Montana State Legislature

2013-2014 Economic Affairs Interim Committee

The EAIC 2013-2014 Final Report may be downloaded here. The HJR 25 and SJR 24 studies are included in the Final Report. The Final Report on the licensing board study is here.

  • Representative Tom Berry (R)
  • Representative Greg Hertz (R)
  • Representative Ryan Lynch (D)--Vice Chair
  • Representative Lea Whitford (D)
  • Senator Elsie M Arntzen (R)
  • Senator Dick Barrett (D)
  • Senator Tom Facey (D)
  • ​​​​​​​Senator Bruce Tutvedt (R)--Chair


House Bill No. 525 Reviews

HB 525 Study of Licensing Boards
This study requires a review of one-half of the state-regulated professional and occupational licensing boards to determine whether the boards still serve a public purpose of protecting public health, welfare, and safety. The study started in the 2011-2012 interim and will continue in the 2013-2014 interim. For more 2013-2014 information, see HB 525 Study. The reviews done in 2011-2012 are available here.  

House Joint Resolution No. 25

  • HJR 25 - Study of Select Workers' Compensation Issues
  • NCCI Presentation: Ratemaking & System Overview

Senate Joint Resolution No. 24

SJR 24 - Study of Military Training Equivalency for Civilian Jobs

Statutory Duties

Rule Review - Overview

June 2013 - August 2013 - October 2013
January 2014 - March 2014 - May 2014
July 2014 - September 2014

Agency Monitoring

Department of Agriculture -  Department of Commerce -  Department of Labor and Industry - Department of Livestock - Division of Banking/Financial Institutions - Governor's Office of Economic Development - Montana State Fund - State Auditor's Office

Member Issues
Milk Sell-By Date and Other Milk Issues
Tax Credits by Categories Loss Run Insurance

Required Reports


Staff Reports

Other Topics Adopted Work Plan


March 27, 2014, EAIC Subcommittee Meeting

March 27, 2014, EAIC Meeting

  • Agenda
  • Minutes
  • SAO's Actuarial Review of Montana State Fund; PowerPoint
    --Montana State Fund response; EAIC Letter to MSF Board
    --MSF Actuary's response
  • Agency Legislation
    Dept. of Agriculture Bills
    -- Advisory group Per Diem;
    -- Mint Committee;
    -- Noxious Weed Budget;
    -- Sampling

    Dept. of Commerce
    -- Bills: Extend Sunset Date for Economic Development;
    -- Sharing of Tax Lien/ Penalty Information
    -- Sharing of Work on Visitor Center Information
    -- Revising Montana Heritage Commission laws
    -- Reauthorizing Big Sky on the Big Screen Act
    Dept. of Labor and Industry -- Concept Summary
    -- Change Definition of "Total Unemployment" (pulled)
    -- Improve UI Collection Methods
    Revise Prevailing Wage and Align with Federal
    -- Workers' Compensation Housekeeping-
    -- Revise Boiler Inspection Charges
    -- Revise Crane Inspector Qualifications
    -- Clarify Boards' Fees Commensurate with Costs
    -- Provide for Alternative Disciplinary Process
    Board Bills:
    -- Increase Chiropractor Board Size
    -- Add License Type of "Barbering Nonchemical" 
    -- Electrical Board Exemption, Jurisdiction
    -- Engineers/Land Surveyors License Clarifications
    -- Revise Funeral Service Education Criteria
    -- Redefine Hearing Aid Dispenser Board Terms
    -- Clarify Massage Therapy License Criteria
    -- Amend Licensing for Emergency Care Providers
    -- Revise Nursing Board Membership
    -- Expand Medical Assistance Program Coverage
    -- Adopt Nurse Licensure Compact
    -- Authorize Criminal Background Checks in Nursing
    -- Require Nursing Workforce Reporting
    -- Amend Outfitter Board Qualifications
    -- Revise Journeyman Plumber Qualifications
    -- Plumber Board Exemption, Unlicensed Practice
    -- Eliminate Separate Accountant License Types
    -- Revise Real Estate Appraiser Laws
    -- Revise Realty Regulation Laws
    -- Add to Realty Unlicensed Practice Regulation
    -- Revise Social Work/Professional Counselors' Board
    Dept. of Livestock
    -- Bill: Feral hogs; pictures
    State Auditor -- Overview
    -- Securities/Insurance Housekeeping Bill
    -- Allow for Military Discount
    -- Revise Benefits Coverage for Emergency Responders
    -- Prohibit Genetic Information Discirimination
    -- Data Privacy from Event Data Recorders;
    -- Allow Electronic Delivery of Insurance Policies;
    -- Limit Lookback on Homeowners' Insurance;
    -- Close Captive Insurance Loophole;
    -- Revise/Continue "Insure Montana" Program
    -- Revise the Montana Comprehensive Health Assn.
    -- Allow Major Natural Disaster Multi-Peril Insurance 
    -- Revise External Review in Health Insurance:
    -- Adopt NAIC Model Public Adjuster Act
    -- Revise Insurance Laws for Accreditation;
    -- Create Supervisor Responsibility for Licensees (pulled)
    -_ Strengthen Protections for Elderly Montanans

