Montana State Legislature
2013-2014 Environmental Quality Council
Reports for the EQC's HB 609, SJ 4, and SJ 15 studies are now available here.
- Representative Jerry Bennet (R)
- Representative Virginia Court(D)
- Representative Ed Lieser(D)
- Representative Bill McChesney(D) -- Vice Chair
- Representative Jeffrey Welborn (R)
- Representative Kerry White (R)
- Senator Jennifer Fielder (R)
- Senator Bradley Maxon Hamlett (D)
- Senator Jim Keane (D)
- Senator Rick Ripley (R)
- Senator Gene Vuckovich (D)
Public Members
- Mr. Scott Aspenlieder
- Mr. Dexter Busby
- Ms. Mary Fitzpatrick
- Mr. Roy Morris
Governor's Representative
- Mr. Tim Baker
- Agenda
- Minutes Log, June 19, 2013
- Minutes Log, June 20, 2013
- Memo to EQC about June meeting
- EQC members (printable list)
- Draft meeting calendar
- Interim committee rules
- Draft Work Plan
- DEQ update on Bakken permitting issues, Steve Kilbreath, DEQ
- Draft Work Plan Matrix
- SJ 15 Study of Public Land Management
— Land management by county
— PILT payments by county - Wolf Management Update
— 2013 wolf hunt proposal
— 2012 wolf hunt summary - Administrative rule review summary
- State Water Plan, Tim Davis, DNRC
- Fire Season-Water Supply
— Fire Supression Account Update, LFD, June 2013
— Fire Expenditure Summary - FY 2013, Bob Harrington, DNRC
— Forest Health Trends in Montana, DNRC
— National Significant Wildland Fire Potential Outlook
— Surface Water Supply Index Values, Jesse Aber, DNRC
— Drought Water Supply Update, DNRC - 2013 natural resource legislation summary
- Basin location and adjudication progress
- A Council Member's Guide to the Environmental Quality Council
- Agenda
- Minutes Log, September 11, 2013
- Minutes Log, September 12, 2013
- Memo to EQC about September meeting
- Final Work Plan
- Administrative Rule Review
— Rule review memo
— Combined appropriation, FAQ, DNRC
— Legislative history of combined appropriation
— Combined appropriation rule notice
— WPIC letter to DNRC
— Rule objection letter - SJ 15: Study of Public Land Management
— Survey of County Commissions
— List of counties receiving survey
— County Survey Results
— SJ 15 Primer: History and Issues
— The Mitzpah-Pumpkin Creek Grazing District: It's History and Influence on the Enactment of a Public Lands Grazing Policy, 1926-1934
— One Third of the Nation's Land - SJ 4: Study on Virginia City, Nevada City, and Reeder's Alley
— SJ 4 Memo
— Background Brief and Study Plan
— News article on Reeder's Alley history, Ellen Baumler
— Statutes that govern the Montana Heritage Commission
— Warranty Deed
— Related administrative rules
— Montana Heritage Commission minutes
— Structural problems at Reeder's Alley, IR articles
— Reeder's Alley Acquisition Proposal
— Montana Heritage Commission financial data, prepared by Legislative Fiscal Division
— Photos of Reeder's Alley tour
— About the Montana Heritage Commission (MHC)
— Virginia City and Nevada City 2013 Visitation Report, MHC
— MHC Revenues and Expenditures, FY 2013
— Business and Marketing Performance Plan for the MHC
— Virginia City and Nevada City Repairs, Maintenance and Preservation Needs, 2013 - HB 609: Study of FWP Hunting and Fishing Licenses
— FWP Funding FY 2014 and Budget Forecast, FWP
— Lost revenue to FWP by discounted or free licenses, FWP, 2012
— Montana License Fee Comparison – Resident vs. Nonresident
— Resident License Fee Comparison by State, August 2013
— Nonresident License Fee Comparison by State, August 2013
— Lost revenue to FWP by discounted or free licenses, 2012
— Youth License Discount Comparison by State, August 2013
— Youth License Package Comparison by State, August 2013
— Senior Discount License Comparison by State, August 2013
— Military License Discount Comparison by State, August 2013
— Disabled Discount License Comparison by State, August 2013
— Preliminary Recommendations for Free and Reduced Cost Licenses, Governor's Fish and Wildlife Licensing and Funding Advisory Council, September 2013 - FWP response to questions raised at June EQC meeting
- Fire Suppression Account Update, LFD, September 2013
