Montana State Legislature
2011-2012 Law and Justice
The Law and Justice Interim Committee (LJIC) is a joint bipartisan committee of the legislature that meets between legislative sessions. The LJIC: (1) monitors the activities of the Department of Corrections, the Department of Justice, the Office of State Public Defender, and the Judicial Branch; (2) examines law and justice policy issues; and (3) makes recommendations to the full legislature. The LJIC's responsibilities include reviewing the administrative rules and proposed legislation of assigned executive branch agencies.
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- June 21 Agenda June 22 Agenda
- Summary of meeting decisions
- Minutes
- Welcome, orientation, and work plan decisions, staff paper
- Rules and Procedures of Interim Committees, Legislative Council
- Department of Corrections At a Glance, Dept. of Corrections
- Overview of Department of Corrections, staff paper
- Overview of Department of Justice, staff paper
- Overview of Board of Crime Control, staff paper
- Overview of Judicial Branch, staff paper
- Overview of Office of State Public Defender, staff paper
- SJR 29: What is Restorative Justice?, Legislative Background Brief
- Final Agenda
- Minutes
SJR 29 - Restorative Justice Study
- DVD - "Restorative Justice: For Victims, Communities, and Offenders" by the Center for Restorative Justice and Peacemaking.
- Various Video Clips on Restorative Justice Programs- gathered by staff and provided on a disc to committee members
- Panel #1 - Gallatin County's restorative justice program
- Overview - staff brief
- Ms. Barbara Rainy - PowerPoint - brochure
- Panel #2 - State restorative justice programs
Other Issues
- Panel #3 - Jail suicide prevention
- Jail Suicide Prevention: Review of previous work
- Mr. Karl Rosston - Jail Suicide Facts & Recommendations
- Mr. Dennis McCave - core standards - misc screening forms- Butte-Silver Bow form - Yellowstone County form
- Panel #4 - Involuntary commitment standards
- Agenda - Dec. 15 - Day 1 - Minutes
- Agenda - Dec. 16 - Day 2 - Minutes
- Preliminary summary of actions
Dec. 15 - Agenda Item Materials
- Item 5.a. Administrative rule review memo
- Item 5.b. Legal memo on Rules of Civil Procedure
- Item 5.b. Supreme Court Order and Geotz Letter
- Item 6.a. Staff report: HB 142 - advisory councils and reports
- Item 9.a. ACLU report on public defender system
- Item 10.a. Kalispell - Flathead County Center for Restorative Youth Justice - fact sheet
- Item 10.b. Flathead Youth Probation - letter
- Item 10.b. Flathead Youth Court - leadership agenda
- Item 10.d. Missoula Community Restorative Justice Program
- Item 13.a. Staff Overview of Board of Pardons and Parole (BPP)
- Item 13.b. Fern Osler - Executive Director, BOPP - Charts
- Item 14.a. DOC policies and procedures:
- Item 16. Legislative Audit Division recommendation on audit of Shelby private prison (CCC)
- Item 16. Letter to CCC on Inmate Welfare Fund audit by DOC
- Item 17. Public Comment on Corrections Issues (*Posted comments were submitted prior to Dec. 7. Public comment is open to all, based on time available, whether or not comments were submitted prior to the meeting. Written comments submitted at the meeting will be posted as part of the meeting mintues.)
