Montana State Legislature
2015-2016 Children, Families, Health, and Human Services Interim Committee
The 2015-2016 committee's final report, "Wide Scope, Singular Focus," summarizes the activities the committee undertook as it carried out its three assigned studies and its oversight duties.
To see all the materials prepared for the committee's studies, please click on the following links for the:
- Senate Joint Resolution 22 study of guardianship and Alzheimer's disease;
- Senate Bill 418 study of legislative mental health investments; or
- House Bill 422 study of children's mental health outcomes.
The Children and Families Committee is responsible by law for carrying out interim studies and monitoring the activities of the Department of Public Health and Human Services. Senate Bill 423 in 2011 also gave the committee the responsibility of monitoring implementation of the Montana Marijuana Act, which replaced the former Montana Medical Marijuana Act.
Committee members decided in September 2015 to have only a minimal level of involvement in monitoring activities stemming from the passage this year of Senate Bill 405, to expand Medicaid to childless, nondisabled adults, and Senate Bill 411, requiring closure of the Montana Developmental Center. Two executive-branch committees made up of legislative and gubernatorial appointees and under the jurisdiction of the Department of Public Health and Human Services will be working on activities related to those two bills. The Children and Families Committee decided that those two committees could handle most oversight duties.
The committee's adopted work plan for the interim details how it will be carrying out its assigned studies and other duties.
Assigned Studies
- House Bill 422: Evidence-Based Outcomes for Children's Mental Health
- Senate Bill 418: Legislative Mental Health Objectives
- SJR 22: Guardianship/Alzheimer's Disease
Oversight Responsibilities
- House Bill 142: Review of Statutory Advisory Councils and Reports
- Review: DPHHS Statutory Councils and Reports, February 2016
- HB 142 Review of Statutory Advisory Councils and Reports for DPHHS, November 2015
- Senate Bill 423 Monitoring: Montana Marijuana Act
- Senate Bill 405: Medicaid Expansion Oversight Committee
- Senate Bill 411: MDC Transition Planning Committee
- DPHHS Administrative Rule Review
- Overview of Administrative Rulemaking and Rule Review
- Administrative Rule Report: August 2016
- Administrative Rule Report: June 2016
- Administrative Rule Report: April 2016
- Administrative Rule Report: February 2016
- Administrative Rule Report: January 2016
- Administrative Rule Report: November 2015
- Administrative Rule Report: September 2015
- Administrative Rule Report: June 2015
- Agenda
- Minutes Logs: August 25, 2017 August 26, 2017
- SB 418 Study: Legislative Mental Health Investments
- DPHHS Update: Addictive and Mental Disorders Division
- DPHHS Update: Overview of HB 47 Pilot Project Activity
- Staff Report: Draft Final Report
- Agency Oversight: Agency Reports
- Protect Montana Kids Commission Final Report
- Office of American Indian Health: PowerPoint Presentation
- Agency Legislation
- HELP Act Oversight Committee Report
- Montana Strategic Suicide Prevention Plan 2017
- 2016 Montana Suicide Mortality Review Team Report
- Health and Human Services Monitoring: Patient-Centered Medical Homes
- SJR 22 Study: Guardianship/Alzheimer's Disease
- LCCF02: Financial Protection for Vulnerable Adults
- LCCF4a: Funding for Area Agencies on Aging
- LCCF6a: Funding for Increased HCBS Waiver Slots and Reimbursement Rates
- Aug. 25 Version
- Aug. 26 Version
- DPHHS Handout: HCBS Waiver Update
- LCCF7b: Establish a WINGS Group (Appproved Aug. 25)
- LCCF8a: Requiring Reporting of Suspected Financial Abuse (Did not advance on Aug. 25)