- DNRC response to June EQC wildfire presentation
- Petroleum Tank Release Compensation Fund Budget Status Report
- Petroleum Tank Release Site Closure Update, DEQ
- State Parks and Recreation Board update, FWP
- FWP Maintenance Accounts Report
- Sage Grouse Advisory Council Update, FWP
- FWP Aquatic Invasive Species Check Station Map and Infested Boat Summary, 2013
- Basin location and adjudication progress
- Agenda
- Minutes Log, January 8, 2014
- Minutes Log, January 9, 2014
- Memo to EQC about January meeting
- HB 609: Study of FWP Hunting and Fishing Licenses
- SJ 15: Study of Public Land Management
- SJ 15 study matrix
- County survey results
- County response totals
- Speaker biographies
- 2012 Montana Mining Report, Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology
- Public Land Ownership in Montana, 2013, Montana State Library
- SJ 4 Work Group Report: Study of Virginia City, Nevada City, and Reeder's Alley Update
- Septic Inspection at Time of Transfer
- Administrative Rule Review
- Integrated Waste Management Plan, 2013 Update, DEQ
- Petroleum Tank Release Compensation Fund Budget Status Report
- Clean Water Act
- Definition of "Waters of the United States", EPA
- Connectivity of Streams and Wetlands to Downstream Waters, EPA draft report, December 2013
- Trust land cabin site update, DNRC
- Compliance and Enforcement Reports
- Block Management Program Performance Audit, October 2013
- Great Sage-Grouse Draft Habitat Conservation Strategy
- Operating Procedures for the Interagency Bison Management Plan, November 2013
- Jurisdiction over wild bison from Yellowstone National Park
- Fort Smith Water Supply
- Instream flow leasing report, 2013, FWP
- Basin location and adjudication progress, DNRC
- Agenda
- Minutes Log, March 19, 2014
- Minutes Log, March 20, 2014
- Memo to EQC about March meeting
- CSKT Water Compact Analysis Proposal
- Report on the Proposed CSKT Water Rights Compact
- CSKT Compact FAQ's
- HB 609: Study of FWP Hunting and Fishing Licenses
- Pittman-Robertson funding brochure, LSD
- Fish and Wildlife Licensing and Funding Advisory Council
- SJ 15: Study of Public Land Management
- Memo from EQC staff on local interaction with federal land management agecies
- Coordination between the Forest Service and County Governments, USFS
- BLM Guide to Cooperating Agency Relationships
- Legal Memo on County Growth Policies and Coordination and Cooperation with Federal Land Management Agency Environmental Review and Planning Processes, Todd Everts, LSD
- Legal Memo on Coordination Status of Montana State and Local Governments Under the Federal Land Policy and Management Act of 1976 and the Multiple-Use Sustained Yield Act of 1960, Todd Everts, LSD
- Legal Memo on Cooperating Agency Status Under the National Environmental Policy Act and Coordinating Agency Status Under the Federal Land Policy and Management Act of 1976 and the Multiple-Use Sustained Yield Act of 1960, Todd Everts, LSD
- SJ 15 study matrix
- County survey results
- Proposed Dana Ranch Land Exchange Scoping Notice, DNRC
- FWP 2013 Forest Inventory and Sustainable Yield Calculation
- Greater Sage-grouse Habitat Conservation Strategy, January 2014
- Administrative Rule Review
- DEQ rule proposals:
- Renewable Resource Grant and Loan Program update, DNRC
- Basin location and adjudication progress, DNRC
- Pondera Colony Grizzly Bear Conflict Prevention and Management, FWP
- Agency Litigation Updates
- Members
- Minutes Log
- Agenda
- SJR 4
- Bill draft (for discussion purposes; not a final draft)
- MHC funding source options
- Agenda
- Minutes Log, May 14, 2014
- Minutes Log, May 15, 2014
- Memo to EQC about May meeting
- Administrative Rule Review
- Natural resource trends memo SJ 4: Study of Virginia City, Nevada City, and Reeder's Alley
- HB 609: Study of FWP Hunting and Fishing Licenses
- SJ 15: Study of Public Land Management
- Montana Gray Wolf Conservation and Management 2013 Annual Report
- Grizzly Bear Management Plan for Western Montana
- Grizzly Bear Management Plan for SW Montana
- Basin location and adjudication progress, DNRC
- Members
- Agenda
- Minutes Log
