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Montana State Legislature
Staff and Agency Reports
Water Management And Permitting
- Overview of the evolution of water law in Montana and the West
- Legal opinion on the term navigable waters
- Coal Bed Methane Water: An overview of water right issues
- 2002 EQC report on CBM and water policy
- CBM water information, MBMG
- House Bill No. 575 (2009) summary
- Menu of options for mitigation, exempt wells, and wastewater management
- Draft letter opposing Clean Water Restoration Act
- Drilling Down: An overview of exempt well issues
- Controlled Ground Water Areas, DNRC
- Exempt Wells in Montana, Used and Abused, Gallatin Local Water Quality District
- Comparison of One Well versus Many
- Costs and Uses of Community Wells vs. Single Family Wells
- Exempt Wells: A Changing Landscape, Trout Unlimited
- Water and Wastewater in Subdivisions, DEQ
- Montana Regional Coal Bed Methane Ground Water Monitoring Program
- Powder River Basin Controlled Ground Water Area
- Expert Scientific Opinion on the Tier-2 Methodology, Hendrickx and Buchanan
- Managed Irrigation with Coal Bed Natural Gas Produced Water
- Evaluation of Water Quality Criteria for Rain-Irrigation Cropping Systems, Suarez, Wood and Lesch
- State Water Projects, DNRC
- Aquifer Storage Options, MBMG
- Evapotranspiration and Groundwater: A Brief Overview, MBMG
- St. Mary and Milk Rivers Water Management Initiative
- Milltown Dam Water Right, Gerald Mueller
- Status of Hungry Horse Negotiations, Clark Fork Task Force
Water Right Enforcement
Water Marketing
Agency And Program Monitoring