Montana State Legislature
2015-2016 Environmental Quality Council
About the Environmental Quality Council
The EQC is a state legislative committee created by the 1971 Montana Environmental Policy Act (MEPA). The EQC has 17 members: 6 senators; 6 representatives; 4 public members; and 1 nonvoting member who represents the Governor. The statutory duties of the Council are described in 75-1-324, MCA, of MEPA and in other sections of the Montana Code Annotated.
Public Members
Governor's Representative
Environmental Quality Council - Committee Topics
- Agenda
- Minutes Log, September 14, 2016
- Minutes Log, September 15, 2016
- Memo to EQC about September meeting
- Statutory administrative rule review
- HB 142 compliance: agency reports and councils
- DEQ legislative proposal
- Colstrip administrative order on consent
- HJ 13 draft study report and public comments
- DNRC travel management report
- DNRC legislative proposals
- Food and Ag Development Center report
- Weed coordination report
- Senate Bill 96 (Orphan Share) report
- DEQ program evaluations
- Brucellosis work plan, proposed
- FWP legislative proposals
- Agenda
- Minutes Log, July 20, 2016
- Minutes Log, July 21, 2016
- Memo to EQC about July meeting
- FWP Vision and Guide, 2016-2026
- Private Land/Public Wildlife Council legislative recommendations, FWP
- HJ 13 draft study report
- Statutory administrative rule review
- Senate Bill 96 (Orphan Share) report, DEQ
- DEQ program evaluation: Hard rock mining and major facility siting
- DNRC program evaluation: Real estate management
- Program evaluation roundup
- Land banking report, DNRC
- Cabin and home site sale report, DNRC
- Sage grouse habitat conservation program
- DNRC legislative proposals
- Department of Ag (not on agenda)
- Agenda
- Minutes Log, May 4, 2016
- Minutes Log, May 5, 2016
- Memo to EQC about May meeting
- State parks revenue trends, FWP
- Statutory administrative rule review
- Senate Bill 96 (Orphan Share) report, DEQ
- Yellowstone Club Water Quality Act violation letter, DEQ
- FWP program evaluation: Wildlife management
- Block Management Program
- HJ 13 study
- FWP lands reconciliation
- Montana Gray Wolf Conservation and Management 2015 Annual Report, FWP
- Grizzly bears
- Bison
- Governor's letter to Departments of Livestock and Fish, Wildlife, and Parks re: year-round bison range
- Agenda
- Minutes Log, March 9, 2016
- Minutes Log, March 10, 2016
- Memo to EQC about March meeting
- 111(d) Subcommittee draft letter to the attorney general
- Senate Bill 96 (Orphan Share) report, DEQ
- Statutory administrative rule review
- FWP program evaluation: Habitat Management
- Montana Environmental Indicators
- Cover memo
- Urban/rural populations
- Subdivisions
- Timber growth and mortality
- Plant species at risk
- Energy consumption by sector
- Agency litigation reports
- HJ 13 Study
- Agency compliance and enforcement reports
- DNRC program evaluation: Forest Management
- Food and Ag Development Center, Dept. of Ag (not on agenda)
- Weed coordination report, Dept. of Ag (not on agenda)
- Agenda
- Minutes Log, January 13, 2016
- Minutes Log, January 14, 2016
- Memo to EQC about January meeting
- Statutory administrative rule review
- Sage grouse conservation
- National funding summary
- Related acronyms
- EQC letter re: translocation of sage grouse
- Colstrip materials
- Washington State
- Oregon
- Orphan Share remedial action report, DEQ
- Petroleum tank release site closure update, DEQ
- FWP program evaluation: Hunting access
- Shoulder seasons, FWP
- HJ 13 Study: Roads, Land, and Big Game Harvest
- DNRC program evaluation: Minerals management
- Year-round habitat for Yellowstone bison - EA decision
- State Parks program update
- Cover memo
