Montana State Legislature
2013-2014 Water Policy
- Representative Pat Conell (R)
- Representative Steve Fitzpatrick (R)
- Representative Reailly Neill (D)
- Representative Kathleen Williams (D)--Vice Chair
- Senator Jennifer Fielder (R)
- Senator Bradley Maxon Hamlett (D)
- Senator Sharon Stewart-Peregoy (D)
- Senator Chas V Vincent (R)--Chair
Proposed CSKT water rights settlement
RWRCC Water Compact Report (Jan., 2014)
1855 Hellgate Treaty (March, 2014)
RWRCC memo to WPIC re: off-reservation rights, FIIP rights(March, 2014)
RWRCC proposal to CSKT (July, 2014)
CSKT Compact Techical Working Group report to WPIC(Sept., 2014)
- Resource documents referred to CSKT Compact Technical Working Group
- RWRCC analysis of Water Use Agreement (Sept., 2014)
Legal Services Office legal analysis of Ballance-Regier questions (Sept., 2014)
- EQC request to WPIC: Ballance-Regier questions (May, 2014)
WPIC staff memo on "net power revenues" (Oct., 2014)
Reserved Water Rights Compact Commission webpage on proposed CSKT settlement
NOTE: Other documents may be found on committee agenda pages, committee meeting minutes
Water rights, general
Water Rights in Montana, by Land Use and Natural Resrouces Clinic, University of Montana School of Law (Spring 2014)
"Seminar on Water Law," by Prof. Al Stone, University of Montana (1977)
"Determination of Existing Water Rights," Subcommittee on Water Rights (1978)
"Evaluation of Montana's Water Rights Adjudication Process," Saunders, Snyder, Ross & Dickson, P.C. (1988)
State water plan
Water Resources Division (DNRC) State Water Plan resource page
HJ26 (Study of ditch/canal easements)
Future of agricultural water use
Presentations by invited panelists:
Climate variability, research priorities: Kelsey Jencso, state climatologist, Montana Climate Office, University of Montana
Key stresses: Paul Stoy, assistant professor, Department of Land Resources and Environmental Sciences, Montana State University
Future supply: Tim Davis, administrator, Water Resources Division, DNRC
Resiliency of system: Marco Maneta, assistant professor, Department of Geosciences, University of Montana
- Agenda
- Minutes Log, June 17, 2013
- Minutes Log, June 18, 2013
- Memo to WPIC about June meeting
- WPIC members (printable list)
- Draft meeting calendar
- Interim committee rules
- 2013 natural resource legislation summary
- Water Supply and Climate Update, Tim Davis, DNRC
- Agricultural Statistics, Eric Sommer, USDA
- Water Supply Outlook, Mike McLane, FWP
- State Water Plan, Tim Davis, DNRC
- Basin location and adjudication progress
- Draft work plan
- Draft work plan matrix
- Water Rights in Montana
- A Guide to the Montana Water Quality Act
- Agenda
- Minutes Log, September 9, 2013
- Minutes Log, September 10, 2013
- Memo to WPIC about September meeting
- Final Work Plan
- DNRC Form 650 (HB 37) for those seeking to temporarily lease their water right
- Water-related research, Montana Water Center
- Administrative Rule Review
— Rule review memo
— Combined appropriation, FAQ, DNRC
— Legislative history of combined appropriation
— Combined appropriation rule notice
— WPIC letter to DNRC
— Rule objection letter - DNRC vs. Neal Bouma and Harold Poulsen
- Brady Water Supply Project
— Press release, DEQ
— Letter, DNRC
— News articles - Basin location and adjudication progress, DNRC and Water Court
- Water Court role in permitting
- Confederated Salish Kootenai Tribes water compact
— RWRCC letter
— Memo to committee
— CSKT questions - HJ 26: Study of Intersecting Interests of Estate Owners and Ditch Owners
