Montana State Legislature
2015-2016 Legislative Council
The Legislative Council is a statutory, bipartisan, legislative committee established in 1957. It provides ongoing leadership, direction, and foresight for the efficient operation and improvement of the Legislative Branch. It also is the administrative committee for the Legislative Services Division.
- Representative Bryce Bennett (D)
- Representative Seth Berglee (R)
- Representative Stephanie Hess (R)
- Representative Chuck Hunter (D)--Chair
- Representative Austin Knudsen (R)
- Representative Margaret (Margie) MacDonald (D)
- Senator Debby Barrett (R)--Vice Chair
- Senator Edward Buttrey (R)
- Senator Robyn Driscoll (D)
- Senator Tom Facey (D)
- Senator Bob Keenan (R)
- Senator Jon Sesso (D)
- Commonly Asked Questions About the Legislative Council - 2015
- Legislative Finance Committee
- Legislative Audit Committee
- Administrative Rule Review materials
- Interim and Administrative Committees
- Statutory Authority:
- 5-5-202, MCA - Interim Committees
- 5-5-215, MCA - Duties of Interim Committees
- Title 2, chapter 4, part 4 - Legislative Review of Administrative Rules
- Statutory Authority:
Samples from Interim and Statutory Committees:
Children, Families, Health, and Human Services Interim Committee
Examples of study driven briefing papers for CFHHS in re SB 405: Medicaid Expansion
Summary of Waiver Requests
Third-Party Administrator RFP
Examples of statutorily required or staff initiated reports and briefing papers regarding DPHHS Agency Oversight
MDC Client Status as of August 2015
SB 423 Developments through August 2015
SB 423 Registry StatisticsEnvironmental Quality Council
Cover letter that explains what EQC is doing.
DNRC flowchart and spreadsheet (also for FWP and DEQ)
Program reviews completed for September.
DNRC Ag and Grazing
DEQ Industrial and Energy Minerals
FWP Wildlife Conflict Management
Agency Program Reviews
Background: As part of its statutory oversight duties, the EQC reviews programs within
DNRC, DEQ, and DFWP (app. 0.1 FTE or 272 hours staff time each agency)
Economic Affairs Interim Committee
Briefing papers:
Department of Commerce
Governor's Office of Economic Development
Department of Livestock Budget Issues, Tax-Fee Memo
Department of Livestock Budget Summary
2013-2014 Member Issues: Milk Sell-By Date and Other Milk IssuesEnergy and Telecommunications Interim Committee
Decision package for PSC program evaluation
Work plan decision. Evaluation due in January.
Work Plan: The committee dedicated .02 FTE to a programmatic review of railcar safety.
The committee will hear from the Public Service Commission concerning the agency’s role in
railcar safety. The committee may also learn more about changes made by the 2015
Legislature with adoption of House Bill No. 61, which significantly updated railroad laws in
Montana to clarify state and federal authority over railroads. The committee work product
may include recommendations and legislation. Tasks that will be completed throughout the
interim include:
° Agency presentation
° Panel discussion including railroad industry
° Bibliography of related materials, including audits, fiscal analysis, and court decisionsWater Policy Interim Committee
Programs for possible evaluation
Water Protection Bureau Evaluation
Decision: The WPIC will dedicate 0.1 FTE toward program evaluation of executive branch program under its statutory oversight. The WPIC and its staff:
• Shall provide a summary of each executive branch program, including recent fiscal analyses, audits, and emerging issues
• Shall coordinate an overview presentation from each executive branch program
• May coordinate a panel of the regulated community
• Provide limited follow up focused on the subunits from selected executive branch programs
• Include information that may be identified by the criteria in 5-5-215(c) (Sept. 3, 2015)
- Agenda
- Minutes Log (with Exhibits)
- Legal Review Note Memo
10:30 a.m.