- Final strategic plan
- Facility condition inventory Phase I memo
- Facility condition inventory Phase II memo
- Peer analysis report
- Lands policy
- Classification and prioritization policy
- FWP program evaluation: Nongame, threatened, and endangered species
- Food and Ag Development Center FY 2015 Annual Report, Dept. of Ag (not on agenda)
- Weed coordination report, Dept. of Ag (not on agenda)
- Agenda
- Minutes Log, September 9, 2015
- Minutes Log, September 10, 2015
- Memo to EQC about September meeting
- Statutory administrative rule review
- DNRC program evaluation: agriculture and grazing
- Petroleum tank release closure update, DEQ
- Orphan Share remedial action update, DEQ
- Sage grouse conservation update
- DNRC modified FTE request
- Governor Bullock BLM RMP consistency review letter
- BLM consistency review response to Governor Bullock
- Sage grouse habitat map
- Montana and BLM Greater Sage-grouse Conservation Strategy Comparison
- BLM Greater Sage-grouse Disturbance Caps
- BLM GRSG Effects Analysis Process
- MT sage grouse habitat conservation program (Executive Order No. 10-2014)
- HJ 13 study of federal roads, parcels, and access
- DEQ program evaluation: industrial and energy minerals
- FWP program evaluation: wildlife conflict management
- Cabin and home site sales report, DNRC
- Noxious weed coordination report, Dept. of Ag
- EQC work plan, September 2015
- HJ 13 draft survey questions
- Food and Agriculture Development Center Program update, Dept. of Ag
Proposed Rules - 2015-16 Interim
MAR Notice Date | MAR Notice Number* | Agency, Board or Commission | Subject | Staff Memo/Other Documents |
2/12/2015 | 17-368 | DEQ | Hazardous waste registration (adopted) | N/A |
2/12/2015 | 17-369 | BER | Air quality -- incorporation by reference (adopted) | N/A |
7/16/2015 | 17-370 | DEQ |
Vessel pump out facilities (adopted) |
N/A |
7/30/15 | 17-371 | DEQ | Asbestos control (not adopted within 6-month deadline) | N/A |
8/13/2015 | 17-372 | BER |
Air quality (adopted) |
N/A |
9/10/2015 | 17-373 | DEQ | MEPA (not adopted within 6-month deadline) | N/A |
10/15/2015 | 17-374 | DEQ | Water treatment systems and operators (adopted) | N/A |
10/29/2015 | 17-375 | BER |
Emission standards for existing aluminum plants (adopted) |
N/A |
11/12/2015 | 17-376 | BER | Reclamation -- Opencut Mining Act (adopted) | N/A |
11/25/2015 | 17-377 | DEQ | Occupational noise and air contaminants (adopted) | N/A |
12/24/2015 | 17-378 | BER | Water pollution/water quality/public water supply and sewage system requirements (adopted) | N/A |
12/24/2015 | 17-379 | BER | Subdivisions/on-site subsurface wastewater treatment/public water and sewage system requirements/solid waste management (adopted) | N/A |
12/24/2015 | 17-380 | DEQ | Subdivisions/on-site subsurface wastewater treatment (adopted) | N/A |
1/8/2016 | 17-381 | DEQ | Solid waste transportation -- oilfield exploration and production waste (adopted) | N/A |
4/8/2016 | 17-382 | BER | Major open burning source restrictions, conditional air quality open burning permits, Christmas tree waste open burning permits, commercial film production open burning permits, firefighter training, conditions for issuance or denial of permit, and general requirements for air quality operating permit content (adopted) | N/A |
5/6/2016 | 17-383 | BER |
Air quality -- averaging period for the PM-2.5 significant monitoring concentration (no public hearing contemplated) |
N/A |
7/8/2016 | 17-384 | BER |
Air quality -- incorporation by reference--publication dates and incorporation by reference and availability of referenced documents (no public hearing contemplated) |
N/A |
7/22/2016 | 17-385 | DEQ | Underground storage tanks (pending) | N/A |