- Item 19. Legislative Fiscal Division - Performance Measures
- Item 20. NCSL Fall Forum - staff summary
Dec. 16 - Agenda Item Materials
- Item 2.a. Kentucky Jail Mental Health Crisis Network - PPT - Connie Milligan and Ray Sabbatine
- Item 2.d. Terry Jessee - mental health staff, Yellowstone Co. Detention Center
- Item 2.d. Terry Jessee - calculating the jail suicide rate
- Item 3.a. Kevin Olson - Suicide Prevention training at Montana Law Enforcement Academy
- Item 3.c. Dennis McCave - Montana Sheriffs and Peace Officers on Jail Suicide Prevention
- Item 3.e. Montana Board of Crime Control jail suicide data - Jimmy Steyee
- Item 3.e. Detention Data Information System 2008 &2009 Report - Montana Board of Crime Control
- Item 6. Legislative Background Brief: Emergency Detention Standards: HB 365
- Item 9. Legislative Background Brief: Preservation of Biological Evidence
- Item 12.b. County Treasurers' letter on MERLIN
- Agenda - Feb. 23 as of 2/22
- Agenda - Feb. 24 as of 2/22
- Draft Minutes
Day 1 - Feb. 23 - Materials By Agenda Item
- Item 5. - Pre-Meeting Legal Memo on SORNA
- Item 5.a. - Legislative Audit Report: Sex and Violent Offender Registry
- Item 5.c. Attorney General Letter: Response to Audit Report
- Item 6.a. Dr. Mark Umbreit, Ph.D., Presenation Materials
- Item 7.a. Concealed Weapons Background Packet
- Item 7.b.i. Gary Marbut Letter
- Item 8.a. Staff Report on Department of Justice (advisory councils and reports)
- Item 8.b. Staff Report on Montana Board of Crime Control
- Item 9. - Staff Report on Re-entry and Department of Corrections
- Item 10. - DPHHS Statement of Current Process For Reporting of Child Abuse and Neglect
Day 2 - Feb. 24 - Materials By Agenda Item
- Item 3. Changes made by SB 423 - medical marijuana
- Item 3. SB 423 Implementation Update
- Item 3. Registry Statistics
- Item 3.c.v. Ron Alsbury, Dept. of Corrections, Probation & Parole
- Item 4.a. Staff Report - HB 20 Research Memo - Social Host Ordinances
- Item 6. General Public Comment and Follow-up
- Item 7.a Staff Memo by Sonia Nowakowski - Overview
- Item 7.b. Staff Memo by Helen Thigpen - HB 198 litigation
- Item 8.a. Juvenile Detention Alternatives research from LJIC 2007-08
- Item 8.b. Youth Justice Council White Paper
- Item 8.b. Annual Progress Report to Annie E. Casey Foundation
- Item 8.b. Trend Analysis
- Item 8.c. Bob Peake - Juvenile Probation and JDIA
- Item 9.a. Legal Memo on Need to Amend Previous Motion
- Agenda - April 19
- Agenda - April 20
- Minutes
- Chart of preliminary bill draft requests from February meeting
Day 1 - April 19, 2012
- Item 5.a.LClj5A - Restorative justice sentencing alternative (MacDonald)
- Item 5.a. LClj5B - Restorative justice grant program under MBCC(MacDonald)
- Item 5.a. LClj5C - Victim impact panels for state inmates (MacDonald)
- Item 5.a. LClj5D - Multiagency re-entry pilot project (MacDonald)
- Item 6.a. Eminent Domain memorandum, LClj11 (MacDonald)
- Item 8. LClj04 - Revise emergency detention standards (Menahan)
- Item 9.a.i. Overview of 2011 DUI bills
- Item 9.a.ii. Memorandum on drivers with medical marijuana cards
- Item 9.a.ii. Medical Marijuana Dispensary States v. Caregiver States
- Item 9.a.ii. Medical Marijuana Variations Among State Laws
- Item 9.c. Per Se DUI drug impairment and HB 33 - 2011 Session (Peterson)
- Item 10.a. Research Responses On Sexual Offenses
- Item 10.a. Analysis of Montana Supreme Court Opinion in State v. Cook
Day 2 - April 20, 2012
- Item 3. "A New Era", The Montana Lawyer, February 2012 - article
- Item 4.a.i. LClj1A - Jail suicide prevention pilot program (MacDonald)
- Item 4.a.ii. LClj2A - Jail suicide prevention statewide program (MacDonald)
- Item 4.a.iii.LClj03 - Jail suicide prevention under MBCC (More)
- Item 5.a. LClj10 - DPHHS reporting in child abuse or neglect cases - (Menahan)
- Item 7.a. "Misguided brotherhood", Flathead Beacon, Nov. 23, 2011
- Item 7.a. "Above the law", Missoula Independent, Dec. 1, 2011
- Item 7.a. "Lake County investigations meet resistence, Flathead Beacon, Dec. 7, 2011
- Item 8.a. Administrative Rule Review Memo, April 6, 2012
- Revised Agenda - June 21
- Revised Agenda - June 22
- Minutes
Day 1 - June 21, 2012
- Items 4.a., 6.a., 8.a., and 9.a. HB 142 Staff Report: Public Defender, Department of Corrections, Board of Pardons and Parole, Judicial Branch
- Item 5. Public Defender Commission Response to ACLU Report
- Item 11. Restorative Justice Bill Drafts - LClj5A, 5B, 5C, 5D (See April 19, 2012 materials)
- Item 12. Suicide Prevention Bill Drafts - LClj1A, 2A, 03 (See April 20, 2012 materials)