- Update on Forestry Projects in Municipal Watersheds
— Gallatin National Forest
— Helena National Forest - Quantifying Instream Flow, FWP
- Agenda
- Minutes log, Jan. 6, 2014
- Minutes log, Jan. 7, 2014
- Memo to WPIC
- January water rights adjudication report (DNRC, Water Court)
- Water Transfers in the West
- Report from Western States Water Council
- Background: Water Transfers in Montana
- Update on Montana v. Wyoming water use lawsuit
- Montana complaint (2007)
- "Montana-Wyoming water trial wraps up," Billings Gazette
- Columbia River Treaty review
- Review fact sheet (U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Bonneville Power Administration)
- Review timeline
- Final recommendations to U.S. State Department
- CSKT water rights compact
- Definition of perennial stream
- Background: Natural Streambed and Land Preservation Act
- Senate Bill 334 (2013)
- House Bill 708 (2007)
- Sample 310 permit (DNRC Conservation Districts Bureau)
- Instream leasing report (Department of Fish, Wildlife and Parks)
- Future of agricultural water use
- Memo regarding Montana floodplain mapping program, federal funding
- 2013 summary of U.S. Forest Service water reservations
- Memo on Painted Rocks Reservoir bathymetry (DNRC)
May 12-13, 2014
- Agenda
- May 12 minutes
- May 13 minutes
- Memo to the committee
- Water rights adjudication report (DNRC, Water Court for May 2014)
- Administrative rule review (LSD Legal Services Office)
- Revenue Estimate Profile: Metalliferous Mines Tax (Legislative Fiscal Division)
- Documents related to proposed CSKT water rights settlement
- Letter from Gov. Steve Bullock to Ronald Trahan, CSKT Tribal Council chairman (March 31)
- Letter from Chairman Trahan to Gov. Bullock (April 17)
- Letter from EQC to WPIC (March 20)
- Request from Reps. Ballance, Regier to WPIC (April 28)
(NOTE: Additional meeting materials will be posted as those become available.)
- Agenda
- Minutes Log (June 6, 2014)
- Agenda
- Minutes log (June 25, 2014)
- Members
- Jerry Laskody email of June 18
- Kate Vandemoer email of June 12
- Resource documents referred to technical working group
- Other CSKT water rights settlement documents
- RWRCC Technical Analysis of CSKT Compact
RWRCC data files for analysis of CSKT compact modeling
To view all the files on these pages Excel and a GIS program are needed. If you have questions about accessing the data, contact Jason Mohr at 444-1640.
Compact Commission Data Files - GIS Files
To open these files, right click and Save as to your locate computer and then open with your GIS program. If you have questions about accessing the data, contact Jason Mohr at 444-1640.
- 2013_02_wua2.apr
- etrf_irr_em.dbf
- etrf_irr_em.sbn
- etrf_irr_em.sbx
- etrf_irr_em.shp
- etrf_irr_em.shx
- gagebg.aih
- gagebg.ain
- gagebg.dbf
- gagebg.sbn
- gagebg.sbx
- gagebg.shp
- gagebg.shx
- highml.aih
- highml.ain
- highml.dbf
- highml.sbn
- highml.sbx
- highml.shp
- highml.shx
- hydross_bg.apr
- isf_streams_2012.aih
- isf_streams_2012.ain
- isf_streams_2012.dbf
- isf_streams_2012.sbn
- isf_streams_2012.sbx
- isf_streams_2012.shp
- isf_streams_2012.shx
- meh_bg.aih
- meh_bg.ain
- meh_bg.dbf
- meh_bg.sbn
- meh_bg.sbx
- meh_bg.shp
- meh_bg.shx
- meh_bg.xls
- METRIC_bg_eval.apr
- modelnode_bg.aih
- modelnode_bg.ain
- modelnode_bg.dbf
- modelnode_bg.sbn
- modelnode_bg.sbx
- modelnode_bg.shp
- modelnode_bg.shx
- rdabg2.aih
- rdabg2.ain
- RDAbg2.dbf
- rdabg2.sbn
- rdabg2.sbx
- rdabg2.shp
- rdabg2.shx