Department of Fish, Wildlife, and Parks and administratively attached entities (rules proposed after 1/1/2015)
MAR Notice Date | MAR Notice Number* | Agency, Board or Commission | Subject | Staff Memo/Other Documents |
1/29/2015 | 12-439 | Fish & Wildlife Commission | Recreational use on Silver Lake, Deer Lodge County (not adopted) | N/A |
3/6/2015 | 12-440 | Fish & Wildlife Commission | Recreational use on the Blackfoot River Recreation Corridor (adopted) | N/A |
3/6/2015 | 12-441 | Fish & Wildlife Commission | Fishing contests (adopted) | N/A |
5/14/2015 | 12-442 | Fish & Wildlife Commission |
Recreational use on Silver Lake, Deer Lodge County (adopted) |
N/A |
5/28/2015 | 12-443 | Fish & Wildlife Commission | Exotic species classification (adopted) | N/A |
6/25/2015 | 12-444 | Fish & Wildlife Commission | Apprentice hunter certificate (adopted) | N/A |
7/16/2015 | 12-445 | FWP | Game damage hunts (adopted) | N/A |
10/29/2015 | 12-446 | Fish & Wildlife Commission |
State land access tax credit (adopted) |
N/A |
10/29/2015 | 12-458 | Fish & Wildlife Commission |
Removal of fishing shelter (adopted) |
N/A |
2/19/2016 | 12-459 | FWP |
Bait seining (adopted) |
N/A |
2/19/2016 | 12-460 | FWP | Aquatic invasive species (adopted) | N/A |
2/19/2016 | 12-461 | Fish & Wildlife Commission | Temporary client days on the Beaverhead and Big Hole Rivers (adopted) | N/A |
3/18/2016 | 12-462 | State Parks and Recreation Board | State Parks Public Use (adopted) | N/A |
8/2/2016 | 12-463 | FWP | Temporary emergency rule -- Bitterroot River | N/A |
Department of Natural Resources and Conservation and administratively attached entities (rules proposed after 1/1/2015)
MAR Notice Date |
MAR Notice Number* | Agency, Board or Commission | Subject | Staff Memo/Other Documents |
1/29/2015 | 36-22-162 | DNRC/Board of Land Commissioners | Conservation strategies on forested state trust lands (not adopted within 6-month deadline) | N/A |
8/13/2015 | 36-22-181 | DNRC | Water reservations (adopted) | N/A |
6/25/2015 | 36-22-186(temporary rule) | DNRC | Certification of carbon sequestration equipment -- temporary rule (adopted) | N/A |
9/10/2015 | 36-22-187 | Board of Oil and Gas | Certification of carbon sequestration equipment (adopted) | N/A |
11/12/2015 | 36-22-180 | DNRC | Controlled groundwater area -- East Helena, Montana (adopted) | N/A |
12/24/2015 | 36-22-182 | DNRC | Establishment of stream depletion zone (adopted) | N/A |
1/8/2016 | 36-22-191 | DNRC/Land Board | Grizzly bear conservation measures for Stillwater and Coal Creek State Forests (adopted) | N/A |
2/5/2016 | 36-22-184 | DNRC | Cabin Site Leasing (adopted) | N/A |
5/2/2016 | 36-22-192 | Board of Oil and Gas | Oil and gas privilege and license tax (pending) | N/A |
The EQC will begin to develop draft legislation based on its findings in the fall before the 2017 Legislative Session. The committee's legislative proposals will be listed here at that time.
Montana Environmental Policy Act -- (MEPA)
- Searchable Index of MEPA Documents
- A Guide to the Montana Environmental Policy Act (reprinted 2017)
- Text of the Montana Environmental Policy Act (MEPA) (2015)
- MEPA Legislative History (1971-2017)
- MEPA Training for State Employees
- MEPA Training for the Public
- MEPA Model Administrative Rules
- MEPA 35 Year Overview
- A Citizen's Guide to Public Participation in Environmental Decisionmaking (2002)
- Improving the MEPA Process (2000)
- Court Cases
Links to State Agency EAs and EISs
Department Of Environmental Quality
Department Of Fish, Wildlife And Parks
Department Of Natural Resources And Conservation
Department Of Transportation
Legislative Environmental Policy Office Publications
To order a printed copy of a report, please call (406) 444-3742.
- Water Rights In Montana - revised 2018
- Montana Index of Environmental Permits, 21st Edition/printing (2018)
- Full report (large pdf)
- By chapter
- A Guide to the Montana Environmental Policy Act - reprinted June 2017
- A Council Member's Guide to the Environmental Quality Council (2017)
- HJ 13: Roads, Land, & Big Game Harvest (2016)
- HJ 7: Next Generation 9-1-1 Montana's Efforts to Move Forward (2016)
- SJ 12: Net Metering in Montana --A Report to the 65th Legislature (2016)
- Considerations for the future of water rights (2016)
- Issues of water availability and supply (2016)
- SJ 2: Assuming dredge-and-fill permits (2016)
- Montana Index of Environmental Permits, 20th Edition/printing (2016)
- A Guide to Montana Water Quality Regulation (2015)
- A Citizen's Guide to Montana Energy Law (2015)
- A Guide to the Montana Environmental Policy Act - reprinted June 2015
- A Council Member's Guide to the Environmental Quality Council (2015)
- Montana Index of Environmental Permits, 19th edition/printing (2014)
- Renewables Rewards & Risks: A Look at the Impacts of Montana's Renewable Portfolio Standard (2014)
- HJR 26 Study Report: Intersecting Interests of Estate Owners and Ditch Owners (2014)
- On the Hook: The Future of Fish and Wildlife Funding in Montana (2014)
- SJR 4 Study of State-owned Properties at Virginia City, Nevada City, and Reeder's Alley (2014)
- Evaluating Federal Land Management in Montana: An identification of significant risks, concerns, and solutions (2014)
- Understanding Energy In Montana (2014)
- Pittman-Robertson Funding (2014)
- Dingell-Johnson Funding (2014)
- Water Rights in Montana (2014)
- Eminent Domain in Montana (2014)
- A Citizen's Guide to Montana Energy Law (2014)
- A Guide to Split Estates (reflects Montana law beginning Oct. 1, 2013)
Tips for printing brochure: Print landscape on 8 1/2 by 14 inch paper, 2-sided. Fold in half, then fold outside edges toward center. - A Guide to the Montana Environmental Policy Act (2013)
- A Council Member's Guide to the Environmental Quality Council (2013)
- The Exemption: To change or not to change? (2012)
- HJR 32: A Study of State Parks, Outdoor Recreation, and Heritage Resource Programs (2012)
- Public Uses and Eminent Domain (2012)
- Digging Into One Call (2012)
- Eminent Domain in Montana (2012)
- Environmental Quality Council brochure (2011-12)
- Montana Index of Environmental Permits, 18th edition/printing (2012)
- Water Policy Interim Committee brochure (2012)
- Water Rights in Montana (2012)
- A Guide to Montana Water Quality Regulation (2012)
- Permitting in Montana, DEQ -- air quality, opencut mining, wastewater (2012)
- Permitting in Montana, DNRC -- oil and gas drilling, ground water permits (2012)
- A Citizen's Guide to Montana Energy Law (2011)
- A Council Member's Guide to the Environmental Quality Council (2011)
- Boiling it Down: A study of water policy in Montana (2010)
- Harvesting Energy: An analysis of methods for increasing the use of forest and agricultural residues for biomass-based energy generation in Montana (2010)
- The Coke Can From Columbus: An analysis of methods for increasing recycling and solid waste diversion in Montana (2010)
- Montana's Energy Policy Review (2010)
- Monetary Incentives for Tourism and Recreational Access (2010)
- Montana Index of Environmental Permits, 17th edition/printing (2010)
- Conservation Easements: 20 Things Everyone Should Know (2010)
- Permitting in Montana (printable format) (2010)
- Understanding Energy in Montana (2009)
- Electricity Law Handbook (2009)
- Water Rights in Montana (2009)
- EQC Brochure (2009)
- A Guide to Montana Water Quality Regulation (2009)
- A Guide to the Montana Environmental Policy Act (2009)
- A Council Member's Guide to the Environmental Quality Council (2009)
- Trust Land Management (2008)
- Water - Montana's Treasure (2008)
- Conservation Easements: 20 Things Everyone Should Know (2008)
- Climate Change (2008)
- Petroleum Tank Release Fund (2008)
- Water Rights in Montana (2008)
- Electricity Law Handbook (2008)
- A Guide to Montana Water Quality Regulation (2008)