- Draft SJ 15 study findings and recommendations for discussion
- Continuing study of federal land management issues in Montana
- Letter to counties on identification of forest restoration projects
- County forest restoration project responses received to date
- Selected state entities addressing federal land management
- SJ 15 study matrix
- County survey results
- County response totals
- SJ 15
- Members
- Agenda
- Minutes Log
- Draft SJ 15 study
- Possible legislation
- An act establishing a submittee to study federal land management
- Continuing study of federal land management issues in Montana
- Letter to counties on identification of forest restoration projects
- County forest restoration project responses received to date
- Selected state entities addressing federal land management
- SJ 15 study matrix
- County survey results
- County response totals
- SJ 15
- Members
- Agenda
- Minutes Log
- Index to SJ 15 additional materials
- Index to SJ 15 speakers
- Bill draft for discussion - LCFED1
- Percentage of selected federal land:
- Bill draft for discussion - LCFED2
- Draft SJ 15 study findings and recommendations for discussion
- Continuing study of federal land management issues in Montana
- Letter to counties on identification of forest restoration projects
- County forest restoration project responses received to date
- Selected state entities addressing federal land management
- SJ 15 study matrix
- County survey results
- County response totals
- SJ 15
- Agenda
- Minutes Log, July 9, 2014
- Minutes Log, July 10, 2014
- Memo to EQC about July meeting
- Administrative rule review
- SJ 15: Study of Public Land Management
- Draft report
- Bill draft - LCFED1
- Percentage of selected federal land:
- Bill draft - LCFED2
- Continuing study of federal land management issues in Montana
- HB 609: Study of FWP Hunting and Fishing Licenses
- Clean Water Act
- Memo on proposed EPA air quality rules, LEPO
- SB 369 cabin and home site sale report, DNRC
- Land banking report, DNRC
- Brine contamination in and near the East Poplar Oil Field, Fort Peck Indian Reservation, USGS
- Petroleum tank release program
- State Parks update
- SJ 4: Study of Virginia City, Nevada City, and Reeder's Alley
- State water plan recommendations development reports
- Clark Fork River Basin Task Force, June 2014
- Upper Missouri Basin Advisory Council, June 2014
- Lower Missouri River Basin Advisory Council, May 2014
- Yellowstone Basin Advisory Council, December 2013
- Basin location and adjudication progress, DNRC
- TMDL progress report, DEQ
- Numeric nutrient standards report, DEQ
- Agenda
- Minutes Log, September 10, 2014
- Minutes Log, September 11, 2014
- Memo to EQC about September meeting
- SJ 4: Study of Virginia City, Nevada City, and Reeder's Alley
- ETIC request for joint subcommittee on EPA carbon rule
- HB 609: Study of FWP Hunting and Fishing Licenses
- SJ 15: Study of Public Land Management
- Agency legislative proposals
- SB 369 fiscal note (cabin and home site sales)
- State assumption of dredge and fill permit program
- Statutory administrative rule review
- State water plan, DNRC
- Endangered Species Act ruling on state forest
- Basin location and adjudication progress, DNRC
- Numeric nutrient standards report, DEQ
- Searchable Index of MEPA Documents
- A Guide to the Montana Environmental Policy Act (reprinted 2017)
- Text of the Montana Environmental Policy Act (MEPA) (2015)
- MEPA Legislative History (1971-2017)
- MEPA Training for State Employees
- MEPA Training for the Public
- MEPA Model Administrative Rules
- MEPA 35 Year Overview
- A Citizen's Guide to Public Participation in Environmental Decisionmaking (2002)
- Improving the MEPA Process (2000)
- Court Cases
Links to State Agency EAs and EISs
Department Of Environmental Quality
Department Of Fish, Wildlife And Parks
Department Of Natural Resources And Conservation
Department Of Transportation
The EQC will begin to develop draft legislation based on its findings in the fall before the 2015 Legislative Session. The committee's legislative proposals will be listed here at that time.
