Montana State Legislature
2011-2012 Select Committee On Efficiency in Government
The Select Committee on Efficiency in Government is joint bipartisan committee of the Legislature that will meet during the 2011-12 legislative interim. It was created by House Bill No. 642 (2011) and is commissioned to examine the efficiency and effectiveness of state government in four broad areas: budgeting; health care; technology; and natural resources.
TARYN PURDY, LFD, Budgeting Process | ||
BARBARA SMITH, LFD, Technology | ||
- Agenda (as of 11/13/2012)
- Decision Tool for Issue 2 and Issue 7
- DRAFT Final Report: HB 642 Study of Efficiency in Government - prepared by LSD and LFD staff
- Revised Agenda (as of 9/10/2012)
- Draft Final Report: HB 642 Study of Efficiency in Government - prepared by LSD and LFD Staff
- Priority Budgeting
- Montana's Budgeting Process - Taryn Purdy, Principal Fiscal Analyst, LFD
- History of Performance Budgeting in Montana - Taryn Purdy, Principal Fiscal Analyst, LFD
- Washington State Priority-Based Budgeting History - Taryn Purdy, Principal Fiscal Analyst, LFD
- Priority Budgeting for Montana - Carl Graham, CEO, Montana Policy Institute
- Medicaid Monitoring: New Questions for the Medicaid Expansion - Sue O'Connell, Research Analyst, LSD
- Health Care Legislation Proposals
- Memorandum on Health Care Licensing Reciprocity - David Bohyer, Research Director, LSD
- Review of SCEG-requested legislation and assignment of sponsors
- LC123 - Create a Medicaid pay-for-performance pilot project
- LC124 - Require DPHHS to measure outcomes for children's mental health services
- LC125 - Revise requirements of 72-hour presumptive eligibility for crisis stabilization services
- LC150 - Revise Medicaid application process
- LC151 - Create a fine for recipient of improperly transferred asset in order to qualify for Medicaid
- LC259 (LCSC21) - Interim study to investigate electronic records management by state and local government
- LC260 (LCSC20) - Clarify authority of local government to store electronic documents off-site
- LC261 (LCSC22) - Revise statutory requirements for notarization of certain documents
- Agenda
- Minutes - June 18, 2012 -- June 19, 2012
- Records Management Statutes
- Montana Electronic Records Initiative Strategic Plan 2008-2016
- Western Montana Mental Health Center's Payment Proposal
- Memorandum re follow up on DEQ meetings with Montana Mining Association & MT Bureau of Mines and Geology - Jason Mohr
Proposed Legislation
LCSC20: Clarifying where electronic records for a county may be stored
LCSC21: Requesting an interim study to investigate electronic records management
LCSC22: Revising or eliminating certain provisions that unnecessarily require a notarization
- Agenda
- Memorandum re Payment of Invoices by State Agencies by Dave Bohyer
- Memo:Job training programs
- Summary of job training programs
Health Care/Medicaid Materials
- LCSC01: Revise 72-Hour Presumptive Eligibility Program for Crisis Stabilization
-- Staff Briefing Paper: Cost Considerations for LCSC01 - LCSC02: Measure Outcomes for Children's Mental Health Services
-- Staff Briefing Paper: Cost Considerations for LCSC02 - LCSC03: Pay-for-Performance Pilot Project for Children's Mental Health Services
-- Staff Briefing Paper: Cost Considerations for LCSC03 - LCSC10: Penalty for Transfer of Assets
- LCSC11: Eliminate Unit Billing for Certain Mental Health Services
- LCSC12: Revise Medicaid Application Process
- Draft Letter on Utilization Review of Children's Mental Health Services
- Agenda
- April 9 - Natural Resources Subcommittee Meeting -- Minutes
- April 9 - Full Committee Meeting - Minutes
- April 10 - Full Committee Meeting
-- Update of Legal Review of Certain Proposed Changes to Medicaid Laws - David Niss, Staff Attorney
-- Memo on Uniform Electronic Transactions Act, Title 30, ch. 18, MCA
-- Biographies of John I. LaFave, Warren McCullough, Mark Thompson
-- Memo regarding County Fire Chief Designation by Leanne Kurtz
- Agenda
- Minutes
- Natural Resources Subcommittee Meeting
- Full Committee Meeting
- Committee Letter: Medicaid Expansion Planning
-- DPHHS Response - Committee Letter: Outcome-Based Mental Health Services Planning
-- DPHHS Response - Stakeholder comments and online input to Natural Resources Subcommittee
- Cloud Report/Multi-State Collaboration