- Montana Index of Environmental Permits, 16th edition/printing (2008) (large pdf)
- Eminent Domain in Montana (2007)
- EQC Brochure (2007)
- A Council Member's Guide to the Environmental Quality Council (2007)
- A Guide to Split Estates (reflects Montana law until September 30, 2007)
- Financing the Administration of Montana's Trust Lands (2006)
- HJR 33 Study of Contract Timber Harvesting (2006)
- Improving the State Superfund Process (2006)
- HJR 10: Study of Wildland Fire Policy and Statutes (2006)
- Water Policy in Montana (2006)
- Split Estates: The relationship between surface and minerals (2006)
- A Guide to the Montana Environmental Policy Act (2006)
- Water Rights in Montana (2006)
- Montana Index of Environmental Permits, 15th edition/printing (2006)
- 2005-06 EQC Brochure
- A Council Member's Guide to the Environmental Quality Council (2005)
- An Informational Guide to State Debt (2004)
- Montana's Water--Where is it? Who can use it? Who decides? (2004)
- Hydrogen, Wind, Biodiesel, and Ethanol (2004)
- Montana Index of Environmental Permits, 14th edition/printing (2004)
- Understanding Energy in Montana (2004)
- Metal Mine Bonding in Montana: Status and Policy Considerations (2004)
- Zortman and Landusky Mines: Water Quality Impacts (2004)
- Electricity Law Handbook (2004)
- Water Rights in Montana (2004)
- A Guide to the Montana Environmental Policy Act (2004)
- Petroleum and Petroleum Products in Montana (2003)
- A Citizen's Guide to Public Participation in Environmental Decisionmaking (2003)
- A Guide to Montana Water Quality Regulation (2002)
- Coal Bed Methane and Water Policy in Montana (2002)
- Understanding Electricity in Montana (2002)
- A Guide to the Montana Environmental Policy Act (2002)
- Electricity Law Handbook (2002)
- Final Status of Natural Resource Legislation in the 57th Montana Legislature(2001)
- Montana Index of Environmental Permits, 13th edition/printing (2002)
- Public Benefits and Private Rights: Countervailing Principles of Eminent Domain. House Joint Resolution No. 34. Report to the 57th Legislature of the State of Montana.
- Final Report. Volume I (2000)
- Proposed Legislation. Volume II (2000)
- Public Comment. Volume III (2000)
- Eminent Domain in Montana (A brief citizen's guide)
- Improving the Montana Environmental Policy Act Process: Senate Joint Resolution No. 18. Report to the 57th Legislature of the State of Montana(2000)
- Montana Index of Environmental Permits, 12th edition/printing (2000)
- Water Policy 2000 (2000)
- Funding for Growth Policies (2000)
- Final Status of Natural Resource Legislation in the 56th Montana Legislature(1999)
- Planning for Growth in Montana: Final Report to the 56th Legislature of the State of Montana (1999)
- Compliance with and Enforcement of Montana's Natural Resource and Environmental Laws (1999)
- Montana's Revised Water Quality Monitoring, Assessment, and Improvement Program (HB 546 and TMDLs in Practice): an EQC Report to the Montana Legislature (1999)
- Montana Index of Environmental Permits, 11th edition/printing (1998)
- Status of and Alternatives for the Management of Waste Tires in Montana: Report to the 56th Legislature (1998)
- Montana's Water Policy, 1997-1998. An EQC Communique to the Montana Legislature (1998)
- Montana Department of Fish, Wildlife and Parks' Water Leasing Study. Environmental Quality Council Final Report to the 56th Legislature (1998)
- HJR 10 Compliance and Enforcement Summary Report (1997)
- HJR 10 Compliance and Enforcement Study Technical Report (1997)
- Final Status of Natural Resource Legislation in the 55th Montana Legislature(1997)
- MEPA Handbook (updated)
- Montana Index of Environmental Permits, 10th edition/printing (1996)
- Our Montana Environment. Where Do We Stand (1996)
- Report on Water Policy to the 55th Legislature (1996)
- SJR 34 Hazardous Waste Management Study (1995)
- Report on Water Policy to the 54th Legislature (1995)
- SJR 29 Water Quality Nondegradation Study (1995)
- Final Status of Natural Resource Legislation in the 54th Montana Legislature(1995)