    Division of Banking/Financial Services - Overview
    -- Bills: General Banking Bill; 
    -- Credit Union Bill;
    -- Mortgage Housekeeping Bill; 
    -- Nondepository Lender Bill

    -- Housekeeping and Electronic Reporting-Paying
  • Agency-Related Information for Bill Drafts
    -- Cost of Putting PAARP at DPHHS 
    -- State Fund Costs and Services Comparison
    -- State Fund Regulation Projected Costs
    -- State Fund Risk Triggers for Solvency
  • Committee-Suggested Legislation
    __ Raw Honey Bill Draft
    __ Loss-run Insurance Bill Draft
    __ Bill to move State Fund to State Auditor's Regulation; Explanation
  • Possible Committee Bills
    -- LCfrod, relating to State Auditor regulation of Montana State Fund;
    -- OSHA as a State Program
    -- Rehabilitation Benefits Revision as OK'd by LMAC
    -- Assignment of Temporary Workers' Compensation Judge
    -- Revision of Choice of Treating Physician, NCCI pricing memo
    -- Per Capita Livestock Fees
    -- Co-request with CFHHS on Revisions to Prescription Drug Registry
    -- Co-request with SAVA on Revising Interim Committee Duties
    -- Department of Labor/Industry proposed board contingency
  • Veterinary Diagnostic Lab Followup Livestock Updates minus brucella costs to producers, Draft Letter to Legislative Finance Committee, Final Letter

Proposed Committee Bills

LCpooh - Allowing raw honey sales at farmers' markets



2013 Enacted Legislation of interest to EAIC

*The complete text for any of the proposed rules listed below, including any hearing information, may be accessed by visiting and entering the MAR Notice Number in the "Search by Notice No." field in the bottom right-hand corner of the page.

Additional information regarding rulemaking and the Legislature's role in the administrative rulemaking prcess may be accessed here. Rule summaries presented to the Economic Affairs Committee are below.
June 2013 July - Aug 2013 October 2013 January 2014
March 2014 May 2014 July 2014 September 2014

Dept. of Agriculture, administratively attached entities

Notice Date MAR Notice No. Agency, Board or Commission Subject Staff Memo/Other Documents
6-12-2014 4-14-221 Department of Agriculture Increases fees for service samples for alfalfa cutter bees. June- July 2014 memo
5-8-2014 4-14-220 State Grain Lab Changes in fees May 2014 Review
2-13-2014 4-14-218 Department of Agriculture Provides phytosanitary inspections and certification plus fees  
1-20-2014 4-14-217 Department of Agriculture Corn crop commodity assessment and corn crop advisory panel March 2013 Review
1-20-2014 4-14-216 Department of Agriculture Noxious weed seed-free forage fees EAIC Letter 12
11-14-2013 4-14-215 Department of Agriculture Changes to noxious weed priorities, names Adopted 12/26
8-8-13 4-14-213 Department of Agriculture Noxious weed seed-free forage fees

July- Aug 2013

EAIC letter

8-8-13 4-14-214 Department of Agriculture Amend, adopt, repeal related to plant inspection certificates and survey costs, fees, and penalties July- Aug 2013