- Statewide Network Needs and Plan
- Northern Tier Update
Full Committee - February 6-7, 2012
- Agenda
- Minutes
- Panelist Biographies
- Recommendations from the Health Care/Medicaid Subcommittee
- IT Recommendations adopted by the SCEG at the February 7 meeting
Natural Resources- February 6, 2012
Information Technology - February 7, 2012
- Agenda
- Minutes
- Agenda
- Minutes
- Meeting Materials
- Minutes
Full Committee - January 10, 2012
- Agenda
- Minutes
- REVISED Proposed Study Plan - January 2012
- Panelist Biographies
Health Care/Medicaid
- Jan. 9 Subcommittee meeting -- Agenda -- Minutes
-- Medicaid Application
-- Children's System of Care Account
-- Long-Term Care Insurance Partnerships
-- Washington's Transfer of Assets Law
-- Proposed Changes to Non-Medicaid Laws or Rules
-- Proposed Changes to Medicaid Laws or Rules
-- Legal Memorandum: Review of Certain Proposed Changes to Medicaid Law
Information Technology
- Jan. 9 Subcommittee meeting -- Agenda -- Minutes
- IT Recommendations - as updated on Jan. 10
- Consolidation Legislation and/or Statute
- Update on Transition to SMDC and FBR
Natural Resources
- Jan. 10 (Full Committee meeting) -- Agenda
-- Staff Memo Introducing Natural Resources Discussion
-- Montana Index of Environmental Permits
-- Public Comment from Van Jamison, Gaelectric - natural resource permitting
Full Committee
Health Care/Medicaid Subcommittee
- Agenda
- Draft Minutes
- Summary of Medicaid/Health Care Suggestions to Date
- Subcommittee Materials - See Health Care/Medicaid tab below
Work Plan Subcommittee
- Nov. 15 Subcommittee meeting: Minutes
October 6-7, 2011 - Capitol Building, Helena, Montana
Full Committee
Health Care/Medicaid
- Minutes
- Panelist Biographies Health Care/Medicaid Panel
- Outline of Presentation by John Chappuis
- Outline of Presentation by Rose Hughes
- PowerPoint Presentation: Performance-Based Contracting
Information Technology
- Panelist Biographies: Information Technology Panel -- Data Center Panel
Missions, Goals, and Objective Subcommittee
- Oct. 6 Subcommittee meeting: Minutes
- Agenda
- Minutes: August 22, 2011 -- August 23, 2011
- SCEG Rules and Procedures
- HB642
Information Technology
- Panelist Biographies: Technology Panel
- Panelist PowerPoint:HB642 and Technology, Dick Clark, CIO, State of Montana
- Panelist PowerPoint:Overview of Services, Shawn Beqaj, VP Gov Affairs, Cablevision (Optimum)
- Panelist PowerPoint:Technology, Darren Knipp, CTO, Perceptive Software
- Panelist Presentation: Letting Go of the Status Quo, Robert Campbell, Deloitte
- Staff Briefing Paper: Medicaid--An Overview
- Staff Briefing Paper: Medicaid Enrollment by County/City
- Panelist Biographies: Medicaid Panel
- Panelist PowerPoint: Perspectives on Medicaid, Bob Olsen, MHA
- Panelist PowerPoint: Presentation to Efficiency in Government Committee, John Goodnow, Benefis Health System
- Panelist Fact Sheet: Montana's Community Health Centers, Lander Cooney, Community Health Partners
Publications/Informational Materials
The Select Committee on Efficiency in Government is charged with looking at areas of efficiency and effectiveness in health care access, delivery, and affordability. At its August 2011 meeting, the committee created a subcommittee on Medicaid to gather more information and ideas for efficiencies in the Medicaid program. The subcommittee met four times to review suggested changes to Medicaid and other health care laws and administrative rules.
In May 2012, the full committee reviewed and took public comment on six bills drafts. Members approved five of the measures for introduction in the 2013 Legislature, after approving revisions to some of the bill drafts. The committee approved legislation to:
- revise the Medicaid application and eligibility determination process;
- impose a penalty on people who receive assets that were improperly transferred by a person who applies for Medicaid coverage of long-term care costs;
- revise certain elements of the 72-hour presumptive eligibility program for mental health crisis stabilization services;
- require the Department of Public Health and Human Services to measure and report on outcomes for children's mental health services; and
- establish a four-year effort to develop and put in place a pay-for-performance pilot project for children's mental health services.
