2017-2018 Environmental Quality Council

The 2017-2018 interim is complete.
At its last meeting of the interim, the EQC adopted five committee bills related to funding aquatic invasive species programs and fire preparedness, bird dog training, oversight at the Libby asbestos Superfund site, and incentives for landowners to provide public hunting access. Each of the bills may be viewed here.
- Agenda
- Minutes Log, September 12, 2018
- Minutes Log, September 13, 2018
- Memo to EQC about meeting
- Fire-related study legislative proposals
- Road closures and restrictions on state lands, DNRC
- Natural Heritage Program funding: draft EQC letter to governor and final report
- State parks program evaluation
- Proposed legislation: OHV 1 and Snowmobile 1
- Aquatic invasive species program evaluation
- Agency reports:
- Proposed legislation: LCaisr
- Dog training in upland game bird areas (LCdog 4 and draft report)
- Libby asbestos Superfund legislative proposal (LCLIB1)
- SJ 5 final report
- Administrative rule review
- HB 661 MSU lab study
- Wildlife habitat improvement program report, FWP
- Mountain sheep report, FWP
- Land Board acquisition authority
- FWP memo, March 23, 2018
- FWP memo, July 31, 2018
- Draft Attorney General opinion, Sept 2018
- LSD legal analysis, Sept 10, 2018
- Agency legislative proposals
- Private Land/Public Wildlife proposal re: landowner elk license and permit (LCELK1)
- Agenda (updated 7/19/18)
- Minutes Log, July 25, 2018
- Minutes Log, July 26, 2018
- Cover
- Montana Natural Heritage Program Tracks Plants, Animals; Searches for Funding
- SB 96 report on use of Orphan Share funds for remedial action, DEQ
- State parks program evaluation
- Legislative proposals:
- OHV1 - increasing the gas tax revenue allocated to the OHV program
- Snowmobile1 - increasing the gas tax revenue allocated to the snowmobile program
- Public comments received
- Legislative proposals:
- Aquatic invasive species program evaluation
- DNRC: 2019 Biennium Reclamation and Development Grants Program awards
- Legislative proposal:
- Public comments received
- LCaisp - revising laws related to the funding of AIS programs
- Draft report - Don't Move a Mussel: Funding the Fight Against AIS in Montana
- Bird dog regulation
- Final report: Can't Let Sleeping Dogs Lie: A Study of Bird Dog Regulations
- Legislative proposal: LCdog3
- Tracking the Spread: SJ 9 Keeps Tabs on CWD Fight
- Fire-related issues: agency response to EQC re: initial attack
- SJ 5: Coal in Montana, Changing Times, Challenging Times
- Wolf conservation and management, 2017 report, FWP
- Land banking report, DNRC
- SB 369 cabin and home site sales report, DNRC
- Administrative rule review
- Agenda
- Minutes Log, May 29, 2018
- Minutes Log, May 30, 2018
- Memo to committee
- Montana Natural Heritage Program funding options
- State parks program evaluation
- Management of Montana's State Parks System, performance audit, April 2018
- FYE 2013 parks maintenance account report, FWP
- Legislative proposals:
- OHV1 - increasing the gas tax revenue allocated to the OHV program
- Snowmobile1 - increasing the gas tax revenue allocated to the snowmobile program
- Aquatic invasive species program funding options
- Bird dog regulation
- Bad actor mining law enforcement summary, LSD
- Legislative histories
- The effects of special mule deer buck regulations on mule deer populations and harvest, 2018, FWP
- Number of mule deer bucks:100 does in surveyed hunting districts with unlimited mule deer buck permits, FWP
- Fire-related environmental indicators
- Story map (updated)
- Fire-related study topics
- 2017 number of reported fires by county, chart 20, DNRC
- 2017 number of reported fire acres by county, chart 21, DNRC
- DNRC v DOR forest designation, chart 18
- Wildland urban interface, chart 19
- Forecasted total assessment by top 15 land owners, chart 14, DNRC
- DOR top 15 assessable landowners, chart 17
- Forecasted total assessment by top 15 land owners (by parcel), chart 15, DNRC
- Forecasted total assessment by top 15 land owners (by acreage), chart 16, DNRC
- SJ 5: Coal in Montana, Changing Times, Challenging Times (draft report to the Legislature)
- Chronic wasting disease: Tracking the Spread (draft report to Legislature)
- Initiative No. 186 (I-186) re: metal mining
- Administrative rule review
- Agenda
- Minutes Log, March 21, 2018
- Minutes Log, March 22, 2018
- Memo to the EQC re: the March meeting
- Funding the Natural Heritage Program, LSD
- State Parks program evaluation addendum: enforcement, LSD
- Brochures re: eligible uses of Pittman-Robertson and Dingell-Johnson funds
- Dog training upland game bird areas
- Administrative rule review
- Fire study:
- Fire-related environmental indicators
- Memo
- Fire assessment history, DNRC
- Wildland fire protection districts map, DNRC
- Direct and co-op base rate comparison charts, DNRC
- Fire assessment comparison between all parcels and wildland only parcels, DNRC
- Current fire protection systems with additional preparedness costs, DNRC
- SJR 21 study of emergency medical and volunteer firefighter service systems: mid-interim review, LSD
- Prescribed Burning: Fires Not Gone Wild, LSD
- Prescribed burning legislation, HB 587, 2017
- Comments received
- Aquatic invasive species program evaluation:
- Letter from the state labs subcommittee re: chronic wasting disease
- Mule deer permits, SB 171, 2017
- Agenda
- Minutes Log, January 17, 2018
- Minutes Log, January 18, 2018
- Memo to EQC re: January meeting
- State parks
- Motor vehicle and tax-based funding history and forecast, LFD
- Addendum to September 2017 program evaluation, LSD
- Lands leased by the Parks Division, FWP
- House Bill 386, 2015
- Fiscal notes for 2017 legislation proposing changes to state parks' administration, LSD
- Dingell-Johnson funding brochure, LSD
- Pittman-Robertson funding brochure, LSD
- SJ 5 study: coal tax collection and distribution
- Chronic wasting disease update, FWP
- FY 2017 State Trust Lands Report, DNRC
- Natural resource agency special session impact analysis, LFD
- Agency litigation reports
- Administrative rule review
- Dog training in upland game bird areas
- Overview and history of 87-4-915(5)(a), MCA
- Public comments on FWP rule proposal
- Migratory bird depredation permit FAQ, USFWS
- Aquatic invasive species
- Fire study
- Summary of University of Idaho report: state funding for wildfire suppression in the western U.S., August 2017
- 36.10.101, ARM: classification of forest lands
- Map of Montana lands classified as forest
- Current and potential fire protection assessments, 2017, DNRC
- Fire protection assessment FAQ, DNRC
- Funding the Natural Heritage Program
- Compliance and enforcement reports
- Elimination of elk as brucellosis vector, FWP
- Agenda
- Minutes Log, September 27, 2017
- Minutes Log, September 28, 2017
- Memo to EQC re: September meeting
- State parks program evaluation
- Parks in Focus Initiative, memo from governor
- Chronic wasting disease
- Aquatic invasive species agency reports
- Hard rock mining program evaluation
- Administrative rule review
- Revision to proposed dog training permit rule and memo from DFWP Director Williams
- Grizzly bears
- Fire study
- 2007-2008 Fire Suppression Committee summary and fire protection assessments
- 2007-2008 Fire Suppression Committee recommendations and final status of legislation
- Fire protection fee, 2008, LFD
- Selected fire protection assessment MCA sections, 2017
- Fire protection assessment fact sheet, FY 2008
- Fire suppression funding, 2016, LFD
- A Brief History of the EQC and its Quest for Data and Trends, LSD
- Montana Natural Heritage Program history with the MT Noxious Weed Trust Fund
- Brucellosis-related appropriations request, June 2017
- Maps, Year-round habitat for bison EA, December 2015
- Final work plan
- Agenda
- Minutes Log, July 12, 2017
- Letter to Secretaries Perdue and Zinke re: fire-related issues
- http://webprod.legmt.gov/committees/interim/eqc/#
- Agenda
- Minutes Log, June 29, 2017
- Minutes Log, June 30, 2017
- Memo to the EQC about the June meeting
- A Council Member's Guide to the EQC
- EQC draft rules
- EQC chair and vice chair history
- Draft 2017-2018 EQC work plan
- Draft 2017-2018 work plan matrix
- SJ 5 (Coal phase-out)
- SJ 9 (Chronic wasting disease)
- Agency program evaluation materials
- Gray Wolf Conservation & Management, Annual Report 2016, FWP
- Sage grouse
- Brucellosis Management in the State of Montana
- Orphan share remedial action update, DEQ
- Cabin and home site sales report, DNRC
- Statutory administrative rule review
- Natural resource 2017 legislation summary
- Montana Invasive Species Framework
The video/audio meeting archives are still under development. However, meeting recordings are available using the interface below.
Past/Current RecordingsThe EQC is a state legislative committee created by the 1971 Montana Environmental Policy Act (MEPA). The EQC has 17 members: 6 senators; 6 representatives; 4 public members; and 1 nonvoting member who represents the Governor. The statutory duties of the Council are described in 75-1-324, MCA, of MEPA and in other sections of the Montana Code Annotated.
Committee Staff:
Joe Kolman, Legislative Environmental Analyst
Hope Stockwell and Jason Mohr, Staff
Helen Thigpen, Attorney
Nadine Spencer, Legislative Secretary
Committee Members
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