Dept. of Commerce, administratively attached entities

Notice Date MAR Notice No. Agency, Board or Commission Subject Staff Memo/Other Documents
6-12-2014 8-112-125 MT Heritage Preservation & Development Commission Revises procedures for comment and property sales. June- July 2014 memo
    Board of Housing Planning grant application date June- July 2014 memo
      Lodging facility use tax distribution regulations May 2014 Review
2-27-2014 8-111-121 Board of Housing Amends application process for housing tax credit program.  
2-27-2014 8-2-122 Quality Schools Adoption by reference of 2015 Biennium Quality Schools Application and Guidelines for Planning Grants March 2013 Review
1-30-2014 8-94-120 Treasure State Endowment Program Rules for grant administration, applications  
1-16-2014 8-101-119 Montana Coal Board Amends online reference and grant submission date January 2014 review
11-27-2013 8-99-118 Microbusiness Finance Program Sets maximum and minimum loan rates January 2014 review
9-19-2013 8-94-117 Dept. of Commerce Community Development Block Grant Program September- October 2013 review
6-6-13 8-94-116 Dept. of Commerce Rule updating manual regarding TSEP June 2013 review
6-6-13 8-99-115 State Tribal Economic Development Commission Rules implementing Montana Indian Language Preservation Pilot Program June 2013 review
5-9-13 8-97-112 Dept. of Commerce Repeal of Montana Capital Companies rules June 2013 review

Dept of Labor and Industry, administratively attached entities

Notice Date MAR Notice No. Agency, Board or Commission Subject Staff Memo/Other Documents
9/2/2014 24-159-78 Board of Nursing Military equivalency rule  
8/21/2014 24-165-21 Board of Occupational Therapy Provides definitions and fees related to sound and electrical modalities and topical medications; revises continuing education terms and certain qualifications. August 2014 review
8/7/2014 24-301-287 Building Codes Bureau Adopts National Electrical Code. Sets fees for renewable energy installations. August 2014 review
8/7/14 24-201-47 Board of Public Accountants Sets renewal deadline in rule. Revises rules regarding public participation, fees, definitions, use of CPA/LPA designations. Clarifies terms. Allows board discretion in review of anonymous complaints. August 2014 review
7/24/2014 24-301-286 Building Codes Updates reference to 2012 international energy, building, plumbing, mechanical, fuel gas, residential codes and 2010 sprinkler standard. Building inspection and plumbing permit fee hikes requested.  
7/10/2014 24-156-81 Board of Medical Examiners Incorporates position papers in rule for some unprofessional conduct. Revises number of times tests can be taken, adds podiatrist rule  
6/26/2014 24-183-41 Board of Prof. Engineers/Prof. Land Surveyors Revises fees, general rule revisions-- including on unprofessional conduct, plus new rules on exhibits required for surveyor applicants, and examples of engineering services incidental to the practice of architecture June- July 2014 memo
6/12/2014 24-9-285 Human Rights Commission Repeals rules no longer in use June- July 2014 memo
5/22/2014 24-177-31 Board of Physical Therapy Revises continuing education requirements  
5/22/2014 24-29-283 Employment Relations Div. Extension of review of workers' compensation utilization and treatment guides May 2014 Review
5/22/2014 24-5-247 Workers' Compensation Court General revisions to rules and specific timelines for filings. June- July 2014 memo
5/8/2014 24-210-41 Board of Realty Regulation Revises continuing education requirements May 2014 Review
5/8/2014 24-17-284 Labor Standards Bureau Update of prevailing wages May 2014 review




Board of Psychologists,

Board of Realty Regulation

Board of Nursing

Military equivalency rule May 2014 Review
4/10/2014 24-111-25 Board of Alternative Health Care Adds to formulary list that naturopaths can prescribe. Provides military equivalency rule. May 2014 Review
3/13/2014 24-121-11 Board of Barbers & Cosmetologists Provides for school status and curricula. Recognizes military equivalency March 2013 Review