Room 137
Minutes Log (with Exhibits)
Interim activities and Interstate Opportunities Memo
Request for Approval for Training or Conference Funds
NCSL and CSG Committee REcommendation Forms
Minutes Log (with Exhibits linked)
Proposed Prices for Session Publications
2016-2017 Budget Operating Plans
- Program 20: Legislative Services Division
- Program 21: Interim Committees and Activities
- Program 21 Detail: Interim Committees, Activities
NCSL, CSG appointments
PNWER information
Chamber Access Policy/MOU
Interim study bills and resolutions: preference list
Interim study resolution polling information:
- Memo with poll results and staff recommendation.
- Appendix A: Preliminary Study Outlines for all study resolutions and bills
- Interim Study Funding Memo
Land Transfer
- Legislative Council Rules of Procedure for Land Transfers
- Department of Military Affairs to Miles Community College:
- Agenda
- Minutes Log and Notes from Strategic Planning Retreat
- Backgrounder on Previous Legislative Council Strategic Planning Sessions
- July 21, 2015 memorandum re Operating Plan Change, Fiscal Year 2015
- August 13, 2015 memorandum re Transfer of Reverted Feed Bill Appropriations
- Agenda
- Minutes Log (with exhibits linked)
- First mailing - 9/16/15 - documents related to Legislator Compensation (agenda item)
- History of Legislator Salaries and Per Diem - updated September 2015
- Highlights from the Legislator Survey (March 2014). (Part I is on Legislator Compensation and Salaries)
- A Study of Other Legislators: Legislator Compensation (April 2014).
- Legislator Technology Allowance form 2015-6.
- Second mailing - 10/5/15: related to agenda items
- Guidelines for Appointment of Legislators & Legislative Committees
- Documents related to Staff Compensation:
- (Legislative Staff) Broadband Classification and Pay Plan - Appendix A from the Montana Legislative Branch Administrative Manual
- Legislative Branch (Staff) Pay Administration Rules for Fiscal Year 2016
- Third mailing - 10/21/15: related to budget agenda items
- Legislative Branch Biennium Budget Comparison,
- Program 20 operating plan
- Program 21 operating plan
- Interim Committees and Activities budget (program 21)
- House Bill No. 1
- Feed Bill Fact Sheet
- Feed Bill Details
- Operating Plan memo (2011), which include related statutes, and the example of the operating plan change presented to the Council last summer
- Selected statutes related to the Legislature and budgets
- Legislative Branch FTE history
- MT SSR Project Data Sheet (9/22/15) Update 10/24/15
- Legislative Finance Division reference materials
- Legislative Branch Biennium Budget Comparison,
- Fourth mailing (10/30/15)
- TVMT materials
- Brief History - updated 11/13
- Expenditure detail - total over time and by year
- 2017 Biennium Budget for TVMT
- Audio Video Contracts
- TVMT Long-Term Planning - updated 11/12
- Televising the Legislature - HJR 18 Interim Study - 11/99
- TVMT: The Montana Channel -
Public Information Subcommittee of the Legislative Council - 12/99
- Legislative Agency Oversight materials
- Legislative Branch Oversight of State Agencies - Website containing examples from across the Branch
- Land transfer: Chinook Armory to Blaine County
- Uniform Law Commission candidates: McLean, Pinski, Lenmark, Pfeiffer, Desmond
- TVMT materials
- Agenda (Revised 2/5/16)
- Minutes Log (with Exhibits)
- Legislator compensation bills 2015: Memo
- Previous reports:
- Legislator Compensation (September 2015)
- Highlights from the Legislator Survey (March 2014). (Part I is on Legislator Compensation and Salaries)
- A Study of Other Legislators: Legislator Compensation (April 2014).
- Administrative Rules Brochure
- Memo on Administrative Rules and Separation of Powers
- Adopted Meeting Dates & Proposed Legislative Caucus & Orientation Calendar for late 2016
- Proposed 2017 Session Calendar with proposed Saturday trainings.