- reviewmay2012bg2.apr
- wetlands.aih
- wetlands.ain
- wetlands.dbf
- wetlands.sbn
- wetlands.sbx
- wetlands.shp
- wetlands.shx
- wua_area_bg.aih
- wua_area_bg.ain
- wua_area_bg.dbf
- wua_area_bg.sbn
- wua_area_bg.sbx
- wua_area_bg.shp
- wua_area_bg.shx
Compact Commission Data Files - Compact Commission Spreadsheets
Compact Commission Data Files - HYDROSS-Runs
- dirruns.txt
- HKM_hydross_runs.xls
- Jocko Mass Balance - 2009 HIA Run 20110404.xls
- Jocko Mass Balance - Baseline Run 20100701.xls
- Jocko Mass Balance - Betterment Alt 1 Run 20110426.xls
- Jocko Mass Balance - Betterment Alt 2 Run 20110426.xls
- Jocko Mass Balance - Betterment Alt 3 Run 20110426.xls
- Jocko Mass Balance - OperImprov Alt1 Run 20110728.xls
- Jocko Mass Balance - OperImprov Alt2 RunDate20111117.xlsx
- Little Bitterroot Mass Balance - 2009 HIA Run 20111202.xlsx
- Little Bitterroot Mass Balance - Baseline Run 20110224.xls
- Mission Instream Flow and Diversion Review - OperImprov Alt1 Prelim Run20110916 (Static).xls
- Mission Instream Flow and Diversion Review - OperImprov Alt1 Prelim Run20110916 (Static).xlsx
- Mission Instream Flows and Diversions - OperImprov Alt2 RunDate20111125 (Detailed).xlsx
- Mission Mass Balance - 2009 HIA Run 20110419.xls
- Mission Mass Balance - Baseline Run 20100827.xls
- Mission Mass Balance - Betterment Alt 1 Run 20110510.xls
- Mission Mass Balance - Betterment Alt 2 Run 20110510.xls
- Mission Mass Balance - OperImprov Alt2 RunDate 20111125.xlsx
- NIR_HIA_adjustments.xls
- rundir.txt
- StIgnatiusAGRIMET_ETCalcs.xls
- Agenda
- July 8 Minutes
- Memo to the Committee
- HJ 26 Ditch Easement Study Report (WPIC Staff)
- Water rights adjudication report (DNRC, Water Court for July 2014)
- Montana Water Supply Initiative: Clark Fork and Kootenai River Basins (Clark Fork River Basin Task Force)
- Progress Toward Numeric Nutrient Standards For Montana's Surface Waters(DEQ)
- TMDL Progress Report (DEQ WQPB)
- Administrative rule review (LSD Legal Services Office)
- State water plan recommendations development reports
- Clark Fork River Basin Task Force, June 2014
- Upper Missouri Basin Advisory Council, June 2014
- Lower Missouri River Basin Advisory Council, May 2014
- Yellowstone Basin Advisory Council, December 2013
- Proposed definition of "Waters of the United States"
- Letter to committee from Montana Supreme Court
- "Water Rights in Montana," Land Use and Natural Resources Clinic, University of Montana School of Law (Spring 2014)
- Proposed U.S. Forest Service directives:
- USFS press release (May 2, 2014)
- Proposed directive for National Best Management Practices for Water Quality Protection on National Forest System Lands
- Proposed directive on Groundwater Resource Management, Forest Service Manual
- Proposed CSKT water rights settlement
- Agenda
- Minutes
- Draft report of findings (Aug. 13, 2014)
- Draft introduction to report of findings (Aug. 13, 2014)
- Resource documents referred to the TWG
- Members
September 8-9, 2014
October 29-30, 2014
The WPIC will begin to develop draft legislation based on its findings in the fall before the 2015 Legislative Session. The committee's legislative proposals will be listed here at that time.
The Environmental Quality Council performs administrative rule review for the State’s natural resource related agencies and coordinates with the Water Policy Interim Committee on water issues. For more information regarding administrative rules, please visit the Environmental Quality Council’s administrative rule review web page.