Boards of Clinical Lab Scientists, Optometry, Physical Therapy, Private Security Military equivalency rule March 2013 Review
3/13/2014 24-114-34 Board of Architects/ Landscape Arch. Licensure of applicants in other states, unprofessional conduct. March 2013 Review
3/13/2014 24-201-48 Board of Public Accountants Amends experience terms and adds military equivalency. March 2013 Review
3/13/2014 24-138-69 Board of Dentistry Revises fees, mandatory certification coverage, dental auxiliary terms, limited access permits, licensing and continuing education terms. Adds military equivalency rule & dental hygiene and denturist committees. March 2013 Review
3/13/2014 24-155-4 Board of Massage Therapy Revises fees, licensure terms. Adds rules on anonymous complaints, nonroutine applications, inactive licenses, and military equivalency. March 2013 Review
2-27-2014 24-22-282 Workforce Services Div. Clarifies provisions of the incumbent worker training grant program. March 2013 Review
2-13-2014 24-11-281 Unemployment Insurance Div. Revises terms and the 6-week rule. Creates rule for work search review. March 2013 Review


2-27-2014 and


All 24-














various (Funeral Service, Medical Examiners, OccTherapists, Sanitarians, Electrical Board, Plumbers, Rad Techs, Respiratory Care, Outfitters, Pharmacists, Speech Pathologists and Audiologists, Veterinary Medicine)

Engineers/ Surveyors have brief rule referencing own practice terms under 24-183-40

Allowing military training to substitute for related licensure requirements.

Board of Dentistry proposed rules include changes to exam licensure, dental auxiliary functions, limited access permits, among other topics.

Speech Pathologists and Audiologists also are revising rules to allow for use of telemedicine.

Funeral Service also revising rules regarding transport of human remains, crematory standards, etc.

March 2013 Review
1-30-2014 24-114-35 Board of Architects & Landscape Architects Rules for military training equivalency March 2013 Review
1-16-2014 24-150-38 Hearing Aid Dispensers Increase renewal licensee fee to $1,500, military training equivalency January 2014 review




Board of Chiropractors

Board of Real Estate Appraisers

Rules for military training equivalency  
12-26-2013 24-38-280 Employment Relations Div. Provides 90-day timeline for licensing professional employer organizations, plus denial and suspension terms.  
11-27-2013 & 1-16-2014 24-154-9 24-154-10 Business Standards Div. Revises rules related to licensed addiction counselors. January 2014 review
11-27-2013 24-225-37 Board of Veterinary Medicine Revises record-keeping processes and terms for inspections, continuing education, and unprofessional conduct. January 2014 review
11-14-2013 24-26-279 Board of Personnel Appeals Clarifies cost of factfinding process and allows for a stay pending arbitration.  
10-31-2013 24-156-79 Board of Medical Examiners Revises inactive licensing and reactivation terms for doctors.  
9-19-2013 24-11-275 Unemployment Insurance Div. Regarding employer status as interested party, situations in which employer not charged for benefits paid out, definition changes. September- October 2013 review
9-5-13 24-210-38 Board of Realty Regulation Regarding account balances and information updates.  
8-22-13 24-17-277 Employment Relations Div. Prevailing wage rates. September- October 2013 review
10-31-13 24-147-35 Board of Funeral Services Corrects reference to Continuing Ed. (CE)  
7-11-13 24-147-33 Board of Funeral Services Rules amending disposition arrangements, CE.  
6-20-13 24-351-276 Weights and Measures Bur. Revises fees for measuring devices, allows split weighing.

EAIC Letter

Other state charges 1, 2

July-Aug 2013

6-6-13 24-222-23 Board of Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology Rule amending supervision of aides and assistants. June 2013 review
6-6-13 24-141-36 State Electrical Board Rule increasing license fees. June 2013 review
5-23-13 24-126-33 Board of Chiropractors Rule amending "physiotherapy" definition and rules amending continuing education. June 2013 review
5-23-13 24-225-36 Board of Veterinary Medicine Rule increasing license fees. June 2013 review