- Transportation Energy Collaborative (1994)
- Montana Index of Environmental Permits, 9th edition/printing (1994)
- Final Status of Natural Resource Legislation in the 53rd Montana Legislature(1993)
- HJR 31 Energy Study Report (includes Montana energy law survey) (1993)
- MEPA Handbook
- Water Policy Committee: Report to the 53rd Montana Legislature (1992)
- HJR 17: Interim Study of Lakeshore Development (1992)
- Final Status of Natural Resource Legislation in the 52nd Montana Legislature(1991)
- Energy and Montana: An Overview (1991)
- SJR 19: Interim Study of Solid Waste Management (1991)
- Annual Report, Twelfth Edition: Research Issues (1991)
- Montana Index of Environmental Permits, 8th edition/printing (1991)
- Final Status of Natural Resource Legislation in the 51st Montana Legislature
- SJR 22: Interim Study on Ground Water Quality Protection and Management(1990)
- Log Scaling Study (1990)
- Rural Development Study (1990)
- Water Policy Committee: Report to the 52nd Montana Legislature (1990)
- A Study of Water Resources Research Centers and Graduate Programs in Water Resources in the United States (1989)
- Montana Index of Environmental Permits, 7th edition/printing (1988)
- Report to the 50th Montana Legislature on the Renewable Energy and Conservation Program (1987)
- Final Status of Natural Resource Legislation in the 50th Montana Legislature
- Water Policy Committee: Report to the 51st Montana Legislature (1988)
- HJR 49: Forest Practices and Watershed Effects (1988)
- Evaluation of Montana's Water Rights Adjudication Process (1988)
- Annual Report, Eleventh Edition: Research Issues (1988)
- Annual Report, Tenth Edition: Research Topics (1987)
- Montana Legislation on Hazardous Substances in the Environment: Status and Legislative Outlook (1987)
- Montana Water Policy: Innovations, Realities and Prospects (1987)
- A Montana Water Quality Program Assessment for Oil and Gas Practices, Forest Practices and Subdivisions (1987)
- Montana Index of Environmental Permits, 6th edition/printing (1987, no copies)
- Report of the Water Policy Committee to the 50th Legislature of the State of Montana (1986)
- Oil and Gas Industry Study (1986)
- Comparison of Environmental Regulation of the Oil and Gas Industry in the Rocky Mountain States and Alberta (1986)
- Montana Environmental Policy Act Review of Oil and Gas Drilling Permit(1986)
- Final Status of Natural Resource Legislation in the 49th Montana Legislature(1985)
- Report of the Select Committee on Water Marketing (1985)
- Annual Report, Ninth Edition: Montana's Water (1985)
- A Guide to the Montana Major Facility Siting Act (1985)
- Right-To-Know: A Guide to Montana's Employee and Community Hazardous Chemical Information Act (1985)
- Environmental Quality Council: Annual Report Ninth Edition. Montana's Water(1985)
- Report to the 49th Legislature on the Renewable Energy and Conservation Program (1985)
- Small Scale Hydro in Montana (1984)
- Montana Ground Water Status Report (1983)
- Annual Report, Eighth Edition (1983)
- Montana Index of Environmental Permits, 5th edition/printing (1984)
- Report to the 48th Montana Legislature on the Renewable Energy Grant and Loan Program (1983)
- Summary Proceedings: Montana Ground Water Conference: Planning a Ground Water Strategy, April 22-23, 1982
- Agency Implementation of the Montana Environmental Policy Act (1982)
- Environmental Regulations and Montana's Economy: A Public Forum, October 4-5, 1982
- Socio-Economic Impacts of Large-Scale Hard-Rock Mining (1982)
- Environmental Regulations and Montana's Economy (1981)
- Natural Resource Issues in the 47th Legislature (1981)
- Montana Index of Environmental Permits, 4th edition/printing (1981--formerly the Environmental Permit Directory)
- HJR-60: Coordination of Permit Procedures (1980)
- Promoting Industrial Growth and Diversification in Montana (1980)
- A Survey of Industry Experiences and Attitudes in Montana (1980)
- House Joint Resolution 21 (1980)
- Environmental Impact Statements: A Citizen's Brochure (1980)
- Final Report on House Joint Resolution 51: The Problems and Benefits of Mining Bentonite in Montana (1980)
- Citizen Participation in Siting Energy Facilities in Montana: Final Report, Part I. March 1, 1980
- Annual Report, Seventh Edition (1979-1980)
- Providing Science & Technology Resource Capability for the Montana Legislature (1979)
- Environmental and Natural Resource Experts for the 1979 Legislature (1979)
- Environmental Permit Directory (1978)
- Oil and Gas Leasing Program: Department of State Lands (1978)
- Environmental Impact Statements: A Citizens' Brochure (1978)
- Subdivisions and MEPA (1978)
- Montana Environmental Index (1978)
- Annual Report, Sixth Edition (1978)
- Energy and the 45th Legislature (1977)
- The Montana Environmental Policy Act: A Legal Analysis of MEPA's Role(1976) [missing pages]
- EQC Staff Report on Prevention of Significant Deterioration (1976)
- Montana Environmental Policy Planning Process (1976)
- An Ecological Analysis of the Montana Agricultural Experiment Station's Livestock Grazing Demonstration on Reseeded Surface Mine Spoils Near Colstrip, Montana (1976)
- The Transboundary Effect: Safeguarding the Poplar River in Montana (1976)
- Montana's Natural Gas Supply Crisis (1976)
- Environmental Quality Council: In the Matter of a Public Hearing Regarding Montana's Natural Gas Supply Crisis: Transcript of Proceedings (1976)
- A Report on Analyses of Periphyton Collections from the North Fork and the Middle Fork of the Flathead River (1976)
- An Algal Survey of Surface Waters in Eastern Montana Suspected to be Influenced by Saline Seep, with Special Emphasis on Salinity Indicators and Potentially Toxic Species (1976)
- Montana's Renewable Resources: Today and Tomorrow (1976)
- Montana Environmental Permit Directory (1976)
- The Montana Environmental Policy Act: The First Five Years (1976)
- Microflora of the Yellowstone River, Part III: The Non-Diatom Algae (1976)
- Microflora of the Yellowstone River, Part II: Pertubations Through Billings (1976)
- Fifth Annual Report (1976)
- Fourth Annual Report (1975)
- Montana Energy Policy Study (1975)
- Commerce Clause Considerations Relating to a "Local Power" Policy for Siting of Power Generation Facilities in Montana (1975)
- Environmental Impacts of Saline Seep in Montana (Revised 1975)
- Oversight Hearing on Implementation of the Montana Strip Mining and Reclamation Act (1975)
- Ponderosa Pines Ranch: A Subdivision Case Study (1974)
- The Potential for Solar Energy in Montana, Abstract (1974)
- The Use of Montana's Coal as an Energy Resource (1974)
- Montana Energy Policy Study: Draft Staff Report (1974)
- Subdivision in the Flathead (1974)
- Montana Land Use Policy Study (1974)
- Impact of Land Development Associated with Subdivision on Wildlife Habitat Near Lolo (1974)
- Oil and Gas Energy Resources of Montana (1974)
- Energy Flow in Montana (1974)
- Geothermal Report (1974)
- The Role of the State in Federal and Indian Land Use Decisions (1974)
- Microflora of the Yellowstone River, Part I: Microflora in the Plankton at the Confluence of the Bighorn River (1974)
- Third Annual Report (1974)
- Environmental Impact Statement Guidelines, Revised (1973)
- Second Annual Report (1973)
- Fundamentals of Energy Conservation in Buildings (1973)
- A Perspective on Subdivision Activity in Montana's Bitterroot Valley (1973)
- The Potential for Energy Conservation in Montana (1973)
- Underground Natural Resources: The Development of National Policy and Strip Mining of Coal: Unsettled Legal Problems in Montana. (Review Draft of EQC Energy /Land Use Report No. 2) (1973)
- Water and Eastern Montana Coal Development (1973)
- Eastern Montana Water Resources: Annotated Bibliography (1973)
- Impact of Land Development Associated with Subdivision on Wildlife Habitat(1973)
- First Annual Report (1972)
- Coal Development Potential in Eastern Montana (1972)
- Environmental and Legal Problems of Land Development in Montana (1972)
- House Bill 66. An act to establish a state policy for the environment and to establish an environmental quality council and setting forth its powers and duties and providing an effective date (1971)