- Agency Oversight: Legislative Staff Reports
- Administrative Rule Review
- SB 411: Montana Developmental Center Closure
- SB 423: Montana Marijuana Act
- Draft Final Report of Committee Activities
- Agenda
- Minutes Log (with exhibits)
- Agency Oversight: Staff Reports
- Administrative Rule Review
- House Bill 142 Review: Statutory Advisory Councils and Reports
- Revised LCCF11: Eliminating Certain Advisory Councils and Reports
- SB 411: Montana Developmental Center Closure
- SB 423: Montana Marijuana Act
- Agency Oversight: DPHHS Reports
- SB 418 Study: Legislative Mental Health Investments
- LCCF12: Medicaid Coverage of Drug Therapy Management
- Clinical Pharmacist Practitioner Requirements
- Draft Findings
- HB 422 Study: Children's Mental Health Outcomes
- Staff Reports:
- Speaker Materials:
- SJR 22 Study: Guardianship/Alzheimer's Disease
- LCCF02: Financial Protections for Vulnerable Adults
- LCCF08: Requiring Guardians to Report Suspected Financial Abuse
- LCCF07: WINGS Options
- LCCF7a: WINGS Conference
- LCCF7b: WINGS Group
- LCCF7c: WINGS Steering Committee
- Briefing Paper: LCCF07 Options -- Considerations and Decision Points
- LCCF3a: Statewide Alzheimer's Facilitator
- LCCF4a: Funding for Area Agencies on Aging
- LCCF5a: Grant Program for Respite Care
- LCCF6a: Funding for Increased HCBS Waiver Slots
- Briefing Paper: LCCF6a -- Considerations and Decision Points
- Preliminary Agenda
- Minutes Log (with Exhibits)
- HB 422 Study: Children's Mental Health Outcomes
- Staff Report: Database Options
- Examples of Reports from State Databases
- HB 142 Review: Statutory Advisory Councils and Reports
- LCCF11: Eliminating Certain Councils and Reports
- Staff Report: LCCF11--Explanation and Considerations
- SJR 22 Study: Guardianship/Alzheimer's Disease
- Staff Reports:
- Preliminary Bill Drafts
- LCCF02: Financial Protections for Vulnerable Adults
- Agency Oversight: Child and Family Services Division
- Staff Report: State Laws on Emergency Removal of Children
- SB 418 Study: Legislative Mental Health Investments
- Staff Report: Funding Sources for Community Services
- Speaker Materials:
- Agency Oversight: Department of Public Health and Human Services
- Administrative Rule Report
- SB 411: Montana Developmental Center Closure
- Client Status as of April 2016 (Revised May 4)
- SB 423: Montana Marijuana Act
- Preliminary Agenda
- Minutes Log -- March 10, 2016 -- March 11, 2016
- SJR 22 Study: Guardianship/Alzheimer's Disease
- Staff Report: WINGS Program
- Speaker Materials:
- HB 422 Study: Children's Mental Health Outcomes
- Staff Report: Pilot Project Elements
- Speaker Materials: Proposal for HB 422 Pilot Project
- SB 418 Study: Legislative Mental Health Investments
- Agency Oversight: Department of Public Health and Human Services
- HB 142: Summary of DPHHS Advisory Councils and Reports
- Administrative Rule Report
- SB 411: Montana Developmental Center Closure
- SB 423: Montana Marijuana Act
- Health and Human Services Monitoring
- Staff Report: Recent Legislative Action on Pain Management
- Speaker Materials: Montana Pain Patients' Bill of Rights
- Agenda
- Minutes Log (exhibits linked)
- SJR 22 Study: Guardianship/Alzheimer's
- HB 422: Children's Mental Health Outcomes
- Staff Briefing Papers:
- Speaker Materials:
- Agency Oversight: Child and Family Services Division
- Legislative Finance Committee CFSD Study Scope
- Legislative Performance Audit
- Office of the Child and Family Ombudsman Annual Report 2015
- Committee Action: Resolution Relating to the Protect Montana Kids Commission
- Agency Oversight: Staff Reports
- Administrative Rule Review
- SB 423: Montana Marijuana Act
- SB 411: Montana Developmental Center Closure
- Agenda
- Minutes Log: November 19, 2015 -- November 20, 2015
- HB 422: Children's Mental Health Outcomes