- Item 13. LClj06 - Remove social security number requirement from concealed weapon permit application
Day 2 - June 22, 2012
- Item 4. Agency Bill Draft Proposals
- a. Office of Public Defender
- b. Department of Corrections
- c. Board of Pardons and Parole - none
- d. Department of Justice
- e. Montana Board of Crime Control
- f. Judicial Branch - none
- Item 6 - Agency Rule Review Memo- Department of Justice Notice 23-4-228
- Item 7 - Supreme Court Rules of Civil Procedure
- Item 8 - Lake County Law Enforcement Issues
- Legal Opinion - regarding open meeting laws and proxy votes taken at April meeting
- Department Justice memo to the committee
- Other materials - Attorney General letters and a Missoulian article
- Item 9 - Research request responses
- Revised Agenda
- Minutes (draft)
- Item 3. LClj21 - Clarify investigatory authority of POST
- Item 7.a. LClj06 - Reconsideration of concealed weapon permit bill draft
- Item 9. LClj325 - Study operations of the Montana Board of Pardons and Parole
- Item 10.a. Revisit or review other LJIC legislation proposals:
- LClj08 - Revise Criminal Intelligence Information Advisory Council
- LClj60 - Establish Corrections Advisory Council
- LClj61 - Eliminate report on attorney license tax
- LClj62 - Eliminate report on health care costs for medical parolees
- LClj5D3 - Statewide multi-agency reentry task force for paroled offenders at high risk of recidivism
- Item 13.a. - assign sponsors for LJIC committee bills:
- LClj2A - Suicide prevention bill draft
- LClj03 - Suicide prevention bill draft
- LClj5A - Restorative Justice bill draft
- LClj5B - Restorative Justice bill draft
- LClj5C - Restorative Justice bill draft
- LClj07 - Revise certain DOJ advisory councils and reports
- LClj09 - Eliminate racial profiling report
- LClj10 - Require DPHHS to forward child abuse reports to county attorneys
- LClj11 - Requiring 'Eminent Domain in Montana' handbook in condemnation proceedings
- LJIC bill draft requests as of September 4, 2012
- Legal Review of Rules of Board of Pardons and Parole - David Niss, Staff Attorney
HB 142 - 2011 Session
HB 142 requires each interim committee to review all statutorily established advisory councils and statutorily required reports of the committee's assigned agencies. Under these provisions, the LJIC must make recommendations to the next legislature on the retention or elimination of any advisory council or required report.
Statutorily Required Reports
Agency Report MCA Section Due Date Submitted Department of Corrections Medical Parole
(no link, sensitive info.)46-23-210 before 1 July of even-numbered years Sep 2010 Department of Justice Racial Profiling 44-2-117 periodically Sep 2010 Judicial Branch Information Technology 3-1-702 annually Sep 2010 Judicial Branch Attorney License Tax 37-61-211 annually at the first meeting of LJIC after end of fiscal year Aug 2011 Judicial Branch 41-5-2003 suspended for biennium FY2008 Office of State Public Defender Biennial Report 47-1-105 biennially Dec 2009 Statutory Advisory Councils
- See Table 1 in HB 142 Staff Report
SJR 29 - Restorative Justice Study
- SJR 29: What is Restorative Justice?
- Overview of Dept. of Justice's Restorative Justice Office
- Overview of Dept. of Corrections' Restorative Justice Programs
- Video Clips on Restorative Justice
Other Study Issues
- Jail Suicide Prevention: Review of Previous Committee Work
- Legal Memo on SORNA
- Responses to Research Requests from LJIC Members regarding Sexual Offenses
- Legal memo on Rules of Civil Procedure
- Standards for Emergency Detention and Involuntary Commitment
- Legislative Background Brief: Emergency Detention Standards: HB 365
- Legislative Background Brief: Preservation of Biological Evidence
- Concealed Weapons Permits Background Packet
- Social Host Ordinance - HB 20 Research Memo
- Eminent Domain Research Memo
- Legal Memo on HB 198 litigation
- Memorandum on drivers with medical marijuana cards
Agency Oversight
- Overview of Department of Corrections
- Overview of Board of Pardons and Parole (BOPP)
- Legislative staff research memorandum
- Legislative Audit Division recommendation on audit of Shelby private prison (CCC)
- Analysis of Montana Supreme Court Opinion in State v. Cook
- Staff Summary of Inmate Harriman's Medical/Legal History
- Overview of Department of Justice
- Overview of Board of Crime Control
- Overview of Judicial Branch
- Overview of Office of State Public Defender
- HB 142 - Review of Statutory Advisory Councils and Reports
- Performance Measures
- For Administrative Rule Review details see tab below
- For Statutorily Required Reports see tab above.
- NCSL Fall Forum - staff summary
Committee Administration
- Rules and Procedures of Interim Committees
- Welcome, Orientation, and Work Plan Decisions
- Proposed Interim Work Plan
- Adopted Work Plan - as of 9/9/11
- Legal Memo on Jurisdiction Question Arising From Lake County Issues
- Legal Analysis of Committee Public Participation Requirements and the Application of Proxy Voting Rules
Working Draft No. And Short Title
Bill No.
Final Status
LClj04 - Revise emergency detention standards HB 16 Enacted LClj5A - Authorize restorative justice sentencing HB 72 Enacted LClj5B - Restorative justice grant program under MBCC HB 71 Enacted LClj5C - Victim impact panels for state inmates HB 70 DIED LClj5D - Multiagency re-entry pilot project HB 68 Enacted LClj10 - Revise DPHHS reporting in child abuse or neglect HB 74 Enacted LClj11 - Eminent domain condemnation must include copy of handbook HB 45 Enacted LClj2A - Jail suicide prevention statewide program HB 43 DIED LClj03 - Jail suicide prevention administration under MBCC HB 69 DIED LClj06 - Info. on concealed weapon permit application to be confidential SB 37 DIED LClj07 - Revise statutory advisory councils and reports under DOJ HB 17 Enacted LClj08 - Update criminal intelligence information statutes HB 44 DIED LClj09 - Eliminate racial profiling report to the legislature SB 8 Enacted LClj60 - Establish corrections advisory council SB 9 DIED LClj62 - Eliminate report to committee on medical parole SB 51 Enacted LClj325- Request interim study of Board of Pardons and Parole SJ 3 Passed
Administrative Rule Review
Administrative rules are state agency regulations, standards, or statements of general applicability that implement, interpret, or prescribe the policy, organization, procedure, or practice of a state agency. When proposing and adopting rules or when amending or repealing rules, most state agencies must comply with theMontana Administrative Procedure Act, also known as MAPA. For more information about administrative rules, click here.
Role of the Law and Justice Interim Committee
The legislature, including the Law and Justice Interim Committee, plays a significant role in the administrative rulemaking process because the legislature is authorized to review each administrative rule prior to the rule's formal adoption. As part of this rule-review process, legal staff for the Committee notifies the Committee of any concerns about the agency's compliance with state law, including MAPA. The legal staff's notification to the Committee is usually done in the form of a memorandum. The table below lists the rules reviewed by the Committee's legal staff and provides links to memorandums presented to the Committee during the interim. David Niss at is currently the legal staff for the Committee.
The Committee is authorized to review rules or rule amendments or repeals proposed by the following agencies:
Department of Corrections Department of Justice Judicial Branch The Committee may object to a proposed administrative rule, amendment, or repeal. For a description of the Committee's authority and the objection process, click here.
The Secretary of State's Office maintains a website that provides detailed information about each rule. To view the rule addressed in a legal staff memo to the Committee, interested persons may go to that website and access the rule using the MAR Notice Number listed in the table below.
Agency Overview MAR Notice Number Staff Memo Committee
ActionDepartment of Corrections Expansion of adult community corrections contracted treatment facilities or programs 20-7-48 31 Aug 2011 none recommended Siting, establishment, and expansion of prerelease centers 20-7-49
31 Aug 2011 none recommended Department of Justice Implementing the 24/7 sobriety program
23-3-220 31 Aug 2011 informal resolution Changes to implementing 24/7 sobriety proram 23-3-220 28 Nov 2011 changes adopted Gambling control 23-16-223 28 Nov 2011 none recommended Tow truck complaint resolution 23-6-221
23-6-22428 Nov 2011 none recommended Judicial Branch Rules of Civil Procedure - Supreme Court Order No. AF 07-0157 6 Oct 2011 pending