts, DNRC
- Ground water quality and subsurface wastewater systems, DEQ
- Converting from flood to sprinkler irrigation, DNRC
- Irrigation loses from a ground water point of view, MBMG
- Proposed ground water investigation program (LC5007)
- Findings and Options for Recommendations
- Potential Expansion of Consumptive Use, DNRC
- Cost comparison on exempt wells and public water supply systems, MAR
- Prior appropriation, Bloomquist
- Bostwick Properties, Inc. vs. DNRC - Decision
- Bostwick Properties, Inc. vs. DNRC - legal analysis
- Water rights in closed basins, Nicklin
- Agenda
- Summary of work group meeting
- Adverse effect discussion, Don MacIntyre
- Enforcement costs discussion, Don MacIntyre
- Outsourcing discussion, Don MacIntyre
- Agenda
- April 29, 2008 minutes - Listen
- April 30, 2008 minutes - Listen
- Economic Benefits of Irrigation, DNRC
- WPIC Findings and Recommendations (4-29-2008)
- Projects Funded for Irrigation Research
- Net depletion analysis of Lower Beaverhead, MBMG
- Conjunctive ground water and surface water management, Kirk Engineering
- Ruby Valley inventory, Payne
- State Water Plan, Moy
- LC5007, Data study through MBMG
- LC5012, Water right for aquatic resource activities carried out by MDT
- LC5014, Public water and sewer
- Summary of work group meeting
DNRC proposed amendments
DNRC explanation
Utility Solutions negotiations - Excerpt from Montana Water Court Guidebook
- Agenda
- March 12, 2008 minutes - Listen
- March 13, 2008 minutes - Listen
- Planning Grants for Community Infrastructure
Planning Grants Availability to Communities
Project Tracking Tables - An analysis of water marketing and reallocation options in Montana, Joe Kolman
- 2006 Water Leasing Report, Fish, Wildlife and Parks
- Water Marketing in the West, Scarborough
- Saving our Streams, Scarborough and Lund
- Growing Communities, Mountain Water Co.
- DNRC response to Mountain Water Co.
- Memo about growing communities doctrine, Greg Petesch
- Analysis of Water Banks in the Western States, Washington State Department of Ecology
- Private Water Leasing, Trout Unlimited
- Water Marketing 101, Katelyn E. Stahley
- State Water Projects
- Administration of Water Court decrees
- Starting at the Source, Michelle Bryan-Mudd
- Bucket for bucket memo, DNRC
- DNRC enforcement of water rights
- Effects of exempt wells, DNRC
- HB 831 application status
- Mitigation guide for the Walla Walla Basin, Washington Water Trust
- Water Marketing, Holmes
- HB 831 update
- LC5009, Discharge permits required
- Agenda
- Minutes
- Water Right Application Process, Terri McLaughlin, DNRC
- Stream Closure Policy, Bill Schenk, FWP
- Ground water case studies, update, John Metesh, MBMG
- Update on Evaluations Significance of Exempt Wells, Nicklin
- LC5001, Accelerated permitting process
- LC5002, Notice of intent to drill
- LC5003, Enforcement
- LC5004, Ground water quality
- LC5005, MDT water reservations
- LC5006, Subdivision and water right disconnect
- LC5007, Data study through MBMG
- LC5008, Adjudication issue remarks
- Enforcement of senior rights in relation to ground water rights
- Agenda
- Minutes
- Blackfeet water compact
- Teton Basin, DNRC
- Teton Basin, Allan Rollo, Teton River Watershed Group
- Consumptive use, Steve Custer
- Consumptive use, John LaFave, MBMG
- Determining consumptive use, Bill Uthman, DNRC
- Exempt wells and sportsmen, Laura Ziemer, Trout Unlimited
- One well vs. many, John Metesh, MBMG
- Community vs. single wells, Eric Regensburger, DEQ
- Source water protection, Jim Stimson, DEQ
- Domestic and irrigation water usage, Eric Regensburger, DEQ
- DEQ subdivision review, Steve Kilbreath, DEQ
- Typical household water need
- Necessity of exemption, Glenn Oppel, Montana Association of Realtors
- Revised agenda
- Minutes
- Sunburst School District vs. Texaco and Shammel vs. Canyon Resources
- Review of aquifer storage and recovery projects
- Elements of land use law
- Major subdivision review process schematic
- WPIC study prioritization worksheet
- Northwestern's compensation for natural resource damages at the Milltown Site
- Thompson River Lumber Co. proposal for decision
- Thompson River Lumber Co. final order
- Agenda
- Minutes
- Photos of Gallatin Valley tour
- Final Work Plan
- Press release
- DEQ Rules - nondegradation of water quality
- DEQ Rules - mixing zones in surface and ground water
- DEQ Rules - Montana ground water pollution control system
- Numeric water quality standards
- Challenges of governing groundwater in U.S. western states
- Water needs and strategies for a sustainable future
- Federal drinking water standards
- Agenda
- Minutes
- Photos of Beaverhead Valley tour
- Draft Work Plan
- Work Plan Matrix
- Montana water law summary
- Closed basin legal issues
- Fidelity Exploration final order
- Montana Drought Advisory Committee report
- DNRC reservoir storage, May 2007
- Trout Unlimited vs. DNRC
- House Bill No. 831 (2007) summary
- House Bill No. 831 flowchart
- State water management comparison
- Lohmeier, et al. vs. DNRC
Enabling Legislation (HB 304)
HB 831 (2007) Revise water use laws in closed basins
EQC WPIC Joint Subcommittee
The Water Policy Interim Committee created for the 2007-08 biennium by House Bill No. 304 will terminate June 30, 2009. The EQC and the WPIC formed a joint subcommittee to discuss future water policy development options in Montana.
Meeting Schedule and Materials
For Meetings that have audio with minutes, please use the audio archive lookup page.
September 8, 2008
- Agenda
- Minutes
- Memo to Subcommittee members
- LC5016
- LC5017
- LC5018
August 12, 2008
- Agenda
- Minutes
- Memo to Subcommittee members
- LC5017
- LC5018
July 14, 2008
- Agenda
- Minutes
June 10, 2008
- Agenda
- Minutes
- Memo to Subcommittee members
- EQC Water Policy Issues 1995-2006
- Water Policy Committee historic overview
- Water Policy Interim Committee 2007-09