HB 140 grew out of the EQC's study of the Department of Fish, Wildlife, and Parks' (FWP) hunting and fishing licenses. HB 140 decreased FWP's revenue-decision cycle from 10-years to 4-years, created a base hunting license, standardized discounts available to youth, senior, and disabled hunters, and allocated additional funding to the hunting access enhancement programs. The Legislature amended HB 140 to include creation of an apprentice hunting certificate. The governor signed HB 140 on May 11, 2015.
SB 64 was the result of the EQC's study of the Montana Heritage Preservation and Development Commission's (MHC) management of state-owned properties at Virginia City, Nevada City, and Reeder's Alley. SB 64 refocused the MHC's activities on management of properties already acquired and removed some statutory restrictions on how the MHC is funded and how funding may be used. The governor signed SB 64 on February 27, 2015.
SJ 2 requested an interim study of the feasibility of Montana assuming authority to administer Federal Section 404 permits required by the Clean Water Act. SJ 2 was passed and approved by the legislature.
*The complete text for any of the proposed rules listed below, including any hearing information, may be accessed by visiting and entering the MAR Notice Number in the "Search by Notice No." field in the bottom right-hand corner of the page. Additional information regarding rulemaking and the Legislature's role in the administrative rulemaking process may be accessed here. |
June 2013 Rules Summary | Sept. 2013 Rules Summary | Jan. 2014 Rules Summary |
March 2014 Rules Summary | May 2014 Rules Summary | July 2014 Rules Summary |
September 2014 Rules Summary |
Department of Environmental Quality and administratively attached entities
MAR Notice Date | MAR Notice Number* | Agency, Board or Commission | Subject | Staff Memo/Other Documents |
8/21/2014 |
DEQ | Methamphetamine cleanup (adopted) | N/A | |
8/7/2014 |
Board of Environmental Review | Montana pollutant discharge elimination system (MPDES) | N/A | |
8/7/2014 |
DEQ | Underground storage tanks - release categorization(adopted) | N/A | |
6/26/2014 |
DEQ | Subdivisions - sewage systems (postponed) *cancelled* | N/A | |
6/26/2014 |
DEQ | Hazardous waste - incorporation of federal rules by reference (adopted) | N/A | |
6/26/2014 |
Board of Environmental Review | Air quality - major source permitting (adopted) | N/A | |
6/26/2014 |
Board of Environmental Review | Air quality permit application fees (adopted) | N/A | |
4/24/2014 |
Board of Environmental Review | Sewage systems, definitions, horizontal setbacks, floodplains, plans for public sewage systems, and fees (adopted) | N/A | |
4/24/2014 |
DEQ | Subdivision applications and review, subdivision requirements, subdivision waivers and exclusions, review fees, and on-site subsurface wastewater treatment systems (adopted) | N/A | |
3/13/2014 |
DEQ | CECRA remediation - incorporation by reference - regional screening levels (adopted) | N/A | |
2/27/2014 |
Board of Environmental Review |
Air quality - incorporation by reference - publication dates (adopted) |
N/A | |
2/13/2014 |
Board of Environmental Review | Water quality - numeric nutrient standards - subsurface water quality classifications - nondegradation (adopted) | N/A | |
2/13/2014 |
DEQ | Water quality - nutrient standards variances (adopted) | N/A | |
2/13/2014 |
DEQ | Water quality - subdivisions - on-site wastewater treatment(adopted) | N/A | |
1/30/2014 |
Board of Environmental Review | Temporary water quality standards (adopted) | N/A | |
12/26/2013 | Board of Environmental Review | Reclamation - requirements for limited opencut operations (adopted) | N/A | |
12/26/2013 | Board of Environmental Review | Reclamation - in situ coal operations (adopted) | N/A | |
8/22/2013 |
DEQ | Subdivisions - fee schedules - changes in subdivision - notice of public hearing (adopted) | N/A | |
8/8/2013 |
DEQ | Underground storage tanks – notice of public hearing (adopted) | N/A | |
8/8/2013 |
DEQ | Infectious waste management – notice of public hearing (adopted) | N/A | |
6/6/2013 |
DEQ | Hazardous waste – notice of public hearing (adopted) | N/A | |
6/6/2013 |
Board of Environmental Review | DEQ circular 4 - amended notice of proposed amendment and extension of comment period (adopted) | N/A | |
4/25/2013 |
DEQ | Alternative revolving loan program - no public hearing contemplated - notice of proposed amendment (adopted) | N/A | |
4/11/2013 |
DEQ | State solid waste management – resource recovery plan - notice of public hearing (adopted) | N/A |
Department of Fish, Wildlife, and Parks and administratively attached entities
MAR Notice Date | MAR Notice Number* | Agency, Board or Commission | Subject | Staff Memo/Other Documents |
7/10/2014 |
FWP | Shooting range grants (adopted) | N/A | |
6/26/2014 |
FWP | Wolf management stamps (withdrawn) | Notice of decision | |
6/26/2014 |
FWP | Hunters against hunger program (adopted) | N/A | |
6/12/2014 |
FWP | Fish importation (adopted) | N/A | |
5/8/2014 |
FWP | Commercial use rules (adopted) | N/A | |
4/24/2014 |
Fish and Wildlife Commission | Exotic species classification (adopted) | N/A | |
3/13/2014 |
Fish and Wildlife Commission | Limiting a portion of Whitefish River to manually and electric powered watercraft (pending) | N/A | |
1/30/2014 |
Fish and Wildlife Commission | Unauthorized placement of fish into public waters (adopted) | N/A | |
11/27/2013 | Fish and Wildlife Commission | State land access tax credit (adopted) | N/A | |
10/31/2013 | Fish and Wildlife Commission | Gray wolf management - notice of public hearing (adopted) | N/A | |
9/5/2013 |
FWP | Primitive fishing access sites - notice of proposed amendment - no public hearing contemplated (adopted) | N/A | |
7/25/2013 |
Fish and Wildlife Commission | Salvage permits - notice of proposed adoption - no public hearing contemplated (adopted) | N/A | |
7/15/2013 |
Fish and Wildlife Commission |
Closing the Clark Fork River from Big Eddy Fishing Access Site to Dry Creek Fishing Access Site in Mineral County - notice of adoption of a temporary emergency rule (adopted) |
N/A | |
7/9/2013 |
Fish and Wildlife Commission | Closing the Smith River from Camp Baker to Eden Bridge - notice of adoption of a temporary emergency rule (adopted) | N/A | |
9/5/2013 |
Fish and Wildlife Commission | Recreational use on Lake Alva, Harpers Lake, and Lake Marshall - notice of extension of comment period (adopted) | N/A | |
1/17/2013 |
FWP | Recreational use on Echo Lake, Abbott Lake, and Peterson Lake - notice of public hearing (not adopted within 6-month deadline) | N/A |
Department of Natural Resources and Conservation and administratively attached entities
MAR Notice | MAR Notice Number* | Agency, Board or Commission | Subject | Staff Memo/Other Documents |
10/23/2014 |
DNRC | Water rights - hearings (pending) | N/A | |
1/30/2014 |
DNRC | Hearing examiner appointment and temporary leases (adopted) | N/A | |
12/16/2013 |
DNRC | Definition of combined appropriation - notice of public hearing (withdrawn on 1/30/2014) | ||
10/17/2013 | DNRC | Cabinsite lease site sales - notice of public hearing (adopted) | N/A | |
8/22/2013 |
DNRC | Definition of combined appropriation - notice of public hearing (withdrawn on 11/14/13) | Objection letter | |
6/6/2013 |
DNRC | Water right permitting - notice of public hearing (adopted) | N/A | |
5/9/2013 |
DNRC | Board of water well contractors’ fees - notice of public hearing (adopted) | N/A |