- SAMSHA Evidence-Based Practices Registry: Example
- Speaker Materials
- Measuring Treatment Programs: From Models to Evaluations, Tim Conley, Ph.D
- Health and Human Services Monitoring
- Billings Community Crisis Center, MarCee Neary, Program Director
- Psychiatric Training Track Proposal, Dr. Eric Arzubi, Billings Clinic
- SJR 22: Guardianship/Alzheimer's Disease
- Speaker Materials
- Introduction to Alzheimer's Disease and Other Dementias, Lynn Mullowney, Alzheimer's Association, Montana Chapter
- Introduction to Alzheimer's Disease and Other Dementias, Dr. Patricia Coon, Billings Clinic
- Caregiving in Montana: A Survey of Registered Voters, Claudia Clifford, AARP Montana
- Speaker Materials
- SB 418: Legislative Mental Health Investments
- Staff Briefing Papers:
- DPHHS Materials
- Materials Presented to the Mental Health Oversight Advisory Committee in October)
- Agency Oversight: Staff Reports
- Administrative Rule Report
- HB 142 Review of Statutory Advisory Councils and Reports
- SB 411: Montana Developmental Center Closure
- SB 423: Montana Marijuana Act
- Briefing Paper: Developments through Mid-November 2015
- Briefing Paper: Registry Statistics
- Legislative Performance Audit: Child Abuse and Neglect Investigations
- Tentative Agenda (Revised 9/2/15)
- Minutes Log -- September 13, 2015 Optional Pre-Meeting Discussion
- Minutes Log -- September 14, 2015
- Revised Work and Study Plans
- SB 418: Legislative Mental Health Investments
- Staff Briefing Papers
- SB 405: Medicaid Expansion
- HB 422: Children's Mental Health Outcomes
- Senate Joint Resolution 22: Guardianship Laws and Services
- Staff Briefing Paper: Overview of State Laws
- Agency Oversight: Staff Reports
- Agency Oversight: DPHHS Reports
- Agenda
- Minutes Log (Exhibits linked)
- Administrative Matters
- Draft Interim Work Plan
- Interim Studies
- House Bill 422: Children's Mental Health Outcomes
- Senate Bill 418: Legislative Mental Health Investments
- Senate Joint Resolution 22: Guardianship Laws and Services
- Agency Oversight: Department of Public Health and Human Services
- Administrative Rule Review
- Senate Bill 423: Montana Marijuana Program
- Agency Reports
- Out-of-State Placement Report for Children's Mental Health
Proposed Legislation
The committee proposed seven bills as a result of its work during the 2015-2016 interim. Committee-proposed legislation is listed below by topic, followed by DPHHS-requested legislation.
The official drafting (LC) number assigned to the approved bill drafts is listed in parentheses behind the subject of the bill. The bill's progress through the legislative process may be followed using the official LC number in the online bill-tracking system.
Committee Legislation
Following is a list of bills the committee agreed to introduce in the 2017 Legislature, by topic area.
SJR 22 Study: Guardianship/Alzheimer's Disease
- LCCF02: Financial Protections for Vulnerable Adults (LC 278)
- LCCF7b: WINGS Group and Grant Program (LC 281)
- LCCF4a: Funding for Area Agencies on Aging (LC 279)
- LCCF5a: Grant Program for Respite Care (LC 172)
- LCCF6a: Funding for Increased HCBS Waiver Slots and Reimbursement Rates (LC 280)
SB 418 Study: Legislative Mental Health Investments
- LCCF12: Medicaid Coverage of Drug Therapy Management (LC 170)
Agency Oversight: Department of Public Health and Human Services
- LCCF11: Eliminating Certain DPHHS Advisory Councils and Reports (LC 171)
The committee considered but decided against introducing the following bills:
- LCCF3a: Statewide Alzheimer's Facilitator
- LCCF8a: Requiring Guardians to Report Suspected Financial Abuse
Agency Legislation
The committee approved the following Department of Public Health and Human Services proposals for early drafting and preintroduction in the 2017 Legislature: