Local Government

The Local Government Interim Comittee met July 11-12 and completed its work for the interim. Legislation requested by the committee that will be brought before the 2019 Legislature is posted here.
- Agenda
- Minutes Log
- TIF Materials: RTIC's HJR 18 Tax Increment Finance Materials
- RTIC's TIF Bill Draft Proposals
- RTIC's HJR 18 Draft Final Report
- Public Comment
- HJ 25: Study of Municipal Fire Departments
- LCMFD3-- Second-Class Cities Fire
- LCMFD4 -- Regional Fire Authorities
- Summary Report
- Local Government Reporting to DOA
- LCLGR1 -- Changes in GAAP Requirements
- J 21: Study of EMS and Volunteer Firefighter Systems
- LCVFF1 -- Workers Comp Coverage
- LCVFF2 -- Regulation of Paramedicine
- LCpay1 -- Option of community paramedicine coverage
- LCVFF3 -- Fireworks Tax
- SJ 21 Draft Final Report
- Medical Service Providers, Licensees, Ambulance and Fire Depts. Licensed for EMS and Fire Department Relief Associations (2017)
- Ambulance Service
- Letter to Glacier County
- Local Government Single Audit Act Introduction and Overview
- LCSAA1 -- Audit Act Amendments
- Letter from DOA
- The State Role in Local Government Financial Distress -- PEW Charitable Trusts
- Affordable Housing Proposals
- LChtc1 -- Workforce Housing Tax Credit
- LChlcs -- Coal Severance Trust Fund Housing Loans
- LCahgr -- Affordable Housing Grants
- Colorado State Low Income Housing Tax Credit 2017 Allocation Report -- CHFA
- CBRE Hotels Report
- Gateway County Local Option Tax
- LCGLO1 -- Local Option Tax
- Future of Local Government Interim Committee
- LCLGIC -- Continuation of Committee
- Draft Agenda
- Minutes Log
- HJR 18 Tax Increment Finance Study
LAD Performance Audit report
- HJR 25 Study of Municipal Fire Departments
RFA bill draft
- SJR 21 Study of EMS and Volunteer Firefighter Systems
Study Review report
SB 104 (2017)
Community Health EMS handout
- Local authority to restrict fireworks
SB 44 (2015)
7-33-2212, MCA
- Regulatory basis for accounting for local governments
Department of Administration presentation
- Entitlement Share
LGIC letter to Legislative Council requesting entitlement share training for legislators
Entitlement Share Payments: 2014 Department of Revenue report to RTIC
- Tourism Impact on Gateway Communities
Park County briefing paper and presentation
- Local Government Single Audit Act
Mitchell v. Glacier County Opinion
- Land Use and Housing
Missoula Organization of Realtors report: Making Missoula Home; Path to Attainable Housing
76-3-616, MCA
76-1-601, MCA
- Draft Agenda
- Minutes Log
- SJR 21 Study of EMS and Volunteer Firefighter Systems
2009 EMS Audit Follow-up - Legislative Audit Division
Sample DNRC/County Cooperative Agreement, DNRC/Musselshell County
Montana Mutual Aid Handbook
- HJR 25 Study of Municipal Fire Department Statutes
Washington Regional Fire Authority Implementation Guide
Municipal Classification report - Legislative Services Division staff
Evolution of section 7-33-4101 - Legislative Services Division staff
- Local Government Budgeting Workshop presentation - Montana Association of Counties, Department of Administration Local Government Services Bureau
- Entitlement Share
Entitlement Share Origins - Bob Story, Montana Taxpayers Association
- DEQ Subdivision Advisory Council
HB 507 (2017)
Advisory Council October Agenda and DEQ review forms
- HB 473 Brige and Road Safety Accountability Act
Gas Tax Guidance and Template Resolutions - Montana League of Cities and Towns
- Montana State University-Extension Local Government Center
Presentation to Committee
Strategic Plan
Training Offerings
Impact of LG Center
Administrative Matters
Interim Studies
- HJR 25 study of municipal fire departments
Study Resolution
HB 534 (2017)
- SJR 21 study of emergency medical and volunteer firefighter systems
Study Resolution
Montana Emergency Medical Services report to 2016 Education and Local Government Committee - DPHHS
2007-08 Children, Families, Health, and Human Services Interim Committee EMS report: Time for a Checkup; Monitoring Health Care Services in Montana
National Fire Protection Association Journal - The Rural Fire Problem, July August 2017; "Shrinking Resources, Growing Concern"
Local Government Links
The video/audio meeting archives are still under development. However, meeting recordings are available using the interface below.
Past/Current RecordingsThe Local Government (LGIC) Interim Committee is a joint bipartisan committee of the legislature that meets between legislative sessions. The LGIC’s statutory duties include:
(1) acting as a liaison with local governments;
(2) promoting and strengthening local government through recognition of the principle that strong communities with effective, democratic governmental institutions are one of the best assurances of a strong Montana;
(3) bringing together representatives of state and local government for consideration of common problems;
(4) providing a forum for discussing state oversight of local functions, realistic local autonomy, and intergovernmental cooperation;
(5) identifing and promoting the most desirable allocation of state and local government functions, responsibilities, and revenue;
(6) promoting concise, consistent, and uniform regulation for local government;
(7) coordinating and simplifying laws, rules, and administrative practices in order to achieve more orderly and less competitive fiscal and administrative relationships between and among state and local governments;
(8) reviewing state mandates to local governments that are subject to 1-2-112 and 1-2-114 through 1-2-116; and
(9) making recommendations to the legislature, executive branch agencies, and local governing bodies concerning findings.
LGIC's liaison activities with cities and counties provides an important forum for discussion of strong, effective governance at the community and county level.
The committee's work plan outlines how it will carry out its statutory duties and assigned study, as well as describing the addtional topics the committee decided to explore.
Committee Staff:
Sonja Nowakowski, Research Director
K. Virginia Aldrich, Attorney
Jenni Carr, Secretary
Get all the latest information and news about the Interim Committees by visiting the online journal, The Interim.
The Interim Online Journal