At the May meeting, members tabled a draft bill to eliminate unit billing for certain targeted case management services. However, members later agreed to hear a revised proposal and in September 2012 approved as committee bills measures to:
- appropriate $5.7 million in state and federal funds in the next biennium to increase the reimbursement rate for children's mental health targeted case management services; and
- establish a nine-member advisory committee to work with DPHHS on developing a monthly reimbursement rate for adult and children's Medicaid mental health targeted case management services that better reflect the actual costs of providing services.
The committee also agreed to recommend to the 2013 Legislature that it limit the appropriation for utilization review of Medicaid children's mental health services to only those services for which such review is required under federal law. Members asked that DPHHS be notified of the letter so the agency was aware of the potential change as it finalized a contract for the utilization review services. DPHHS replied to the committee's letter in June.
Proposed Legislation
The committee reviewed the following bill drafts at the May 2012 meeting:
- LCSC01: Revise 72-Hour Presumptive Eligibility Program for Crisis Stabilization, May 2012
-- Staff Briefing Paper: Cost Considerations for LCSC01, May 2012 - LCSC02: Measure Outcomes for Children's Mental Health Services
-- Staff Briefing Paper: Cost Considerations for LCSC02 - LCSC03: Pay-for-Performance Pilot Project for Children's Mental Health Services
-- Staff Briefing Paper: Cost Considerations for LCSC03 - LCSC10: Penalty for Transfer of Assets
- LCSC11: Eliminate Unit Billing for Certain Mental Health Services
- LCSC12: Revise Medicaid Application Process
In September 2012, the committee also reviewed the following bills:
- LCSC13: Appropriate Funds to Increase Children's Mental Health Targeted Case Management Rates
- LCSC14: Create Advisory Committee on Cost-Based Reimbursement for Targeted Case Management Services
The committee made revisions to some of the drafts and approved all but LCSC12 for introduction in the 2013 Legislature. The final versions of the bills, along with the official "LC" number assigned to them for the session, are available on the committee's Proposed Legislation tab (see below).
- Committee Recommendations on Utilization Review
-- Letter to the 2013 Legislature, May 2012
-- Letter to DPHHS, May 2012
-- DPHHS Response: June 22, 2012 - Committee Letter: Medicaid Expansion Planning, Feb. 16, 2012
-- DPHHS Response: Feb. 29, 2012 - Committee Letter: Outcome-Based Mental Health Services Planning, Feb. 16, 2012
-- DPHHS Response: Feb. 29, 2012 - Recommendations from the Health Care/Medicaid Subcommittee: Sue O'Connell, Feb. 3, 2012
- Proposed Changes to Medicaid Laws or Rules: Sue O'Connell, January 2012
-- Legal Memorandum--Legal Review of Certain Proposed Changes To Medicaid Laws: David Niss, January 2012 - Proposed Changes to Non-Medicaid Laws or Rules: Sue O'Connell, January 2012
- Washington's Transfer of Assets Law: Sue O'Connell, January 2012
- Long-Term Care Insurance Partnerships: Sue O'Connell, January 2012
- Children's System of Care Account: Sue O'Connell, January 2012
- Medicaid Application: Sue O'Connell, January 2012
- Summary of Medicaid/Health Care Suggestions to Date, November 2011
- Medicaid--An Overview: Sue O'Connell, August 2011
-- Medicaid Enrollment by County/City - Optional Medical Services: Department of Public Health and Human Services, August 2010
Related Links and Materials
- Montana Public Health Care Redesign Project, published in June 2004 and discussed at the October 11 Meeting
- Improving Outcomes for Children and Families Through Performance-Based Contracting, Intermountain and Yellowstone Boys & Girls Ranch, PowerPoint Presented at October 2011 Meeting
- Perspectives on Medicaid, Bob Olsen, MHA: PowerPoint Presented at August 2011 Meeting
- Presentation to Efficiency in Government Committee, John Goodnow, Benefis Health System, PowerPoint Presented at August 2011 Meeting
- Montana's Community Health Centers, Lander Cooney, Community Health Partners: Information Sheet Presented at August 2011 Meeting
- August 2011 Panelist Biographies
- Performance-Based Health Care Provider Payments, National Conference of State Legislatures Brief, May 2010
- Pay-for-Performance: Colorado, National Conference of State Legislatures Brief, April 2010
- State of Washington: Statutory Limits on Self-Impoverishment in regard to Medicaid—RCW 74.39A 160, et seq
Subcommittee Information
Rep. Pat Noonan, D-Ramsay, served as chairman of the Medicaid/Health Care Subcommittee. Other members were Rep. Mark Blasdel, R-Somers; Sen. Mary Caferro, D-Helena; and Sen. Ed Walker, R-Billings.
Last Meeting: Feb. 1, 2012 -- 10 a.m. -- Room 172, State Capitol
-- Agenda -- Listen -- Watch
-- Public Comment Submitted on Materials Under Discussion:
-- Medicaid Tort Reform Pilot Project
-- Licensing of Health Care Professionals
-- Preparation for Medicaid Expansion
-- Potential Medicaid Delivery System Reforms
Previous Meetings:
-- Jan. 9, 2012 -- Agenda -- Listen -- Watch
-- Nov. 15, 2011 -- Agenda -- Listen -- Watch
-- Oct. 6, 2011 -- Agenda -- Listen -- Watch
Meeting Information
- None Scheduled
- Data Center Publication, Department of Administration
Related Links and Materials
- Legislative Fiscal Division review of the statewide IT strategic plan
- IT Recommendations, Barbara Smith, Legislative Fiscal Division
- WY News
- Government Technology article
- Five Strategies for Government, Government Technology article
- Uniform Electronic Transaction Act
- Compulsory Migration to State Data Center—Minnesota
- Document Retention—State of Montana
The Select Committee on Efficiency in Government is charged with looking at areas of efficiency and effectiveness in natural resource development, permitting, advanced technologies, and taxation. To date, it has focused on natural resource permitting in Montana. At its January 2012 meeting, the committee created a subcommittee on natural resources to gather more information and ideas for efficiencies. The subcommittee will meet for the first time in February and decide how best to focus its work.
Sen. Jim Keane, D-Butte, is chairman of the subcommittee. Other members are Sen. Ed Buttrey, R-Great Falls; Rep. Ron Ehli, R-Hamilton; Rep. Galen Hollenbaugh, D-Helena; Rep. Kathleen Williams, D-Bozeman; and; Sen. Ed Walker, R-Billings.
Natural Resources Subcommittee Meeting Information
Next Meeting: 8 a.m., April 9, 2012; Room 302, Natural Resources Building, Montana Tech, Butte
- Agenda
- Letter to Natural Resources Subcommittee: Stakeholder suggestions
- Summary grid: Suggestions to the subcommittee
Previous Meeting: March 1, 2012, Room 102 State Capitol Building
- Jason Mohr, Research Analyst, Legislative Services Division
- Sonja Nowakowski, Research Analyst, Legislative Services Division
Select Committee on Efficiency in Government Staff Reports
- Proposed Changes to Medicaid Laws or Rules, Sue O'Connell, January 2012
- Proposed Changes to Non-Medicaid Laws or Rules, Sue O'Connell, January 2010
- Washington's Transfer of Assets Law, Sue O'Connell, January 2012
- Long-Term Care Insurance Partnerships, Sue O'Connell, January 2012
- Children's System of Care Account, Sue O'Connell, January 2012
- Medicaid Application, Sue O'Connell, January 2012
- Summary of Medicaid/Health Care Suggestions to Date, November 2011
- Medicaid: An Overview, Sue O'Connell, August 2011
- Medicaid Enrollment by County/City, August 2011
- DRAFT Proposed Study Plan November 2011
- REVISED Proposed Study Plan January 2012
The committee has approved the following bill drafts for introduction as committee bills in the 2013 Legislature.
Health Care/Medicaid
- LC 123: Pay-for-Performance Pilot Project
- LC 124: Outcomes-Based Measurement for Children's Mental Health Services
- LC 125: Revise the 72-Hour Presumptive Eligibility Program
- LC 150: Revise the Medicaid Application Process
- LC 151: Create Penalty for Improper Transfer of Assets
- LC 348: Children's Mental Health Targeted Case Management Appropriation
- LC 349: Advisory Committee on Cost-Based Reimbursement for Targeted Case Management