- Guidelines for SB 283 Constituent Services Stipend
- Guidelines for Legislative Appointments (revised 1/2016)
- HCTV Memo on TVMT
- Videoconferencing and Remote Testimony PowerPoint
- TVMT: Legislative Services List of Ideas for Expanded Use
- Rules Subcommittee (May 18 @ 9 a.m):
- Agenda
- Minutes Log
- Legislative Council Recommended Proposals Summary Table -November 2014
- Joint Rules in bill draft form
- House Rules in bill draft form
- Senate Rules in bill draft form
- Full Council Agenda (May 18 @ 1 p.m, cont. on May 19)
- Minutes Log
- Sample memo: June 3, 2015, Overview of Administrative Rulemaking and Rule Review
- Guidelines for Best Practices for Interim Committee Administrative Rule Polling
- Legislator Compensation
- SB 283 Stipend: Draft Accountable Plan for FY 18
- Overview of Montana State & Legislator Pay Information
- History of Legislator Salary & Per Diem Rates
- CSG (NCSL) certain states excerpted table 3.9: Legislative Compensation and Living Expense Allowances During Session
- CSG (NCSL) certain states excerpted table 3.10: Legislative Compensation: Other Payments and Benefits
- Article, "How Much Should State Legislators Get Paid?" (April 7, 2016)
- NCSL State Legislatures Article, "Pay Problem" (Jan 2011)
- Guidelines for Nontraditional Interim Committee Legislative Appointments
- Overview for Legislative Branch Records Management Policy Relating to Public Information Requests - includes E-mail Guidelines
- 2017 Session Calendar Options
- Remote Testimony (from 2/16)
- Full Council Agenda
- Rules Subcommittee Meeting materials:
- Agenda
- Minutes Log
- Cover Memo
- Issue Table
- Draft Joint Rules
- Draft Senate Rules
- Draft House Rules
- Rules Subcommittee Meeting materials:
- Minutes Log
- Administrative Rulemaking and Rule Review - Final Guidelines for Polling and Bill draft on potential changes
- E-mail Guidelines for Legislators Brochure
- Packet on Legislator Compensation
- Memo on TVMT Advisory Council
- Television Montana (TVMT)
- 2019 Biennium Budget documents
- Legislative Branch Biennium Budget Overview
- Program 20: Legislative Services Division Operating Plan Overview
- State Broadcasting Budget Detail (TVMT)
- MCA/Annotations Special Revenue Detail
- Market adjustment proposal
- Proposed IT Budget
- Legislative Branch Information Technology Plan
- Program 21: Interim Committees and Activities Overview, & Interstate Organization Detail
- Session Staff Pay matrix - proposed
- Session Proceedings Costs
- Annotation Pricing
- Remote Testimony: Draft policies and procedures, Draft Request Form
- Legislative Space memo (August 23, 2015 updated)
- Agenda
- Minutes Log (with Exhibits)
- Legislative Rule Proposals Table (10/21/2016)
- LC5335 Joint Rules
- LC5336 Senate Rules
- LC5337 House Rules
- Agenda
- Minutes Log (with Exhibits)
- 351 Land Transfer to City of Hamilton by Dept. of Military Affairs
- Session Prep
- Budget items
- Review of submitted branch budget
- House Bill No. 1: Feed Bill
- LC341 -2017 Feed bill format & suggested language for IT Allowance bridge to FY18
- Draft Sponsor Comments on House Bill No. 1
- Budget Summary
- Revising the constituent services stipend name and format: draft language LCLC05
- Rules Subcommittee Meeting Materials
- Table of Legislative Rules Proposals
- Representative Bryce Bennett (D)
- Representative Seth Berglee (R)
- Representative Stephanie Hess (R)
- Representative Chuck Hunter (D)--Chair
- Representative Austin Knudsen (R)
- Representative Margaret (Margie) MacDonald (D)
- Senator Debby Barrett (R)--Vice Chair
- Senator Edward Buttrey (R)
- Senator Robyn Driscoll (D)
- Senator Tom Facey (D)
- Senator Bob Keenan (R)
- Senator Jon Sesso (D)