
The Education Interim Committee has concluded its work for the 2017-2018 Interim.
- Final Agenda
- Minutes Log
- Staff updates
- OPI updates and reports
- Superintendent's updates
- At-risk Student Report (Fall 2018)
- American Indian Student Achievement Report (Fall 2018)
- Critical Quality Educator Shortages (2017 OPI report to Board of Public Education)
- DPHHS Preschool report (HB 639)
- HJ 1 study - gifted and talented
- HJ 1 study - special education
- HJ 1 study - wrap-up
- Previously adopted bill drafts and LC PUPL memo
- State Financial Aid Programs
- "Building Blocks" document for LCs FAID and QELA explaining policy decisions
- LC FAID - revises state financial aid programs
- LC QELA - switches administration of Quality Educator Loan Assistance Program from Regents/OCHE to OPI
- Report on State Heritage Properties from State Historic Preservation Office
- Community College Funding Report
- Final Agenda
- Minutes Log
- Staff updates
- Board of Public Education
- Office of Public Instruction
- House Joint Resolution No. 1 - study funding of educational programs for students with special needs
- K-12 funding
- Memo explaining school funding clean-up bill drafts
- LC 307X - corrects drafting error in school major maintenance aid calculation (SB 307; 2017)
- LC O&NG - clarifies oil and gas production tax distribution related to school districts
- LC JOIN - removes irrelevant references related to special education joint boards
- LC 390X - addresses unintended consequence related to overestimated ANB increases and local taxes (HB 390; 2017)
- Retirement GTB
- SB 307 and School Safety - LC 307S memo and draft
- Memo explaining school funding clean-up bill drafts
- Memo from Subcommittee on State Financial Aid Programs
- Dual enrollment update (OCHE; slides)
- Revised work plan outline with final meeting agenda items
- Agenda (updated 3/21)
- Minutes Log
- Administrative Rule Review memo
- Making Sense of Attendance brief
- School Safety memo
- Office of Public Instruction updates
- Preschool
- Preschool policy considerations (NCSL slides)
- A Fair Start: Ensuring All Students are Ready to Learn (NCSL report)
- STARS Preschool update
- School Funding
- HJ 1 study - Funding for Special Needs
- Special Education Funding overview and graphic
- Special Education Cooperative Funding Task Force (2016)
- Possible Changes to Current Funding memo
- Career and Technical Education (CTE) and Work-based Learning
- Montana University System
- Financial Aid Overview (MUS slides)
- State Financial Aid Programs (chart with undergrad and teacher loan forgiveness programs)
- Financial Aid decision tree
- Committee work session
- Agenda
- Minutes Log
- Administrative Rule Review memo
- Montana Preschool Landscape 2017
- STARS Preschool update
- Student-Centered Learning
- SAM Leaders Professional Learning Program Executive Summary Mid-Year 2017-18
- House Joint Resolution No. 1 -- funding for educational programs for students with special needs
- Categories of Students with Special Needs from 20-9-309, MCA (graphic)
- 20-9-309, MCA
- Approaches to Funding Educational Programs for Students with Special Needs
- Gifted and Talented
- At-risk students
- What are we talking about when we talk about "at-risk students"?
- The Importance of At-risk Funding (Education Commission of the States)
- English learners
- English Learners in Montana (story map)
- State funding mechanisms for English language learners (Education Commission of the States)
- EL Guidance for School Districts (OPI)
- Educator Preparation and Licensure in Montana: Entities, Acronyms, Roles, and Duties (graphic)
- Teacher Recruitment and Retention
- Economic Outlook Seminars
- Montana University System
- Board of Regents members and bios (website)
- Board Governance Framework (slides presented September 2016)
- Montana Public Higher Ed Campus Organizational Structure (graphic)
- Dual Enrollment update
- State Financial Aid Programs
- MUS Long Range Building Program (MUS one-pager)
- EDIC Work Plan outline (for discussion and planning)
Montana State Library update
- Budget reduction handout
- Budget reduction planning slides (from MSL Commission meeting)
Montana Historical Society update
Office of Public Instruction (OPI)
- School Funding Maps
- Shared Policy Goals for Education Background and Documents
- ESSA "big picture" graphic
- ESSA plan highlights
- Full ESSA plan (public comment draft July 2017)
- Full ESSA plan (copy submitted to Governor Bullock August 2017)
House Joint Resolution No. 1 -- funding for educational programs for students with special needs
Montana University System (MUS)
Rules, Procedures, and Guidelines for Interim Committees
Committee work plan and HJ 1 information
- Draft Work Plan and Meeting Outline
- Administrative rule review overview
- House Joint Resolution No. 1 - requesting a study of funding for educational programs for students with special needs
- 20-9-309, MCA
- 2015-2016 School Funding Interim Commission final report (pages 30-38 relate to HJ 1)
- List of possible education topics
Constitutional roles of the Legislature, Board of Public Education, and Board of Regents
Recap of K-12 funding changes; impacts of state revenue shortfalls
- School Funding Commission bill draft outcomes
- Funding formula changes 2017 (rec'd viewing as ppt slide show; pdf version)
- School facilities and SB 307 (rec'd viewing as ppt slide show; pdf version)
- SB 261 Revenue Triggers and Budget Cuts Related to Education
Preschool in Montana graphic
The video/audio meeting archives are still under development. However, meeting recordings are available using the interface below.
Past/Current RecordingsThe Education(EDIC) Interim Committee is a joint bipartisan committee of the legislature that meets between legislative sessions. The EDIC’s statutory duties include review of proposed administrative rules and draft legislation, as well as completing any studies assigned to it. The committee also monitors the operations of, and provides information to, the State Board of Education, the Board of Public Education, the Board of Regents of Higher Education, and the Office of Public Instruction. As the Montana Historical Society, the Montana Arts Council, and the Montana State Library Commission are allocatedto the State Board of Education, EDIC also monitors the operation of those entities.
The committee's work plan outlines how it will carry out its statutory duties and assigned study, as well as describing the addtional topics the committee decided to explore.
Committee Staff:
Pad McCracken, Lead Staff
Laura Sankey Keip, Attorney
Jenni Carr, Secretary
Get all the latest information and news about the Interim Committees by visiting the online journal, The Interim.
The Interim Online Journal