Dept. of Livestock, administratively attached entities

Notice Date MAR Notice No. Agency, Board or Commission Subject Staff Memo/Other Documents
8/21/2014 32-14-253 Dept. of Livestock Updates Food Safety and Inspection Service references for meat and poultry. August 2014 review
8/21/2014 32-14-251 Dept. of Livestock Revises fees and terms related to brands August 2014 review
6/12/2014 32-14-249 Dept. of Livestock Expand designated surveillance area  
6/12/2014 32-14-248 Animal Health Revises rules related to rabies June- July 2014 memo
4/10/2014 32-14-245 Dept. of Livestock Incorporates by reference federal Food Safety Inspection Service regulations. May 2014 Review
4/10/2014 32-14-246 Brands Clarifies use of numerical markers. Repeals 2 rules for which implementing statutes were repealed. May 2014 Review
1/30/2014 32-13-236 Dept. of Livestock Reorganization and other changes proposed in some fees. March 2013 Review
12-26-2013 32-13-239 Animal Health Clarifies terms for deputy state veterinarians and brucellosis tests for imported domestic bison. January 2014 review
12-12-2013 32-13-238 Dept. of Livestock Revises references to brands, brand mortgages, certain fees, and transport permits, among others, to provide clarification and avoid redundancy. January 2014 review
10-31-2013 32-13-240 Animal Health Sets age for goats to be tested for brucellosis. Female cattle imports older than 4 months must have vaccination unless brought here for slaughter.  
8-22-13 32-13-237 Animal Health Goats entering Montana from tuberculosis or brucellosis-free states.  
6-20-13 32-13-235 Animal Health Amends definitions, other rules related to trichomoniasis testing, reporting, and certification. July -Aug. 2013
6-6-13 32-13-231
Dept. of Livestock Rules amending diagnostic laboratory fees,
Rules miscellaneous fees and brand fees.
June 2013 review
5-9-13 32-13-324 Dept. of Livestock importation of dairy steers or spayed heifers without a TB test. June 2013 review

State Auditor's Office

Notice Date MAR Notice No. Agency, Board or Commission Subject Staff Memo/Other Documents
8-21-2014 6-211 State Auditor's Office Rules on patient-centered medical homes regarding quality measures. August 2014 review
5-22-2014 6-210 State Auditor's Office Quality measures for patient-centered medical homes  
1/30/2014 6-206 State Auditor's Office Revises rules on continuing education and proposes way to ask for extension March 2013 Review
10-17-2013 6-202 Insurance Division Revisions of forms and reporting by holding company systems.  
8-8-13 6-205 State Auditor's Office Rules on patient-centered medical homes. July-Aug. 2013
7-25-13 6-203 State Auditor's Office Amendment regarding Medicare supplemental insurance. July-Aug. 2013
7-11-13 6-204 State Auditor's Office Revises appointment process for internal securities advisory group.  

Montana State Fund

Notice Date MAR Notice No. Agency, Board or Commission Subject Staff Memo/Other Documents
2-27-2014 2-55-44 Montana State Fund Provides 7-day period to submit premium credit application in contractor program. March 2013 Review
11-27-2013 2-55-43 Montana State Fund Updates underwriting manual and dividend payment terms for certain policyholders. January 2014 review

Division of Banking & Financial Institutions in Dept. of Administration

Notice Date MAR Notice No. Agency, Board or Commission Subject Staff Memo/Other Documents
8-21-2014 2-59-507 Div. of Banking and Financial Institutions Seeks to adjust credit union rules to redefine limited income person, change record retention terms, and fix terminology. August 2014 review
8-7-2014 2-59-517 Div. of Banking and Financial Institutions Provides rules for deferred deposit lenders to use Nationwide Multistate Licensing System. Sets renewal period. August 2014 review
8-7-2014 2-59-516 Div. of Banking and Financial Institutions Provides rules to transition escrow companies to use of Nationwide Multistate Licensing System. Sets renewal period. August 2014 review
8-7-2014 2-59-515 Div. of Banking and Financial Institutions Provides rules for consumer loan firms to use Nationwide Multistate Licensing System. Sets renewal period. August 2014 review
8-7- 2014 2-59-514 Div. of Banking and Financial Institutions Provides rules to transition existing sales finance companies to use of Nationwide Multistate Licensing System. Sets renewal period. August 2014 review
6-26-2014 2-59-508 Div. of Banking and Financial Institutions Temporarily revises reporting period to cut assessment. June- July 2014 review
6-26-2014 2-59-506 Div. of Banking and Financial Institutions Amends rule regarding customer records June- July 2014 review
11-27-2013 2-59-486 Div. of Banking and Financial Institutions Repeals rules related to repeal of Title Loan Act. January 2014 review
8-8-13 2-60-485 State Banking Board Application for shell banks, interim banks.  
8-8-13 2-59-484 Div. of Banking and Financial Institutions Amends bank merger application procedures.  

Governor's Office of Economic Development

Notice Date MAR Notice No. Agency, Board or Commission Subject Staff Memo/Other Documents


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